was down in abyss killin fire ants cu went wild in about 30 seconds after i dismounted to kill ant, had just died 5 minutes ago and had fed him and lored
(was wonderfully happy). figure it might have to do somthin with spammin
commands. had to hit all follow me key 10-15 times then he went from wonderfully happy to wild(couldnt retame as was human tamer). noticed somthin similar on my mage a few days ago was spammin wither at aid slugs lost about 200 durability on swords in 5 minutes( note that i tried to do that again but didnt happen everytime)
(was wonderfully happy). figure it might have to do somthin with spammin
commands. had to hit all follow me key 10-15 times then he went from wonderfully happy to wild(couldnt retame as was human tamer). noticed somthin similar on my mage a few days ago was spammin wither at aid slugs lost about 200 durability on swords in 5 minutes( note that i tried to do that again but didnt happen everytime)