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please please please put UO legacy paper-doll and character option in SA



I just cant look at myself in SA, ugly as hell and the character animation is akward. Please put UO legacy paper-doll and character option in SA.

EQ. 11y. Vet.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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You will be able to use 2D, if that's your choice. The enhanced client features what it features, and I doubt if they will give an option to use a 2D paperdoll and character in the enhanced client, if that's what you're thinking.

I find 2D so aged, it's what has kept UO off the shelves for years. It's an embarassment, like it or not.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Play 2d... or EQ... whichever. SA is already TOO MUCH of a compromise as it is.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
By all means, make the new client better. Going back wards is not the answer.


Crazed Zealot
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But sometimes you need to lose a battle to win the war.

Although the classic client is going to be supported for the foreseeable future, eventually it will need to be decommissioned (some day, years from now). The devs have to not only worry about the people who want to move forward now, but how to eventually pick up a large majority of the player base who are dug in. If that means going backwards, it means going backwards, if only as a collection of legacy options.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Ya know I would live with them NEVER dropping the 2d client if it meant that they STOPPED going backwards on SA.

I'd rather deal with 2 clients if they are easily co-updatable as has been said if that meant the newer client could actually take advantage of being new than a gimped newer client with or without the 2d client.

Whatever the original vision for SA was lost already, so no point in arguing that, but that doesn't mean they have to KEEP gimping the newer client in the process.

Is it a change in opinion from a long time ago? Somewhat... same opinion really, but tempered with the pragmatism that whatever the plan was 3 years ago has been pissed away.


But it would be nice for some of the more annoying bugs to be squashed out of the new client before spending time adding legacy options.


You new client supporters don't get it, if they put in the option to have old paperdolls and other things will be a good thing for you. It means that more people might change over. Which means you are further into having just one client. So it would be win win, but it seems you can't think that way.


The new client paperdoll looks awful. I'd be fine with a new paperdoll, but that thing looks like it was made in powerpoint. The old paperdoll may look dated, but the new one looks amateurish.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure if I understand this post. It is my understanding folks using 2D will be able to play SA without changing anything.

Is that correct or isnt it???


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
*shrugs* I do not even have the "paper doll" on while I play in enhanced client. It is not nessacary....

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Yes 2D is still supported and you can get into SA with it. How hard would it be under a Graphics tab on the SA Client to but 2D SA KR and you pick which graphic folder your computer uses. Did the client from KR change that much compared to SA, with the exception of the KR graphics? I could never get KR to run so not sure. This could be a win/win/win for all 3. with just one client to support. I would switch for 2D + UOA to SA if I didn't have to look at SA Graphics, all of them.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
UO will not win unless the "classic folk" are catered too. That is a given.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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UO will not win unless the "classic folk" are catered too. That is a given.
majority of the players still use the clasic client, so why would you even think about doing away with it. I asked for info on the client it self. Forget the graphics. How different is the rest of SA compared to KR?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You might as well just add in the hotbars and **** to 2D, the "Enhanced" client is too much like 2D as is. ****ing whiners still won't play it.

Lord Frodo

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LOL! Try the graphics are toned down KR graphics not beefed up 2D graphics. If you had a choice to use all 3 graphics then I guess you wouldn't be whining then, would you?


You new client supporters don't get it, if they put in the option to have old paperdolls and other things will be a good thing for you. It means that more people might change over. Which means you are further into having just one client. So it would be win win, but it seems you can't think that way.
Legacy chat, legacy containers, and legacy targeting were all added to help draw the classic crowd to the new client. Did that help draw some of the classic crowd to the new client? I'm honestly curious.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Legacy chat, legacy containers, and legacy targeting were all added to help draw the classic crowd to the new client. Did that help draw some of the classic crowd to the new client? I'm honestly curious.
It prob. helped some. I do not have the photos, but if someone does could they post a photo of say a greater dragon using all 3 clients. IMHO 2d graphics for all the old 2d users and KR graphics, from screen shots that I saw look better then SA graphics.


You new client supporters don't get it, if they put in the option to have old paperdolls and other things will be a good thing for you. It means that more people might change over. Which means you are further into having just one client. So it would be win win, but it seems you can't think that way.
Maybe you don't get it. I happen to like the new client's paperdoll 100x more than the crappy 2D paperdoll. So why would I be happy about giving up something I like to make someone else MAYBE try the client?

If the stupid paperdoll is that much of a hang up for anyone not playing the new client, then it appears to me that is more an excuse than a reason. The new paperdoll is not only better looking to me but far more functional. Try and check out someone's equipment in 2D without asking them to remove their robe so you can see it. Or change out your own chest armor with a robe on.

If people are wanting the look of 2D over the functionality, then let them continue to use 2D. The people that prefer the new client shouldn't be the only ones that have to compromise to get them to try the new client, they are going to have to compromise some themselves.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
I wish they would have kept the container graphic from 3D.

I loved having an oversized container graphic. I still have chests in my house that were filled using it, and now I cant see the stuff at the bottom.

I dont like the SA or KR grid pack or the classic.

With the larger SA screen, the paperdoll is blocking the view.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With the larger SA screen, the paperdoll is blocking the view.
You can adjust the size of the screen and you can tweak the size of the UI (including paper doll) - I reduced mine to 80% and just left the screen size the way it was.


I just cant look at myself in SA, ugly as hell
Are you sure it's not just you?:gee:

I look positively daaahhhling in Enhanced Client. :love:

and the character animation is akward.
Get a horse, then you won't have to look at yourself moving. But you will have to put up with the horse's pantomime feet. Looks like two guys in a horse suit! :bdh:

Please put UO legacy paper-doll and character option in SA.
Print out your legacy paperdoll & stick it over the screen! :thumbsup:


Seriously, though, your concerns are valid. I mean, why would they compromise only half-way toward making Enhanced resemble Classic? Why ruin it for both the KR people AND the 2D people?

I don't get it. :twak:

Maybe they'll make a legacy paperdoll option, maybe they'll leave it to the modders to figure out. In either case, all that paperdoll art will need redrawing at higher resolution. There's only so much pixelation we'll stand for.

AMIRITE? :cursing:

Minerva Foxglove

Lore Keeper
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I might even had used KR if It had a nice looking paperdoll. It doesnt have to be the old paperdoll, just a good looking one. The SA one looks like low lvl comics magazine. We have seen paperdolls made by real artists in other threads so its doable for sure!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I prefer the Enhanced Client paperdoll. If EA considers to put the Legacy paperdoll into that client, they should at least make it optional.

However, I'd rather prefer improved faces, especially on male paperdolls.


You might as well just add in the hotbars and **** to 2D, the "Enhanced" client is too much like 2D as is. ****ing whiners still won't play it.
Nope,never will till the char model doesn`t SUCK. Just because your willing to and have apparently settled,doesn`t mean the rest of us have to.

I can sit for hours and play 2d,I play SA for more than an hour and I can`t wait to get back into 2d. I don`t know how else to say it,SA is just hard on the eyes or something. It doesn`t have that relaxing look/feel than can keep me playing it for hours on a day off.

Instead of adding hotbars to 2d like you ranted.....why couldn`t they have just added the char model art into SA? That way your human would more resemble a HUMAN. Not GUMBI.


I really want to make the move to SA 3D, .. and I would ..if they fixed the character and horse animation and put in legacy paper-doll "option".



UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
I think that is possible to make the 2D paperdoll by customizing the skin ;)

Lord Drakelord

Sorry but I will remain in 2d, I hope never to see the Enhanced SA Client ever again, and will be removing it from my PC since the beta testing is over.


I wish they would have kept the container graphic from 3D.

I loved having an oversized container graphic. I still have chests in my house that were filled using it, and now I cant see the stuff at the bottom.

I dont like the SA or KR grid pack or the classic.

With the larger SA screen, the paperdoll is blocking the view.
I really miss the 3d resizeable containers too, they were much better than any container options we have now.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Sorry but I will remain in 2d, I hope never to see the Enhanced SA Client ever again, and will be removing it from my PC since the beta testing is over.
And THIS is why I say take all the talk about KR/Enhanced client people being the ones always to "compromise" and throw it out the window, pick it back up, load it on a nuclear missile and shoot it at the sun.

I'm tired of being told I have to give up or compromise on what I believe is the right direction for a new UO client only to see posts like this one.

Screw that. KR players have already compromised enough. We've been constantly flamed for the past 2.5 years, we've had legacy artwork added into KR as an option and then had KR artwork STRIPPED OUT not as an option and not with our input, and then we had what upgraded artwork remained seriously downgraded into a pixelated mess.

When we get some actual forward movement again on the graphical quality of the Enhanced client, THEN we can talk. Until then, there is enough 2d/Legacy influence on the client.

Want the 2d paperdolls, play 2d and be happy in the fact that you're keeping UO firmly anchored in 1997 and out of any real chance of having that "shelf presence" people keep asking for because NOONE is going to take an MMO that shows that much age graphically sitting on a Best Buy or Gamestop shelf for $40-50 seriously anymore. $19.95 in the "budget rack" maybe.

Stop trying to downgrade the Enhanced client... it's been downgraded enough.

Better male paperdoll image... sure... but one that is actually up to date.



Better male paperdoll image... sure... but one that is actually up to date.
Actually I hope the male AND female paperdoll get redone so the art looks consistent. Right now it is like a stripper and a caveman, lol.

Fixing the paperdoll should have been a higher priority (I mean, they've had 2 freakin years plus)... if it was done right the first time you'd see much less people harping about why they aren't using KR/SA due to it.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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PLEASE give us the option for KR graphics in the SA Client!

You asked for and got your SA Mods and I see people have been very busy on them. That is great, keep them coming.
Sure, no problem, you got it. I fully support an option that allows KR graphics in the SA Client and have said so in other posts.

So why is it when the 2Ders ask for it you tell them to go play 2D?
Why are we wrong for wanting the graphics we want?

Let them put in a graphics option that allows you to use 2D/SA/KR graphics and make all UOers happy. The parts of the UI I have figured out are nice and with time and help from others will figure out the rest. But graphics are and will always be a matter of what looks better for that person. I am not only talking about the paper doll. Went to the hunters guide to see the different designs and had to think, OMG what did they do! Sorry, I like the looks of the old graphics and you like the looks of the KR graphics and others like the looks of the SA graphics. So give us all the choice, not just a few.

Then maybe, and I say maybe, a lot more people will use the SA client so maybe we can stop supporting more than one client.


i wonder if it is possible to support the legacy graphics. though i imagine it would bloat the client in size. and the artwork would clash with new content added. but if the graphics were the same, then that's one chip in the bucket, really.

i do find it a bit disheartening, the the 3d client went through the same compromising that led to it's outing.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i wonder if it is possible to support the legacy graphics. though i imagine it would bloat the client in size. and the artwork would clash with new content added. but if the graphics were the same, then that's one chip in the bucket, really.

i do find it a bit disheartening, the the 3d client went through the same compromising that led to it's outing.
It is possible. It's already in there. You're looking at it when you play the "Enhanced" client.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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So why is it when the 2Ders ask for it you tell them to go play 2D?
Why are we wrong for wanting the graphics we want?

They aren't taking the 2d client away, plain and simple.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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The can't do anything new with the 2D sprites, as they lost the original models they were rendered from. Hence why all new clothing has recycled the same tired old art since SE.

The male KR/Enhanced paperdoll is ugly as sin. Whoever created it needs fired. Will Farrel's face as the default? Seriously? He's about as attractive as a pile of poo, and has similar acting ability...but
I digress.

I would like to see a KR art option in the enhanced clent so I dont have to look at the tired low-res 1996 artwork.


Lord Frodo

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So why is it when the 2Ders ask for it you tell them to go play 2D?
Why are we wrong for wanting the graphics we want?

They aren't taking the 2d client away, plain and simple.
And we will never get to one client till they do. And as for the rest, then its ok for you to want but not us. TY for your support.


They really do need to move forward with the new client. After they've done the bug squashing and art improvements and seeing the new client to its potential, THEN see about adding more legacy options to lure the classic lovers over.

In the meantime, any new expansions get the cool artwork and classic gets rehued rabbits and sheep in place of new monsters. :p J/K ;) ...sorta.


Lore Master
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I havent bothered to read the whole thread, just wanted to say that Zared is working on this and almost has it complete (just waiting for launch for some thing to come available to make all the buttons function correctly). It is not 100% 2D paperdoll - he tried that but the enhanced client did not like the sprite - it is more a hybrid. It is the entire outside, functioning buttons, etc of the paperdoll with the new sprite laid into it. Its not what everyone is looking for, but its familiar, and good enough it should pass scrutiny of most. Hopefully the Dev's will fix the enhanced client male paperdoll sprite to look more, uh, reasonable and it will make people happier!

As part of this mod, he has removed the bar that has the functions that used to be on the paperdoll, as he has restored those buttons (open backpack, virtues, guild, etc.) He is now working on making status bars more similar to 2D (tho I have argued for half-sized bars for non-partied things/people al a the old 3D) and on making things no only dock properly, but move as a unit when docked.

As noted in another thread, he also made the atlas resizable, but is still hoping that will be put into the client as standard (he sent the code and a release of interest to Supreem) so we have tried to not make that widely available outside of the beta testers (as he needed it tested, obviously). If he gets word it wont be in the client, then it will be released to the public.

Last, I asked him to fix the journal, but he gave me dirty looks and said the code was too long and convoluted :p