i have still to understand what the hell i have to do to legaly trasnfer a
uo accont using this damn "OLD" procedure, using the "Account access trasfer program"....
Someone is so kind,nice,atc...to explain "exactly", step by step, like a 2 years old baby how to do it?
(my english is not so good and the info on the word document are not so clear to me, on what i have to put on them!)
Why you (devs) dont do a "Online" transfer account procedure?
Dont'd be more simple and fast???
Its not so hard to make 2 or 3 asp/php (or another language) !!!
I need to sell 2 of my 5 accounts to my firends....
do you want new players or no???
hope someone can give me an answer!!!
thx a lot!
i have still to understand what the hell i have to do to legaly trasnfer a
uo accont using this damn "OLD" procedure, using the "Account access trasfer program"....
Someone is so kind,nice,atc...to explain "exactly", step by step, like a 2 years old baby how to do it?
(my english is not so good and the info on the word document are not so clear to me, on what i have to put on them!)
Why you (devs) dont do a "Online" transfer account procedure?
Dont'd be more simple and fast???
Its not so hard to make 2 or 3 asp/php (or another language) !!!
I need to sell 2 of my 5 accounts to my firends....
do you want new players or no???
hope someone can give me an answer!!!
thx a lot!