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use the black rock spell = Gem 90% of the time


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
like I said in the topic if you can run the gauntlet of fake shadowlords and get to where the real ones are at and use the spell. You will probably get a GEM!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did it on my archer and got 2 gems.... so its possible

just so people see it is not bs...



disappointing, but predictable. good job on the gems though.


Did it on my archer and got 2 gems.... so its possible

just so people see it is not bs...

Just like I said, "Armegeden Spell gets the spoils"!




UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
got a cloak and jackals collar if I could have kept from crashing I am sure I would have been able to get a gem must have died 10+ times

Mr. Gnome

So let me get this right, there are only 3 gems per shard dropped? Or 3 per each REAL shadow lord, which would equal how many total per shard?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep, absolutely true.

They used a version of the Moonglow shadowlord code for the true shadowlords, and thus the first armageddon spell did 50% of the total hit points in damage.

When I saw that on Catskills (I literally ran straight there and found all three shadowlords at half life and a corpse of... somebody... under the three. I was the second one there and saw the armageddon on the last one), I was very disappointed. After one person does that much damage, there was no way that a second person could come close when there are fifty attackers.

Oh well, so one person got all three. No skin from my back!


Honestly, Im very disappointed about the Blackrock spell...the GMs shoulda seen this coming. Now, .....shh nvm.


If only i seen the Spoiler before hand...then I woulda gotten all the gems...on my freaking stealther!!

QQ, glad dats over...next please


"fastest finger" or "luckiest spammer" is no way to award top loot.

Not saying that because I didn't win, or any of the other crappy reasons folk are going to assume.
I came out the other side of the event with less than I went in with, insurance bug or user error. But, even if I'd won all three, it wouldn't have changed the fact it's a terrible way to award it.


I think they used Honor or stealth to get up there. It was a spoiler because
people knew where they spawned that checked out the Atlantic spawn ahead
of time.

Unfortunately for Lake Austin a Chesapeake person ran over to claim two of them.

(This is what I got sent from the person who claimed two on Lake Austin)

"wooooooooot just got 2 shards of immortality on lake austin. They
actually made all 3 of the named shadowlords respawn after they died so on
the second round i got 2 of em. all i did was use blackrock on 1 and the other
blackrock + damage"


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Yes I'm so glad the gems when to the ones who kept spamming Armageddon like a bunch a twits the entire EVENT so no one else could tell WTH Dawn was saying.... I'm soo very glad.... NOT.

And trust me I know because a friend got one by doing just that. I couldn't hardly even move. Let alone get anywhere near enough to one of those things to say anything... all I got was killed about a dozen times or more...

Another robe though I think it's junk anyway because even "IF" I turn it into one of the other robes.... still garbage as far as I'm concerned... a reward robe looks better has less clipping issues and does more.

And I hunters headress..... big deal.... Hello I'm wearing one.

Was highly unimpressed because I KNOW there was supposed to be FAR more to the event but because the EM couldn't get anyone to shut up long enough to get them to move the event forward we just skipped to the end...

My "Suggestions" to the DEV team:

#1 Quit using the EM's as a slot machine.... If you want to "fairly" give things out to EVERYONE use the same system as the Japanese shards and let people get it for themselves, or put it in my dang bank box!... or how about adding a quest???? What too much work for you???

I think it stinks to waste tons of the EM's time on silly junk like that robe... besides... not very rpish to give everyone a robe... and besides when you make the EM's all vendors then half their time is spent saying, "No I don't have any pies, No I'm not giving out any more robes, No, No, No.... you can't have my sword, etc, etc, etc,......" distracting from the events and wasting the EM's time.....

Now I can see how you'd think it is nice for the EM's to physically give you things and for things like their sashes that are more "personal" I have no problem with that..... but for things like the robe and junk that EVERYONE is supposed to be able to get.... Please don't do this again... as well some shards gave them out daily to EVERYONE who showed up... over and over and over.... others gave them out 2 or 3 times and if you weren't there you didn't get.... so on some shards you could basically take every single char you have 100 times..... and on other shards it was done per account.... 1 per account... NOT cool either way... very inconsistent.

#2 Give the EM's a GM or Give them the ability to telestorm, squelch... or something.... for Cripes sakes... on large shards full of immature players who don't listen and act like morons it's impossible to tell what the EM is saying half the time... even if you run with the journal up... it scrolls up off the journal too fast to read.... either that or allow them some other form of speech that can be easily noticed and read by 200 people in a large area.

#3 Stop catering to soloists.... I thought this game was about community? So why at a community wide event does the prize go only to the "top" damager? Shouldn't it go randomly??? Of late it seems that UO encourages everyone to play solo and evil... all the rewards of late go to those who play EVIL or play solo... Thought this game was a MMO and about community and Virtue... guess I was wrong.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes I'm so glad the gems when to the ones who kept spamming Armageddon like a bunch a twits the entire EVENT so no one else could tell WTH Dawn was saying.... I'm soo very glad.... NOT.

And trust me I know because a friend got one by doing just that. I couldn't hardly even move. Let alone get anywhere near enough to one of those things to say anything... all I got was killed about a dozen times or more...
Err... no, no he didn't.

Your friend got one by saying the word "triumph" at the center of the demon temple, and then being transported into the Shadowlords, saw Nosfentor, and ran TOWARD Nosfentor to cast Armageddon the one and only time I mentioned the words, followed by an immediate death.

Given that you and I were in the same Ventrillo channel and KNOWING that I didn't even know I'd gotten one of the shards of the gem of immortality until well after the other two had fallen, and THEN was like holy ****, I got one, your memory of the events is EXTREMELY skewed.

And... let's not pretend that you didn't have blackrock in your backpack for the exact same purpose... MANY of us thought since we were dealing with Shadowlords that blackrock was a good idea.

My question is, how can you have mistaken the complete and utter shock in my voice for "Yeah, we knew this is how it would turn out."


Of late it seems that UO encourages everyone to play solo and evil... all the rewards of late go to those who play EVIL or play solo... Thought this game was a MMO and about community and Virtue... guess I was wrong.
Ultima Online is a game of community and free will as I see it. Why do people always have to play the virtue character or be the big hero? I myself don't think we have enough evil in the world. Everyone looks the same to me because their is not enough RP conflict going on. More ebil, ebil, and ebil. Only then will you see the virtues shine brighter.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ultima Online is a game of community and free will as I see it.
In my opinion, you're absolutely correct. While Britannia is a community of Virtue, clearly not all aspects of the game are set to presume we're all virtuous (ie: Factions, PvP, the people who took the glass dagger from Andrew, those who willingly moved demons to blow up walls in Magincia, et cetera, ad nauseum...).

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On the Origin shard, the Armageddon spell did the same damage as it would of to one of the manifestations. I guess the shadow lords weren't the same on different shards or perhaps there are just some people who aren't too happy that they didn't receive a gem. Oh, and by the way, I received 2 of the 3 gems without using the black rock on them. Just in case you needed to know.


P.S. I can completely understand your frustration as well. Especially if you play that crazy shard known as Atlantic and actually tried to do this event on it. Lag is the one thing that I cannot withstand when playing this game.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Wasn't just the lag.... was the fact you couldn't tell what was going on because NO one was listening to the EM... They were too busy spamming Armageddon....

Was impossible to try to follow what was going on... between the multiple client crashes, the constant spamming, the fact that dragons covered 90% of the screen (Along with the A-Holes who kept putting up gates to places that are Instant death or in the middle of nowhere on purpose to ruin other peoples gameplay and remove them from the area).... hidden in amongst all the dragons so if you mistakenly stepped through them you were gone... and the incredible LAG.... I found the event to be just like every other event... highly disappointing. Except for the fact that at least one shard will remain on GL's.

I will say that at least on GL's we weren't given a gate right to the SL's... but had to actually go there ourselves by saying the "password"... But knowing the password and being able to tell what the heck was going on was a HUGE disadvantage because it was next to impossible to see what the EM was saying... And I was standing right next to Dawn... and couldn't tell.