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[Gardening] Still a bug with the plants?



I noticed that the new patch fixed some of the problem, but I still have a few vendor bought plants that I still cant clip, 2 black and 1 orange. Also I have a couple of decorative bonsai trees, can these not be clipped?

Anyone else having this problem still?


I don't believe any Bonsai can be clipped so that is probably intended. I'm guessing the other decos that can't be clipped are just odd-ball old stuff and probably missing a setting. I haven't seen Sak comment about any of this lately.


I don't believe any Bonsai can be clipped so that is probably intended. I'm guessing the other decos that can't be clipped are just odd-ball old stuff and probably missing a setting. I haven't seen Sak comment about any of this lately.
I wasn't sure about the bonsai plants.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes - I can clip:

A Decorative Plant
A Decorative <color> <plant type>

but I *can't* clip:

A Decorative <color> Plant


posted this problen on the uhual forum and one of the Devs PMed me back to say becouse of my plant they have found the problem so it should be fixed soon ....

and can i add ... "King of the Lab" Queen?