Old Man of UO
My elf crafter is trying to take the quest to get the imbuing scrolls - only 83.4 skill at the moment. Any quest from any NPC that he tries to take I get the response, "I have nothing for you at this time."
That's a good idea.... I'll try that. Thanks!Maybe it's a loyalty thing?
I'm not sure, but the only thing I can think of would be reaching 3000 loyalty points to get the 'friend' rating.
THAT'S IT! I had an uncompleted Beggar chain quest, cleared that out and now it works.That or - some quests can not be taken at the same time as another quest. Clearing uncompleted quests from your pending quest list might release the quest you are trying to do.
Umm... let's see... it was your suggestion that got Tazar thinking of alternatives that put him on the right track. Ya, ya.... that was it! Thanks Wulf!Aww.
For the benefit of my self-esteem, can we pretend I was right instead? It was a good idea....
Rush? Is this you? I KNEW IT!Yay!
*continues his trend of being right about every last thing, when viewed in the correct manner*