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Plants Not Growing??


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it just me? I got plants lock down in my house on 3 floors. For some odd reason they are not growing. I have plants on a char and her bug and they are growing right. Is there a bug or something with lock down plants? Can anyone help with this?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how long have they been locked down? are they inside a container, or sitting out in the open? also might help to know what shard (just in case there was some kind of downtime that played havoc with the timers).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They got lock down on the floor (sitting out in the open) on the 1st of this month. Its on the Atlantic shard.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is what I thought. Some are on day 5 others are on day 4 .. I even try relocking them down. they keep wanting potion too each day. Just not gaining a growth on them.


That is what I thought. Some are on day 5 others are on day 4 .. I even try relocking them down. they keep wanting potion too each day. Just not gaining a growth on them.
Yikes !! That's disturbing. :eek: I planted a bunch Wednesday and so far so good, some on 2 days and a few on growth day 3 (fertile dirt). I hope your growth issue gets resolved soon ... I'll be nail biting to see if I get past day 4 & 5 as I'm on Atlantic as well - I'll report back then.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I took them all up and put them on my char to see if that help. It didn't so I just went ahead and took what seeds that had on them and put them in decor mode. I am going to try some again this morning. But I am only going to do a few just in case. Wasting time on 200 plants is not fun. Thanks for all your help and I will let you know if the new ones get pass day 5. *cross all her little toes and fingers*


Well I took them all up and put them on my char to see if that help. It didn't so I just went ahead and took what seeds that had on them and put them in decor mode. I am going to try some again this morning. But I am only going to do a few just in case. Wasting time on 200 plants is not fun. Thanks for all your help and I will let you know if the new ones get pass day 5. *cross all her little toes and fingers*
When you are saying "Day 5" you mean fully grown and 5 seeds on them out of 8 possible seeds, right? That would make sense if there was an issue in the publish I guess... Were they in "Vibrant" or "Healthy" state? If they are "Wilted" or "Dying" for instance, you will need to keep tending them but until they get to "Healthy" they won't advance another growth state or grow a seed. This commonly happens with Cacti family plants that don't use water every day, if you accidently over water it can take 4 or 5 days or sometimes more before all the water is absorbed.

Anyway, good luck with your next set.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes day 5 to get the 8 seeds and they are either healthy or vibrant. Thank you.. Next step is lock down now so we shall see :) Thank you for all the help.