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So EA Put in a punkbuster type system?



If EA removes scripting, will they room the "features" that were added to help slow scripters down?

Also, punkbuster-type systems are ridiculous; the idea that EA would be monitoring my system hardware is insane.

Another issue I might have is I run Linux. I realize that a minority of users fall into this category (Linux/Mac), but if you get rid of the scripters we will be a much higher percentage (do to the drop in overall playerbase.) The issue here is that as-of-now the enhanced client does not work in Wine or natively in Linux. I realize that creating a Linux/Mac version would be extremely time consuming, but testing for Wine/Darwine should not be that difficult (I am a developer, and if I had access to the code I might be able to fix the issue myself.) The traditional client works, but assuming they add something like punkuster, it likely wont, or I may appear to be a cheater for not allowing them access to my whole system. Also the features of the traditional client are lacking, the SA client would be nice if I could get it to run.

My $0.02 not likely very important or effective.


Think about what your saying....EA can't possibly incorporate something like this. Why would they do something that only benafited what...40-50 players per shard? I am not one of the "lucky few" that have a vendor sitting in luna....so, no the BAD BAD scripters that you (and prolly 97% of the people here at stratics reading this post) lean so heavily on to bring you this "shopping service" don't show my vendor shop either...but if EA was going to start doing this,

I would demand (and so would everybody else in the game that has a vendor) that EA also show MY vendor. Why should I pay the same monthly fee as the "lucky few" and not be represented??? Why should EA help make the "lucky few" richer, and not me?? My prices are consistantly lower then Luna prices...but, I sell much fewer items then the "lucky Few"..so why would you allow EA to only help the "lucky few" and not you?

You all sit here and bash on scripters, but yet 97% of you are more then likely reaping the benifit of them on this ONE service alone! You get to compare prices, then go right to the shop and buy, took you what...all of 3 Min?? Before this "service" was offered it took you what? 2 Hours to search every vendor in Luna, and then maybe for nothing, because nobody had what you were looking for. Gimme a break!

Nothing in UO says that every player will experience the "same" play style. Nothing is guaranteed in this game, NOTHING.

The argument of "I cant afford it so it shouldn’t be in the game is wash" We all started in the same spot (Well kinda i started in Moonglow, now all haven) I make my gold and you make yours, I just happen to see a nitch and I use it to my advantage.

Im not condoning scripting nor am i saying that it is acceptable.

What im saying is that it is a nice feature to have my vendor featured with its prices listed. Just because you have a house in the forest between Vesper and Fire Island and with ONE vendor that has pof and straw for sale, doesn’t mean you should be featured. Im sorry but nothing in this life/game is guaranteed, you make your own path.

King Frankie

i would add 1 pound extra on my subscription every month to have all the cheaters removed... simples


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just reading through the clioc.enu file. Its in the new SA part of the patch.

"you have been found running an unauthorized 3rd party program".

Good News? Maybe it is over for scripters?? Enough of the over ammount of items ingame? Prices will Rise? good for me! ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And also play 48291512.32432 hours a week to even compare to other players!
YOU have to compare to nothing,NOTHING.
you have to find your own playstyle,the way you like to play this GAME

if you 1 of those players who think "you MUST have ALL what you want instantly" then you are simply in the WRONG game.

YOU cant be the best PvP-PvM-Smith-Taylor-Imbuer-Scribe-Thief-Rare collector-Alchemist in ONE Person.

IF cheating is the only playstyle you are good in, then simply GO AWAY ;)

Are you sure you meant to reply to my post? Or are you just a blazing moron? When the HELL did I say I cheat? I don't. Never have. If I did, I'd have a lot more money than I do now. I'm really, REALLY confused as to how you got the idea that I do. Unless you quoted the wrong post, in which case I'm sorry.

And it is EXTREMELY hard for new players to get even close to vet players, that's just fact.

Now, go see the wizard, ask him for some brains. ;)

Ultima Weapon

well, everyone seems to be putting their $.02 in so i guess i will too. i've played for a long time and i used to even mine for myself and even sell a few ingots. that ended a good while ago when the scripters started undercutting me and everyone else. i do admit that they make things cheaper, but if everything is being done by robots and scripts, what has been gained? it's like why even play at all anymore? for my part, i welcome the day that the scripters are all gone and i can mine and chop and sell effectively(and no i dont have a vendor in luna)


well, everyone seems to be putting their $.02 in so i guess i will too. i've played for a long time and i used to even mine for myself and even sell a few ingots. that ended a good while ago when the scripters started undercutting me and everyone else. i do admit that they make things cheaper, but if everything is being done by robots and scripts, what has been gained? it's like why even play at all anymore? for my part, i welcome the day that the scripters are all gone and i can mine and chop and sell effectively(and no i dont have a vendor in luna)
Should do it now. I doubled the price on all my resources. Though many of the people who bought that many resources used scrips to burn through so many so business has slowed even when I lowered the price so I decided to raise it. Selling valorite at 550 per and working my way down from there. It's being selling slowly but it's being selling as resources become more rarer these past weeks. I'll continue to raise it as long as the competition stays docile like this. People have no choice but to buy it or spend countless days away from SA and other things.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You do NOT need scripts to burn through tons of resources anymore, lol. No matter which client you use.


You do NOT need scripts to burn through tons of resources anymore, lol. No matter which client you use.
LoL true. Guess got to wait till other players get the hang of it till they start coming in. Have you seen all the competition alot are dry like hell. It's the time to make some gold :)


As Kaiser said i have almost trippled my prices because items have 100% dried up, well almost. But people are still buying them. I am welcoming the price changes.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even if the changes are implemented now, I think it will take the better part of a year, if not longer, for all the extra resources/items that the scripters have gotten to work their way through the system.

Not to mention the billions of gold.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a laugh riot. Can you tell which people here are the scripters? Im sure many of you can.


Even if the changes are implemented now, I think it will take the better part of a year, if not longer, for all the extra resources/items that the scripters have gotten to work their way through the system.

Not to mention the billions of gold.
Billions of gold will never work the way out the system it just exchange hands between people. And as long as there powergamers like me out there we will never run out of resources just more of that gold will be exchange to me and others :)

Not too many people out there find any enjoyment in actually resource gathering. If they try to dig up some for themselves fine but to repeately do that is gonna be a pain for them. Thats where people like me come in they have to spend there gold on our products and without the competition competing with us we can very much charge what ever we feel like :) Especially when nobody can buy from them anymore. Sadly we can't buy from them either and resell it but the price will reflect that. Long live the merchant!!

Though Im sure this is short lived but for now ching-ching


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just revisited this post to stay current on the discussion. I am optimistic at what I see. With he exception of maybe 1 or 2 posts, the entire thread is filled with individuals voicing overwhelming approval and applause on the issue of ridding UO of illegal 3rd party programs (scripts, speedhacks, etc.)!! :)

Keep the support for EA coming folks! Tell your friends about this thread! This thread will accomplish 1 of 2 things:

1) Affirm & support EA in their bold move to eliminate cheats
2) Continue to let EA know we are tired of the cheats and want them to do something about it (I don't think we have confirmation they have in fact implimented an anti-cheating tool in the client)

And I echo a previous post, if they have taken action against hacks... although I am incredibly curious, we don't need to know.


The next thing I would like to see is:
1. a Gold wipe
2. Luna houses go into foreclosure and set ablaze
3. a built-in vendor indexing system
4. (insert your own here)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe a link to this thread & the Return to Britannia program will bring back some of those people who quit because of these programs. If anyone knows of people who did and are still in contact, spread the good news.


I'm not getting any hopes up before I hear something official about this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Quality over quantity.
Besides, removing the cheaters would bring back some people who left because of rampant cheating/scripting.
I closed 15 accounts down because people cheated, and I had all these crafters to make me rich, and people were just cheating and took everything from me, I would reopen about half of those if it made me UO profit.

Quality over quantity.
Besides, removing the cheaters would bring back some people who left because of rampant cheating/scripting.
Not enough to replace all the scripter accounts. Would still be a revenue loss.
See above.


The next thing I would like to see is:
1. a Gold wipe
You can start this by tossing all of the gold you have into the nearest trash can. Announce to the world what you are doing and why and I'm sure everyone else will realize how altruistic your goals are and follow suit, taking care of this point for you without EA having to do anything. Now get out there and show us how it's done! :thumbsup:

*tries extremely hard to hide a snicker*


The Fallout

This is a laugh riot. Can you tell which people here are the scripters? Im sure many of you can.
Exactly what I was thinking, but remember some do have points. They may turn out to be wrong though.

All in all it would be much better for UO (and my crafters) if the script program never came back.


The next thing I would like to see is:
1. a Gold wipe
2. Luna houses go into foreclosure and set ablaze
3. a built-in vendor indexing system
4. (insert your own here)
1- Hell no I worked hard for my gold let the broke people find there own ways this aint welfare.
2- Once again why the hell im not jeoulous of them they give me vender spots and most are good people. Let those people who want a house make gold and buy it. They can't then they can 't easily rent a vender.


I closed 15 accounts down because people cheated, and I had all these crafters to make me rich, and people were just cheating and took everything from me, I would reopen about half of those if it made me UO profit.

See above.
Doubt it 15 accounts worth of crafters were good for bod collecting. Because the system back then. The system has changed and you can get a bod of everyone and turn in and get another one plus soulstones that allow you to have every crafter skill needed more than 2 are not needed. Or you can use 1 account and grab bods out of every shard then transfer them to your main. I appreciate your ethusiasm but we must be realistic.


Billions of gold will never work the way out the system it just exchange hands between people. And as long as there powergamers like me out there we will never run out of resources just more of that gold will be exchange to me and others :)

Not too many people out there find any enjoyment in actually resource gathering. If they try to dig up some for themselves fine but to repeately do that is gonna be a pain for them. Thats where people like me come in they have to spend there gold on our products and without the competition competing with us we can very much charge what ever we feel like :) Especially when nobody can buy from them anymore. Sadly we can't buy from them either and resell it but the price will reflect that. Long live the merchant!!

Though Im sure this is short lived but for now ching-ching
It does make it of the system.
Vendors hold billion. When an account is popped the gold is gone.

Players love things.
Once they add we can buy a say a lucky coin for 500k and toss it in the fountain more gold.

So its not really about how to get rid of it.

Its about not letting it be replaced.


It does make it of the system.
Vendors hold billion. When an account is popped the gold is gone.

Players love things.
Once they add we can buy a say a lucky coin for 500k and toss it in the fountain more gold.

So its not really about how to get rid of it.

Its about not letting it be replaced.
Thats if the account is banned. But seemingly we being talking about it so much heh am sure there cautious now. That when they do get there programs up or when they receive that warning they stop using it sell there gold and items to a broker and close there accounts.

So the gold and item exchange hands to broker shops to exchange back to players. Never leaving. The only time it leaves is vender fees,npc buys,some new services. But not in a fast enough rate before more gold is generated by the system. Oh well doesn't matter to much as long as that gold heads my way i'll be happy to add to my portfolio.

Of course if for what ever reason UO closes well I guess non of this will matter one bit. ALL good things must eventualy come to a end.


The in game gold will only make it out of the game, by small fractions of fractions. *Goes into dream sequence*

A Long long long time ago *Cough Cough 2006) They banned a bunch a people and EA Toted 14BILLION in gold out the game!, 14 billion means nothing to Atlantic Shard, nor any decently populated shard.

Kaiser had it right, it only changes hands, The only gold sinks we really have is (Vendor Rent, Insurance, Tithing,....... *Insert own*

Gold is here to stay, but with maybe a addition from you it will toss a curve into the game. Unfourtantly there will be ways around it, because there is with everything.

MiNi MaGi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well its time ea steps up and does something about cheaters.. i know its a uphill battle but hey if we can get a couple days of cheat free pvp im happy


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well its time ea steps up and does something about cheaters.. i know its a uphill battle but hey if we can get a couple days of cheat free pvp im happy
Even if it's just you ebolting yourself in the face cause no one else is in fel? :p

Calis M^N

tbh i think they only way they could police this new thing if they are going to use a punkbuster type idea.. is by getting more availble GMs litrily scouring the place for the things they need to find as evidence, then they would have to have people ready to take any apeals into bannings... because to ban someone from soemthing they are in a [aying for by way of contract without presenting a case or evidence is in its self wrong... that would also stop people saying they did it unfairly... assuming they only ban people if they have solid evidence....

saying that... right now as it stands i would assume they wouldnt do any of that and the only way people would be caught using these programmes would be if someone pages a GM to check this persons "whats evers" to see if they are using them....

Calis M^N

1- Hell no I worked hard for my gold let the broke people find there own ways this aint welfare.
2- Once again why the hell im not jeoulous of them they give me vender spots and most are good people. Let those people who want a house make gold and buy it. They can't then they can 't easily rent a vender.
i agree here i worked my ass off to afford my luna house! why should i have it burned.... i work very hard to provide vendors for the community... i put a lot of time effort and gold into providing these vendors.. 1.5m a day on fee's not to mention shopping around for stock...
saying that i dont need luna to do it... i started out on moonglow in 4 months had 12.5k visits working my way up....

if people dont want to buy my items they dont have to... ut they are there for when people want something... and if i was too loose it because someone wanted it burned then.... id say screw the community...
but as it is i like the the europa community for the most part and are happy to provide vendors that are stocked!!


This is great news if it is finally happening...i know of atleast 5 other individuals that closed their accounts due to scrippting killin their fun...with SA out and open server time available i'll def. drop them a note about coming back and checking it out...Maybe this was the plan all along.

Dev 1: "Hey in order to offset the cheaters we will boot out, how about we take advantage of this great new (Huge) expansion and open up the game for all the old accounts to come check it out AND proclaim how we have finally done what so many requested and cleaned up UO? Maybe that will bring more back!"

Dev 2: "Sounds good, now about that burger you owe me"

Something to that effect. :thumbup:


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe a link to this thread & the Return to Britannia program will bring back some of those people who quit because of these programs. If anyone knows of people who did and are still in contact, spread the good news.

Well, are we talking about rumors or actually a hard plan to really got rid of scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in Ultima Online for good ?

Unless I missed it, I did not notice any post by a developer or official representative in this thread and perhaps perspective returning players who are annoyed by cheating in UO may want a bit more than a thread before they make up their mind to come back ?

Like seeing that this time is the good one to eradicate the game of these problems ?

I mean, after all these problems have been going on for years upon years upon years, haven't they ?

I would appreciate something more official about it rather than players talking about in in a thread.

At least, that's my opinion on it.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Well, are we talking about rumors or actually a hard plan to really got rid of scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in Ultima Online for good ?

Unless I missed it, I did not notice any post by a developer or official representative in this thread and perhaps perspective returning players who are annoyed by cheating in UO may want a bit more than a thread before they make up their mind to come back ?

Like seeing that this time is the good one to eradicate the game of these problems ?

I mean, after all these problems have been going on for years upon years upon years, haven't they ?

I would appreciate something more official about it rather than players talking about in in a thread.

At least, that's my opinion on it.
*smiles* You will likely never see a confirmation or denial... I would not tell.


Well, are we talking about rumors or actually a hard plan to really got rid of scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in Ultima Online for good ?

Unless I missed it, I did not notice any post by a developer or official representative in this thread and perhaps perspective returning players who are annoyed by cheating in UO may want a bit more than a thread before they make up their mind to come back ?

Like seeing that this time is the good one to eradicate the game of these problems ?

I mean, after all these problems have been going on for years upon years upon years, haven't they ?

I would appreciate something more official about it rather than players talking about in in a thread.

At least, that's my opinion on it.
Nah it's just rumors. Things seen in files. But nothing official and I havent really heard of anything really being done. Scripters are down because there programs are down. Nothing on EA end. But speculation is fun though. So enjoy knowing there aint no scripters for the time being. Either way nothing official shall be answered because the code of EA is they cannot talk about such measures.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hmm shouldn't we sign a new contract if they put Punkbuster in? I have read you can even make a ss of the monitor of the player...isn't it against the privacy ? I know at least 10 countries where it is :D lol tbh .

Also would they lose the thousands accounts of scripters? I know one guy who pays monthly 50 accounts ... Stygian Abyss wasn't even put in shops.... UO will NEVER have new players, just returning ones.

The thing that makes me sad is that they didn't put SA in shops, why? they have such a low consideration of the product ULTIMA ONLINE? :(

UO can have an old 2D graphic but the pvp is always uberlicious and it's a nasty and interesting game . I am sure it could reach tons of new players who are bored of carebear games.

EA give UO a chance? sell it in shops!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps we'll see boxes on the shelf when the enhanced client is finally considered "finished" or at least out of the beta stage.


well, I would support the removal of 3rd party progs, I would not support punk buster, any thing that works and looks like a virus to me, is one.

I will not let any game install that crap to my computer and i will hack the crap out of said program to remove it from my drive, I dont trust it.

I got far cry 2 and it took like 6 days from me to remove that punkbuster A and B crap from my computer.

Its just another way someone can spy on you, I am not saying it dont work, im saying scrip kiddies can already expoit this gem of crap to mess with your computer.

so if they detect 3d party programs and ban folks goood, but if they make it work like a freaking virus then bad and good bye UO from my hard drive.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh good god, PunkBuster is so widely used, it is NOT any type of virus or spyware, get over it.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Either way nothing official shall be answered because the code of EA is they cannot talk about such measures.

Should this be the case, without anything official about the issue I would imagine perspective returning players who have so far been deterred to come back to the game by the rampant scripting and cheating in Ultima Online might not find simple "rumors" as enough to make up for their decision to come back......

Personally, I think that if these perspective returning players want to be seen as subscribing back to Ultima Online, then something more solid than "rumors" needs to show up........


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So as we sit amongst the people in denial and the people who are disgruntled . I will admit I LOVE 3rd Party Programs! I support it and I hope it comes back!

For the people who say they've worked so hard :violin:I find it hard to believe ya sat there for 10 years and did everything by hand :sad2:...

When I first started UO I did not know about scripting, third party programs yada yada. Then UO Assist comes along.

Im sorry folks you want to flame all the illegal programs. But here's something for you to think about. UO Assist IS and ALWAYS will be a 3rd Party program that *EA* claims to be okay to use because and here is the brilliant answer you have to *pay* to use it WAHLAH! :scholar:

I want to know thoes people who complain about how they pounded keys without help did you use UO Assist Ever? If you didnt then more power to you, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a doozy...

I am sure Many would agree with my posting, I dont care if you know or dont know who uses or who doesnt its just you do what you have to do! If you get in trouble its your back not mine. If your AFK macroing same matter.

I hope it makes some people who feel the way I do smile a little....:thumbsup:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So as we sit amongst the people in denial and the people who are disgruntled . I will admit I LOVE 3rd Party Programs! I support it and I hope it comes back!

For the people who say they've worked so hard :violin:I find it hard to believe ya sat there for 10 years and did everything by hand :sad2:...

When I first started UO I did not know about scripting, third party programs yada yada. Then UO Assist comes along.

Im sorry folks you want to flame all the illegal programs. But here's something for you to think about. UO Assist IS and ALWAYS will be a 3rd Party program that *EA* claims to be okay to use because and here is the brilliant answer you have to *pay* to use it WAHLAH! :scholar:

I want to know thoes people who complain about how they pounded keys without help did you use UO Assist Ever? If you didnt then more power to you, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a doozy...

I am sure Many would agree with my posting, I dont care if you know or dont know who uses or who doesnt its just you do what you have to do! If you get in trouble its your back not mine. If your AFK macroing same matter.

I hope it makes some people who feel the way I do smile a little....:thumbsup:
Huh? UOA is legal because the person who made it (it used to do a ton more stuff) really cut down on all the special things it could do, like looping macros etc. EA used to approve 3rd party programs for use but they stopped doing that. The person who gets money for UOA doesn't work for EA and afaik doesn't give them kickbacks.

I use UOA and I have never used illegal programs. But I guess I don't really care if you believe me or not. *shrugs*


stranger diamond
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And you think you know how deep it plunges, El Ray ?

Don't be fooled, they want you to step in the fire...

I feel for both of you, and it's not my responsibility.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA comparing UO assist with the hacks out there being used right now in UO AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

*takes deep breath*


Yeah people are smiling at you alright, as someone would smile at a confused child trying to spell "dog"
Hmmm, interesting sweetheart I never mention once the word *Hack* in my post. So go back and get some oxygen before you keel over...

Anyway your flame is quite null. I believe we would be laughing at you now because you totally proved the child in you can not read at all!

Amazing that the point I was trying to make is that no matter which way you look at it UOAssist is a 3rd party program as well. So I just dont see the difference. It enhances game play just like your so called *illegal programs*

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hmm shouldn't we sign a new contract if they put Punkbuster in? I have read you can even make a ss of the monitor of the player...isn't it against the privacy ? I know at least 10 countries where it is :D lol tbh .

Also would they lose the thousands accounts of scripters? I know one guy who pays monthly 50 accounts ... Stygian Abyss wasn't even put in shops.... UO will NEVER have new players, just returning ones.

The thing that makes me sad is that they didn't put SA in shops, why? they have such a low consideration of the product ULTIMA ONLINE? :(

UO can have an old 2D graphic but the pvp is always uberlicious and it's a nasty and interesting game . I am sure it could reach tons of new players who are bored of carebear games.

EA give UO a chance? sell it in shops!
If they want to get people to come back, people like your buddy goose with all those accounts have to go. Then again, if that macro program doesnt update...is there really any reason to keep those 50 accounts open?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still down as of this morning. This guy must be really *sick* . LOL.