It's just a great shame that the small print says
"** Offer expires September 29th, 2009. Good only for new purchases of Ultima Online™: Stygian Abyss™. Valid only at the EA STORE at and at participating online retailers. Limit one offer per person. Customers will be emailed the code with the email notification of product release. Download code expires December 31, 2010. Valid only in U.S. Offer may not be substituted, exchanged, sold or redeemed for cash or other goods or services. May not be combined with any other offer, gift card, rebate or discount coupon. Retailers, distributors and employees of Electronic Arts Inc. and their agencies/affiliates are not eligible. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law."
I'm screwed whichever way you look at it; not only do I not live in the USA, I'm not a 'new' customer either