If you get them from the crystal, you can lore them at any skill level. If you use those that are crafted you cant until you are 110. There is no difference between them.
The reason this is a concern for me, is i have two that are crafted, and I am training them with a Discord tamer, who skills are not high enough to lore them to see if they are happy.
Yes, they train like regular pets, and once trained I will transfer them to non tamer chars.
Basically these are giving non tamers the ability to control up to two nightmares (Basically same skills and stats) and I am interested to see how this plays out in pvp.
You attack player A on a lesser hiryu, and next thing you know he summons a Vollem with ball, and has it guard/attack. Surprise. Not only can you get dismounted by trained Lesser, then you get mana dumped on by this pet. Cool beans