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Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Stygian Dragon Peerless

JC the Builder

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R Traveler

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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Slasher of Veils

Killing mounts for what?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Slasher of Veils

Slasher of Veils eats pets and gains health similar to Cheif Paroxysmus. So better to kill unnecessary mounts than risking a death and having the pet go after the Slasher.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Abyssal Inferno Champion Spawn

New video showing first Abyssal Inferno champion spawn on Atlantic. I spent too much time editing because there were a lot of times where I had to multi-task getting someone's map files working and answering ICQ messages. Youtube also doesn't appear to like multiple video tracks which is why it appears to freeze at one point during the spawn. I would have just tapped another spawn except that was the first one.


Crazed Zealot
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Slasher of Veils

Slasher of Veils eats pets and gains health similar to Cheif Paroxysmus. So better to kill unnecessary mounts than risking a death and having the pet go after the Slasher.
He didn't do that to us yesterday.

We had a dragon and a cu sidhe in on the fight there as well as multiple energy vortexes along for the ride.

Still, pets there are a bad idea.


Always Present
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Slasher of Veils

I noticed you trying to pick things up at the spawns like I do. LOL
;) Keep trying.

PS: Around 7:00 the vid stops (picture) for me although I can still *hear* the sounds. Then picks back up at about 8:02


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Abyssal Inferno Champion Spawn

on Slasher of Veils video.. what are those "Last target queued" messages over your character? it's the enhanced client or what?


Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Abyssal Inferno Champion Spawn

It's UOAssist


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Abyssal Inferno Champion Spawn

Wow, the Abyss Infernal champ looks off the chain. Nice flix.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Slasher of Veils

He didn't do that to us yesterday.

We had a dragon and a cu sidhe in on the fight there as well as multiple energy vortexes along for the ride.
I wasn't there at the start and was told to do that by the people already there it happens. Someone will have to figure out what is going on.


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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Medusa Peerless

please change up the music you use on your videos from time to time.

otherwise, nice vids.


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Medusa Peerless

I know that is an issue. The problem is that UO doesn't offer much of a selection of appropriate fight songs.


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Re: Stygian Abyss Videos - Latest: Medusa Peerless

Hey JC, I'd really like to see a video of the Stygian Dragon peerless ::hint hint:: ;)

Nyte Doombringer

Wow that reminds me of the good old days when you went to Onyxia in WOW with 40 people. He looks like fun

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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The interesting thing about the new Peerless is that you are limited to one party of 10 people. So you can't do the old way of just throwing more players at the problem. The Stygian Dragon is very challenging. However Medusa is quite easy. Most likely a little too easy.