HalelujahCorrection: I apologize there was a mis-communication and this was taken out on purpose. The timer will not be added at a later date.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an avid siege player, but what are the negative sides to this? I can only see positive.
Whoa. Wow. Hmmmmm. *runs off to check on a whooooole lot of things*Correction: I apologize there was a mis-communication and this was taken out on purpose. The timer will not be added at a later date.
With enough stones someone on siege could very easily be self supporting on one account. Currently someone who has a warrior is dependent on purchasing armor, weapons and the like from other players. Without the 24 hour penalty it makes switching to a crafter to make their own items too easy. Basically it hurt's the crafters who rely on the business of others.I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an avid siege player, but what are the negative sides to this? I can only see positive.
I don't even see it impacting siege anymore now that you can make as many soulstones as you want.With enough stones someone on siege could very easily be self supporting on one account. Currently someone who has a warrior is dependent on purchasing armor, weapons and the like from other players. Without the 24 hour penalty it makes switching to a crafter to make their own items too easy. Basically it hurt's the crafters who rely on the business of others.
I'm sure it has PvP issues too, but those I can't comment on because I just don't know enough about it. I agree that on Siege there should be a timer, or some sort of penalty, but not regular shards.
Your right no explosion yet though but eventualy there be a player or a group of players that will dedicate themselves to gathering the material and selling it. I can see it will be a very demanding market especialy in siege alot of competitive in the peerless and stygian abyss area for the ingrediants.Yes soulstone fragments can be crafted, but they still require ingredients to make. Ingredients that are not as simple as boards and ingots. I don't think we're going to see the explosion of crafted soul stone frags like some people expect.
I hereby award you three dancing broccolis, UHall's highest civilian honor.Correction: I apologize there was a mis-communication and this was taken out on purpose. The timer will not be added at a later date.
Crafters do well on siege because stuff decays, and people who pvp dont want to waste time crafting. This wont change. Crafting good stuff takes alot of invested time.With enough stones someone on siege could very easily be self supporting on one account. Currently someone who has a warrior is dependent on purchasing armor, weapons and the like from other players. Without the 24 hour penalty it makes switching to a crafter to make their own items too easy. Basically it hurt's the crafters who rely on the business of others.
I'm sure it has PvP issues too, but those I can't comment on because I just don't know enough about it. I agree that on Siege there should be a timer, or some sort of penalty, but not regular shards.
Since the highest award is 3 dacing broccoli, heres to you!Correction: I apologize there was a mis-communication and this was taken out on purpose. The timer will not be added at a later date.
Thank you!Correction: I apologize there was a mis-communication and this was taken out on purpose. The timer will not be added at a later date.