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If I was to use a name change on a char that had a owned by conjurer's trinket and a totem with the chars current name, would these items change to the char's new name so she could continue to use them?
If I was to use a name change on a char that had a owned by conjurer's trinket and a totem with the chars current name, would these items change to the char's new name so she could continue to use them?
A friend told me that when he changed his character's name he was able to un-bless an item blessed with his personal bless deed and it gave him a PBD with the new character's name. I can also confirm that another character with the same exact name cannot use the item, so I believe the items are tied to the character by some unique identifier and the name is really irrelevant. Whether the same would happen with an "owned by" item I could not say for sure but I would say it's a pretty good bet.
While stuff that is blessed for or owned by a specific character reflect that character name on them, they're attached by an object ID#. That's what it uses to determine who you are, so yes, they'll still work for a name-changed character.
Conversely, no, you can't give a blessed for item to a new character with the same name and expect it to work.
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