Try to have a little patience. I know there are problems and tons of questions but can some of you stay a little more calm and have patience. Alot of people are here to help you all with whatever we can.
Yesterday after shard came back i spend all by all a hour in UO. Most of the time we tried to help people here with tons of questions.People like Maplestone and Tina Small and so many others tried to do as much as we could. But i got discouraged at the end when people kept yelling and showing frustration when they could not find something over and over again.Some of you realy need to keep a bit of control of yourself. Post with ?????? and !!!!!!!! and heavy cursing and caplocks post realy went too much eventualy.I realy had to leave and stop helping.
Give it all a bit of time to be discovered and explore yourself a bit too. Where is your sense of adventure? I know on all shards there will be helping hands to get you to the other side. Just give everyone a little time.I know there so many questions with this huge new expansion.
With technical problems on codes and webpages and get the clients running we also will try to help.Just give us all a little time to figure it out.There is no conspiracy or anything else that anyone has to keep you out of the game or let you enjoy you play UO. Trust me when i say we want you in this game. All of you .
I know the first hours/days are always a bit rough with a new expansion but we will figure it out.
This realy had to get off my chest!
Keep your questions coming and we will try to help you. Just leave your anger and frustration as much out of it please.
Enjoy !
Yesterday after shard came back i spend all by all a hour in UO. Most of the time we tried to help people here with tons of questions.People like Maplestone and Tina Small and so many others tried to do as much as we could. But i got discouraged at the end when people kept yelling and showing frustration when they could not find something over and over again.Some of you realy need to keep a bit of control of yourself. Post with ?????? and !!!!!!!! and heavy cursing and caplocks post realy went too much eventualy.I realy had to leave and stop helping.
Give it all a bit of time to be discovered and explore yourself a bit too. Where is your sense of adventure? I know on all shards there will be helping hands to get you to the other side. Just give everyone a little time.I know there so many questions with this huge new expansion.
With technical problems on codes and webpages and get the clients running we also will try to help.Just give us all a little time to figure it out.There is no conspiracy or anything else that anyone has to keep you out of the game or let you enjoy you play UO. Trust me when i say we want you in this game. All of you .
I know the first hours/days are always a bit rough with a new expansion but we will figure it out.
This realy had to get off my chest!
Keep your questions coming and we will try to help you. Just leave your anger and frustration as much out of it please.
Enjoy !