This thread is an attempt at discussing Events and their design.
I hope it will be possible to keep the discussion civil and everyone who want to participate provide their opinions.
Why are Events held ?
Well, I would imagine to entertain players and have as many participate as possible.
Now, when a whole lot of players participate, which is a good thing, what can happen ?
The large number of participants creates inevitable LAG.
The problem becomes WORSE when the Event is Designed to occur in a small area and forces a whole lot of participants to clog each other in such a small area creating an unplayable lag for some.
Can it get worse ?
Yes it can....
It can get even worse when the Event is designed with a limited number of MOBs which all of the players need or may want to all target or attack because this means packing all those players in the proximity of such MOB(s) making it hardly possible for many to target the MOB(s) and LAG so bad that several players almost have hard time controlling their Avatars.
Can it get worse ? It can.....
It can get worse when the MOB(s) are designed to cast in an extremely lagged area a lot of area spells affecting walking like wild fires or fire flames, for example.
So we have players, lagged to the extreme, who can hardly walk the area and have high damage flames they cannot escape.
The Event may therefore become for many, who do not happen to have high end hardware or the fastest connections out there, a nightmare to play.
Are Events like these the correct way to go ?
Not in my opinion.
I have no doubt that those players who have expensive hardware and very fast connections can get a lot of satisfaction from these Events, but ny argument is that "if" Events are intended to entertain a large participation, then their Design should be directed not as much towards the fewer with better hardware but towards the more with average hardware.
How ?
Well, since LAG mostly occurs when packing too many players in a too small area, Events should therefore be designed so as to span over a Large Area thus scattering players all over it.
How ?
Well, what brings all of the Event participants into a small area, packing it, and creating unplayeable LAG to some, is the limited number of Event MOBs. Having fewer MOBs with a whole lot of hit points that require a high number of players to kill them, force the packing of a high number of participants in a too small area thus resulting in a perfect LAG inducing recipe.
So, to my opinion, an Event designed to be more playable for more players should be designed with several MOBs, each of them powerfull but not too uber powerfull to require too many players to be killed which would create LAG in the area, and it should have these MOBs spawn in separate areas well distant from each other so as to reduce as much as possible the concentration of participants and the consequential LAG.
The current event was handling gems to the top damagers and an artifact to participants who were able to damage the MOBs.
Since quite a few players were unable to receive anything, not even the Doom artifact nor the cloak, this shows again how the design of the Event packing too many players in such a small area thus creating so much LAG can make the Event unpleasant and hardly playable for several participants.
A good number of players who yet took their time to participate to the Event yet walked out empty handed because the environment and the dynamics of the Event made it so that they were unable to inflict any damage to even qualify for the "participation token"...
Having Events designed over large areas and with less powerfull MOBs distanced from each other and requiring less players to kill them, would allow, IMHO, to make it a much more playable Event thus allowing more participants to have fun playing it.
I can understand that in order to bring challenge MOBs are made extremely uber tough and with a gazillion hit points that they require a thousand players all there to kill them, but I totally disagree with this approach because it becomes only playable for those with the best hardware and connection and thus, counters the goal of an Event, that of being of an entertaining value for as many participants as possible.
I hope sincerely that in the future Events will no longer be designed in this way and that we will see Events that are no longer a LAG fest and can truly be entertaining for the highest number possible of participants.
So, I hope to see Events spanning large areas and with MOBs less powerfull so to require a lower number of participants to kill them avoiding any LAG problem that could make the Event unplayable for some participants.
I hope it will be possible to keep the discussion civil and everyone who want to participate provide their opinions.
Why are Events held ?
Well, I would imagine to entertain players and have as many participate as possible.
Now, when a whole lot of players participate, which is a good thing, what can happen ?
The large number of participants creates inevitable LAG.
The problem becomes WORSE when the Event is Designed to occur in a small area and forces a whole lot of participants to clog each other in such a small area creating an unplayable lag for some.
Can it get worse ?
Yes it can....
It can get even worse when the Event is designed with a limited number of MOBs which all of the players need or may want to all target or attack because this means packing all those players in the proximity of such MOB(s) making it hardly possible for many to target the MOB(s) and LAG so bad that several players almost have hard time controlling their Avatars.
Can it get worse ? It can.....
It can get worse when the MOB(s) are designed to cast in an extremely lagged area a lot of area spells affecting walking like wild fires or fire flames, for example.
So we have players, lagged to the extreme, who can hardly walk the area and have high damage flames they cannot escape.
The Event may therefore become for many, who do not happen to have high end hardware or the fastest connections out there, a nightmare to play.
Are Events like these the correct way to go ?
Not in my opinion.
I have no doubt that those players who have expensive hardware and very fast connections can get a lot of satisfaction from these Events, but ny argument is that "if" Events are intended to entertain a large participation, then their Design should be directed not as much towards the fewer with better hardware but towards the more with average hardware.
How ?
Well, since LAG mostly occurs when packing too many players in a too small area, Events should therefore be designed so as to span over a Large Area thus scattering players all over it.
How ?
Well, what brings all of the Event participants into a small area, packing it, and creating unplayeable LAG to some, is the limited number of Event MOBs. Having fewer MOBs with a whole lot of hit points that require a high number of players to kill them, force the packing of a high number of participants in a too small area thus resulting in a perfect LAG inducing recipe.
So, to my opinion, an Event designed to be more playable for more players should be designed with several MOBs, each of them powerfull but not too uber powerfull to require too many players to be killed which would create LAG in the area, and it should have these MOBs spawn in separate areas well distant from each other so as to reduce as much as possible the concentration of participants and the consequential LAG.
The current event was handling gems to the top damagers and an artifact to participants who were able to damage the MOBs.
Since quite a few players were unable to receive anything, not even the Doom artifact nor the cloak, this shows again how the design of the Event packing too many players in such a small area thus creating so much LAG can make the Event unpleasant and hardly playable for several participants.
A good number of players who yet took their time to participate to the Event yet walked out empty handed because the environment and the dynamics of the Event made it so that they were unable to inflict any damage to even qualify for the "participation token"...
Having Events designed over large areas and with less powerfull MOBs distanced from each other and requiring less players to kill them, would allow, IMHO, to make it a much more playable Event thus allowing more participants to have fun playing it.
I can understand that in order to bring challenge MOBs are made extremely uber tough and with a gazillion hit points that they require a thousand players all there to kill them, but I totally disagree with this approach because it becomes only playable for those with the best hardware and connection and thus, counters the goal of an Event, that of being of an entertaining value for as many participants as possible.
I hope sincerely that in the future Events will no longer be designed in this way and that we will see Events that are no longer a LAG fest and can truly be entertaining for the highest number possible of participants.
So, I hope to see Events spanning large areas and with MOBs less powerfull so to require a lower number of participants to kill them avoiding any LAG problem that could make the Event unplayable for some participants.