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Do Events really have to be a LAG fest ?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread is an attempt at discussing Events and their design.
I hope it will be possible to keep the discussion civil and everyone who want to participate provide their opinions.
Well here's is my opinion,
Do you have to write a book every time you want to whine? YES
Didn't you whine about not being able to attend this event? YES
Don't you have a tamer? YES, and you probley took him/her.

I play this game on a Dell E510 and use comcast cable. I was smart enough to use the 2D client and turned off all background apps. I play on a shard that has the best ping for me (Baja) 40ms. We had a great turn out and nobody complained. There was a lot of death, prob. more on our side then the MOBs, lol, but we had a great time. Yes I took my GD with me for max damage. I got lots of cloaks that I gave out after the event. I was there for the community not the rewards.

Do Events really have to be a LAG fest ? You figure it out.
A soso computer, comcast cable, best ping shard, turn off all un-needed apps and used UO 2D. OMG, I did not lag and the screen was so thick I couldn"t even find my GD. Great time by all on Baja.

Will popps ever stop whining? NO


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well here's is my opinion,
Do you have to write a book every time you want to whine? YES
Didn't you whine about not being able to attend this event? YES
Don't you have a tamer? YES, and you probley took him/her.

I play this game on a Dell E510 and use comcast cable. I was smart enough to use the 2D client and turned off all background apps. I play on a shard that has the best ping for me (Baja) 40ms. We had a great turn out and nobody complained. There was a lot of death, prob. more on our side then the MOBs, lol, but we had a great time. Yes I took my GD with me for max damage. I got lots of cloaks that I gave out after the event. I was there for the community not the rewards.

Do Events really have to be a LAG fest ? You figure it out.
A soso computer, comcast cable, best ping shard, turn off all un-needed apps and used UO 2D. OMG, I did not lag and the screen was so thick I couldn"t even find my GD. Great time by all on Baja.

Will popps ever stop whining? NO

Um, I did exactly all of that - no other apps running, with the exception of vent, went on shard with best ping etc etc. Couldn't tell you what specs my pc has, that's what husbands are for, although I do know it's single core and 5yrs old. As for net con, it's wireless - supposedly the best kind to have. And before the event I ran a cleanup utility, a disc clean and a defrag, then rebooted. Yet still, I lagged so bad I couldn't move, I couldn't cast, and I had two client crashes. I couldn't even get bars on a MOB. But when I managed, eventually, to move away from the main crowd, bingo, no more lag. It's sheer volume of traffic on my screen that flattens my PC.

I got cloaks, which I gave out to guildies that hadn't previously gotten one. And I'm not ticked that I didn't get a gem. I'm ticked that I didn't even have the opportunity to get a gem, because the lag was so bad the named SL's were down before I even set eyes on 'em. Yes, I enjoy events, but I do think that we need to be spread out for battles of that magnitude. Going on the posts I've read here and over on the Europa forums, lag is the biggest problem that most people suffer from at events and it is, from a player enjoyment point of view, the thing that needs to be addressed on events. And the simple way to do so is to plan them so for battles, players are spread out a bit.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Um, I did exactly all of that - no other apps running, with the exception of vent, went on shard with best ping etc etc. Couldn't tell you what specs my pc has, that's what husbands are for, although I do know it's single core and 5yrs old. As for net con, it's wireless - supposedly the best kind to have. And before the event I ran a cleanup utility, a disc clean and a defrag, then rebooted. Yet still, I lagged so bad I couldn't move, I couldn't cast, and I had two client crashes. I couldn't even get bars on a MOB. But when I managed, eventually, to move away from the main crowd, bingo, no more lag. It's sheer volume of traffic on my screen that flattens my PC.

I got cloaks, which I gave out to guildies that hadn't previously gotten one. And I'm not ticked that I didn't get a gem. I'm ticked that I didn't even have the opportunity to get a gem, because the lag was so bad the named SL's were down before I even set eyes on 'em. Yes, I enjoy events, but I do think that we need to be spread out for battles of that magnitude. Going on the posts I've read here and over on the Europa forums, lag is the biggest problem that most people suffer from at events and it is, from a player enjoyment point of view, the thing that needs to be addressed on events. And the simple way to do so is to plan them so for battles, players are spread out a bit.
Are you on cable? When I signed up for comcast at BestBuy the Modum was free, but they had no roters from comcast. I paid the differance for the modum and got a roter (wireless). Better then DSL but I knew it had to be better than what it was. Unplugged computer from roter and went into the modum and what a big differance. Took wirless back and got a roter with a built in firewall and plugged it all in and had the same speed I did without a roter.

I did away with wireless because of the lag. Run a download test and ping tests, then if you can plug your computer into your modum and run the same tests. See if there is a differance. Modum and hardwired roter to 3 total computers and I could not beleive the differance. Even on a wirless roter there should be a place to plug your computer directly into it, atleast on mine there was, helped a little. The only thing I would say is make sure your modum and roter are made by the same people.



'Elephant in the room'
I just have to ask.. so what if there were more tamers/greaters there than other templates? Should there be some kind of ticket/lottery system that only allows the first 2 people there to have dragons/tamer combos to accomodate SOME people who had lag?

Some people reported lag if they stood in the middle of the screen with 20 shadowlords, 50 draggies and 50 tamers. Some had NO lag with the exact same screen. For those that moved 1 screen away, it cleared up. If you didn't figure that out after the first 2 minutes, especially for you great wise ones that have been playing since UO was but a twinkle in the eye of the dev's.. then you don't deserve to be here whining about the event.