Since all the methods to get the expansion (PayByCash, EA Store Germany) are certainly more expansive than I tried again today to buy an account code there.
Used a different account, a different credit card, a different E-Mail address. Only to end up with that mysterios Processor Error #31 after clicking Check out.
So I looked and found that link on uogamecodes, called Help.
Here "Contact Promotional Store".
Had to logon with EA Member account, what I did, planning to send a mail. But that Chat button looked interesting, so I clicked it.
Waiting - only about 30 seconds! Great.
Got an EARep and started to chat with him.
Explained him the situation (also that it is impossible to buy the 11th Anniversary items and other stuff, which is only offered there) and that I intended to purchase 4 account updates in total.
Some time later:
EARep: "I'm in a process of charging your card in the amount of 149.95 for 5 upgrade codes."
(Hm, I asked only for 4 codes, but since he was so helpful, why not? A friend, who is unemployed, would be happy about that extra code as gift.) So I agreed.
EARep: "And here are the five codes ..."
Wonderfull, until now that person made a nice job, and I was a happy customer.
EARep: "Is there anything else?"
And now it comes:
: yes
: there belong promo codes to each of the account upgrades
EARep: "I am sorry but the promo codes are only available if you place the orders directly through the respective stores"
What? If I ask the support of exactly that store, which offers the promotion in its program, to help me with a purchase, this is no longer the same???...
EARep: "we have received a lot of complaints regarding this"
So he did know before and felt no need to inform me before the agreement to the purchase?
So not only the mysterious processor error got not resolved or explained (so that I am still not able to purchase any other codes there, which are not offered via other channels), but I feel now seriously cheated. Without the codes is no jumpstart for existing chars to the new race. Since I play multiple shards, I would have needed them for each account - a reason to purchase all upgrades in that month, although I was earlier the opinion to upgrade only one account due to the non multiple account upgrade package availibility.
I was in complaint mood before, but that may be even the nail in the coffin of my love to this game, if this can't be resolved in an accurate manner.
Used a different account, a different credit card, a different E-Mail address. Only to end up with that mysterios Processor Error #31 after clicking Check out.
So I looked and found that link on uogamecodes, called Help.
Here "Contact Promotional Store".
Had to logon with EA Member account, what I did, planning to send a mail. But that Chat button looked interesting, so I clicked it.
Waiting - only about 30 seconds! Great.
Got an EARep and started to chat with him.
Explained him the situation (also that it is impossible to buy the 11th Anniversary items and other stuff, which is only offered there) and that I intended to purchase 4 account updates in total.
Some time later:
EARep: "I'm in a process of charging your card in the amount of 149.95 for 5 upgrade codes."
(Hm, I asked only for 4 codes, but since he was so helpful, why not? A friend, who is unemployed, would be happy about that extra code as gift.) So I agreed.
EARep: "And here are the five codes ..."
Wonderfull, until now that person made a nice job, and I was a happy customer.
EARep: "Is there anything else?"
And now it comes:
: yes
: there belong promo codes to each of the account upgrades
EARep: "I am sorry but the promo codes are only available if you place the orders directly through the respective stores"
What? If I ask the support of exactly that store, which offers the promotion in its program, to help me with a purchase, this is no longer the same???...
EARep: "we have received a lot of complaints regarding this"
So he did know before and felt no need to inform me before the agreement to the purchase?
So not only the mysterious processor error got not resolved or explained (so that I am still not able to purchase any other codes there, which are not offered via other channels), but I feel now seriously cheated. Without the codes is no jumpstart for existing chars to the new race. Since I play multiple shards, I would have needed them for each account - a reason to purchase all upgrades in that month, although I was earlier the opinion to upgrade only one account due to the non multiple account upgrade package availibility.
I was in complaint mood before, but that may be even the nail in the coffin of my love to this game, if this can't be resolved in an accurate manner.