Hello Blesh
Yea I was in that guild for a while
Okay heres so far my thoughts on uo as of now
Well 1st wasnt too hard to relearn the game(had to get use to the new client but more on that in a sec)
Prices are so blown up I can only imagine that what? mongbats are dropping 100k per kill now?
((450k for Verite armor is ludicrious))
People are now replaced by spambots... Im almost sure of this
Brit's as barren as Paris Hiltons Thought process
The NEW enhanced client: Well it has alot of nice things and some of the ground tiles are spectacular... but my question to you all or any EA/Mythic rep is this... did you all run out of funds when creating the characters/animations? Seems to me you spent 300k on the ground tiles/spell particles but only 9.99 on the actual characters/paperdolls
I love the over all client though... only targeting once is great... and I love the fact that I can use my wads keys t o move if I so choose
Where(if any) is the "Target self" option... this was in the kr client I think but can not seem to find it in this one
See you all ingame
the total I Forgot score is.... B+