Consider some kind of rune making tool for those of us without mages.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Great idea, but I still think a tool would be a good idea, too.Mark scroll + +15 Magery Ring/Brace = Marked Rune
My sampire marked most of his runes in Ter Mur by himself. It can take a few failures, but you don't lose the scroll if you fail so just keep clicking until it works.
I didn't even know such a thing existed, Connor... but I would have thought the same. HahaWell sure, but that works in the meantime. I don't think we'll see Chiv able to mark runes any time soon.
Although I did have hopes when ML came out that the Rune Carving Knife would actually, well, you know.......carve runes.
Yeah, okay.There already is a tool. It's called "making yourself a mage".
I believe what's he's looking for is a method that's not a workaround, but one that actually works with the skills he already has on that char.They're both known workarounds for your issue.
My warrior isn't a mage... all her stats are set to that. I enjoy playing my template the way it is and I don't think I should have to change that just to mark a rune... I like the idea Connor had, but seriously. There's no reason something can't be done for warriors so they can mark too with just a tool or something.Try "giving your warrior magery", or "using another mage cahracter to mark runes then passing them off to your warrior". They're both known workarounds for your issue.