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It's the 8th?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Server up on the 8th and no patch.
Guess we have to wait for US to wake up tonite before we get a chance at the online shops.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would point out that in the spring it was said the expansion would be released "this summer". Given the relative position in the season, we can extrapolate from this precedent that the patch will be rolled out 8:30pm EST.

{ just kidding ... well, sort of }


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well i suppose they can't have us Europeans getting something first for a change can they. No we'll still be sat here at 9pm tonite waiting for US to log in first and get all the nice spots like usuall.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
{ just kidding ... well, sort of }
I like this part and you are prob. right.
EA Corp Calif, ummm coffee and doughnuts, oh no its lunch time already. 2-4 PM PST

Yes I know Mythic is out there with you but EA Store will not be out done. LOL

Stupid Miner

I like this part and you are prob. right.
EA Corp Calif, ummm coffee and doughnuts, oh no its lunch time already. 2-4 PM PST

Yes I know Mythic is out there with you but EA Store will not be out done. LOL
Er, no it's 1 now EST (UO Team is in EST) so it's only 9 PST.


Er, no it's 1 now EST (UO Team is in EST) so it's only 9 PST.
10 you mean. But I'd be pretty surprised if it were out before tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, east coast, myself. Probably just late enough in the day to frustrate those who took the day off to play. ;)

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Problem is it is still oh dark thirty out here when EA/Mythic reports for work. You really think EA out here is gonna send someone in to up date EAStore that early. Come on were in Calif. and nothing gets done here before we have our designer coffee and doughnuts.

Stupid Miner

Problem is it is still oh dark thirty out here when EA/Mythic reports for work. You really think EA out here is gonna send someone in to up date EAStore that early. Come on were in Calif. and nothing gets done here before we have our designer coffee and doughnuts.
I thought game designers typically pulled all-nighters. Then again I suppose some of them have family so they can't do that. And then again perhaps this is their night off from all their impending-release-date overtime.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Problem is it is still oh dark thirty out here when EA/Mythic reports for work. You really think EA out here is gonna send someone in to up date EAStore that early. Come on were in Calif. and nothing gets done here before we have our designer coffee and doughnuts.
I want coffee and doughnuts!
They could have set the EAStore to update automatically, but...
*waits impatiently*



For those in Europe waiting on the SA release wondering why you can't get things first, I have just one thing to say (however I will say it over and over)...

USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!:danceb::danceb::thumbup::thumbup:

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought game designers typically pulled all-nighters. Then again I suppose some of them have family so they can't do that. And then again perhaps this is their night off from all their impending-release-date overtime.
OMG no, can not have that. A designer updating UOStore, the unions would have a fit. You can't even change a light bulb without calling an electrican first. And all he does is tells the light bulb changer that the switch is off. LOL JK:hahaha:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm drinking my coffee and watching where the sun would be rising if it wern't for the fact i live in UK and we only get 1 week of sun a year ;)

I wonder if Mc D's is open yet, they do nice donuts

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread is refreshing and giving me some good laughs. Glad you are all so patient. I would prob. being doing the same thing if I didn't live here in Cally.
10:41 PM and counting.
I just may stay up till midnight just to see what happens.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While we wait......

10000 bottles of beer on the wall........ ;)

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It will likely be the 9th here in Australia before we get it. Already 4pm on the 8th here! Bloody Americans living in the past. Hurry up damn Sun! Get over there!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When and where ??

When and where is the new SA client avialable from its the 8th now and cant seem to find it anywhere?
Will it be in USA times does anyone know if so anyone know what time that is in GMT?
thxs guys


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: When and where ??

Why start another thread on the subject when theirs allready one going and on the front page still.
We dont know yet, were all waiting except the Americans that are in bed sleeping.

Stupid Miner

Re: When and where ??

Why start another thread on the subject when theirs allready one going and on the front page still.
We dont know yet, were all waiting except the Americans that are in bed sleeping.
Oh, so "Americans sleep" do they? I'm sick of you and your racial stereotypes!
It's comments like that that cause trans-cultural dissension and strife.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I spy with my little eye, something beginning with..........K ?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
actually is 3.11AM EST, if they start to work at 9.00AM we must wait 6 hours minimum.... :/
let's hope they put the release up before evening....

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: When and where ??

9am in Virginia is 2pm UK, though EA's HQ is in Redwood, and it won't be 9am there till 5pm UK.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: When and where ??

Why start another thread on the subject when theirs allready one going and on the front page still.
We dont know yet, were all waiting except the Americans that are in bed sleeping.
That's what I thought too. So I waved my magic 'admin-wand' and merged them.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol, i dont care about the time. I'm 34 and sat at my lap-top like a kid at x-mas.

It's just wrong.....:loser:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: When and where ??

yeah, Mythic's in Virginia. But who updates EA Store?

Job? what job? Jobs pay $ and £. :eyes:


Re: When and where ??

Oh, so "Americans sleep" do they? I'm sick of you and your racial stereotypes!
It's comments like that that cause trans-cultural dissension and strife.
So Americans are a race? Is it under or above human race?
No ladder, stop cheating!



The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
5pm in UK thats 6pm in Scandinavia.

Very goodie then I will be home from work.

But I guess Elvin want some of daddys time...
I guess I can wait until he is safe at sleep in bed before starting to download in 10h from now.

Even that is maybe before EA is out of bed,in office and have hit the launch button.

The Scandinavian


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*is bored*
I got up at 6 am my time so I could be there for server up... Damn I´m tired now!!!:sleep2:
EA sits in California right? So they are 9! hours behind me!! :eek:
IF they release SA say at around 9 am their time, it´ll be 6 pm my time!
Damnit.. what to do? *feels massively bored*:bored:

Tbh, ANY official statement regarding the release time would be awesome!

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Japanese UO website says the following (google translation)...

"Tales Suteijian" The time for UO and EA store sales in the store, so we decided we will notify as follows.

[UO store]
2009年9月9日(水) 午前1時頃予定​
September 9, 2009 (Wed) will be at around 1 am

[EA Store]
2009年9月9日(水) 午前11時頃予定【9/7 午後7時更新】
September 9, 2009 (Wed) will be at around 11 am [9 / 7 updated at 7:00 pm]

また、「ステイジアン アビス」導入準備のためメンテナンスを実施いたします。​
The "Tales Suteijian" will carry out maintenance to prepare for deployment.
メンテナンスの前に「ステイジアン アビス」の新機能をご利用いただくことはできません。
Before maintenance "Suteijian Tales" that you can not use the new features.
Maintenance information, please refer to the article below.
Read the details of maintenance ""

なお、「ステイジアン アビス」の購入方法については、下記のページもご覧ください。​
The "Tales Suteijian" how to order, please visit the following pages.
"Tales Suteijian" How to Play ""

※特典アイテム入手用のコードは、 SA導入準備のメンテナンスが完了する前に登録しないようにしてください。
※ Get the code for the library benefit, SA Please do not register prior to completion of the introduction of maintenance of preparation.
If you have registered, can not get the benefit items may be used with the code.
In this case, we can not re-issuing the code, please caution.



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, now it is September 8th in all of the continental USA.

Only Hawaii needs a little more than an hour, still.

Perhaps they are waiting that also in Hawaii comes September 8th ?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: When and where ??

That's what I thought too. So I waved my magic 'admin-wand' and merged them.
Petra plays UO in God-mode.

Codes will surely not go on sale before 9am in California, maybe later. And then the site will either clog or crash. There is plenty of time!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We still needs codes and a patch and a major publish. If we can all log-in at 23:59 hour at Sept 8th , then we should be all happy or lucky! ;)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: When and where ??

5.13AM EST now... how many bottles remains? :D