Some people may have noticed that for the first time in 23 weeks there was no Stratics Friday update (but then again probably not). Delayed for the launch of the Stygian Abyss Expansion we now bring you:
- Updated, the imbuing ingredients table
- The Gargoyle 'virtues' document, The Book of Circles
- Comparative Maps demonstrating The Transformation of Fire Island
- Continuing to update older information: Creating and Managing a Guild
- And finally, the first offering of our brand new Contents Editor: The Sampire Thank you Lynk, I look forward to your future input.
- More new creatures have also been added to Hunter's Guide
If you can help please send and information or submissions to [email protected], [email protected], or send a pm to me, Petra Fyde. Alternatively, if you feel you'd like to follow Lynk's example and join the Stratics team as a content editor, I'll be interested to hear from you.
Talk to me!
I'm listening!