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About "Trasfrenig Account" & "Account Trasfer Program"!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

i have still to understand what the hell i have to do to legaly trasnfer a
uo accont using this damn "OLD" procedure, using the "Account access trasfer program"....

Someone is so kind,nice,atc...to explain "exactly", step by step, like a 2 years old baby how to do it?
(my english is not so good and the info on the word document are not so clear to me, on what i have to put on them!)


Why you (devs) dont do a "Online" transfer account procedure?
Dont'd be more simple and fast???

Its not so hard to make 2 or 3 asp/php (or another language) !!!


I need to sell 2 of my 5 accounts to my firends....
do you want new players or no???

hope someone can give me an answer!!!
thx a lot! :)

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its not too bad did it a couple years ago, they faxed us a form and the other party , we filled it out called EA they purged the account info and it was transfered.

took a day and it was all done

and the form you have to fill out is very basic too, not sure what language you need, German i can help you with

MiNi MaGi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
an online account transfer would be nice honestly.. be a good way for uo to make easy $$ considering how many accounts are bought/sold


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
an online account transfer would be nice honestly.. be a good way for uo to make easy $$ considering how many accounts are bought/sold
Yea, it'b be the best solution!

its not too bad did it a couple years ago, they faxed us a form and the other party , we filled it out called EA they purged the account info and it was transfered.

took a day and it was all done

and the form you have to fill out is very basic too, not sure what language you need, German i can help you with
i live in italy and i dont wanna call an international call...and my english suck :( , expecially at phone...lol so for me its hard (or impossible) to make this transaction!!

if you have time and if you are so kind, can you send me a pm
and tell me step by step what i have to do and what information
i have to put in the documents???

hope in your help!!
thx a lot for your answer and time!

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
The problem with an online transfer is that there is the possibility for fraud. How do you know the person giving consent to the transfer is the real owner?

I don't think there is a single MMO that even allows players to legally transfer accounts. Some do characters, but I don't know of any which allow accounts. Likely for this reason.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe your English is not good, but you sure know some strong words.
Hint - try asking nicely without all the hells and damns and !!!


Maybe your English is not good, but you sure know some strong words.
Hint - try asking nicely without all the hells and damns and !!!
Those words are strong?
You obviously aint heard me this morning at why the bleepin bleep the bleepin bleeping bleepedy bleep servers are bleepin down with no bleepin bleepin word from the bleeping bleepedy bleep bleep officials!!

Day bleeping two of this bleepin fiasco.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Saying it while you are somewhere on the other side is not my concern...
Anyway, it seems like a good policy to be nice when you ask someone for something.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so "Damn" is a strong word "dear" Magdalene?
i read words stronger then this everyday on this forum! bha...

i need to transfer some of my accounts to my friend.
I dont wanna make an international call and i dont wanna make mistakes
by phone, my spoken language suck and when someone at phone, speak english,
i'm not so good to understand what he/she say!

so i think there is no way i can transfer these accounts! RIGHT?

inadeguate procedure?
limited procedure to US or for people that know and speak perfectly english?

this is ridiculous for a game like this...!


NO HELP from devs!

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so "Damn" is a strong word "dear" Magdalene?
i read words stronger then this everyday on this forum! bha...

i need to transfer some of my accounts to my friend.
I dont wanna make an international call and i dont wanna make mistakes
by phone, my spoken language suck and when someone at phone, speak english,
i'm not so good to understand what he/she say!

so i think there is no way i can transfer these accounts! RIGHT?

inadeguate procedure?
limited procedure to US or for people that know and speak perfectly english?

this is ridiculous for a game like this...!


NO HELP from devs!
If the accounts are clean (no marks) and your friend trusts you then just give them the account info and let them change the info, password. Wipe your billing info and make sure they put thiers in. If your friend is close enough have them come over and do it there. As long as you do not call UO for a lost account then your friend should have no problems. 6yrs ago friend left UO and gave me his account and all I did was change the info and have never had a problem. Account transfer is a big pain in the backside.

When one of my accounts got hacked (many yrs ago, my fault, ICQ suxs) all they asked me was account name and my CC number and sent me the passward that is was changed to. All the info was changed on the acc. but as I do 6mo.renewals and they saw that my CC was the last charged they figured it was mine.

I guess UO thinks after you have paid for something for awhile then it is yours.