I believe that answer is 1.
Thank you guys for actually giving us some great content year after year as long as we went to normal school from the 1st to 12th grades.
I still have the first item I got (some oil for a lamp). I mean wow, I know its virtual, but its been 12 freaking years, and it would still work. I still live in a keep I bought 12 years ago. I've been there so long the floors feel solid to me when I walk on them.
Let's give the dev team some love for still being here.
You guys rock!!!
Thank you guys for actually giving us some great content year after year as long as we went to normal school from the 1st to 12th grades.
I still have the first item I got (some oil for a lamp). I mean wow, I know its virtual, but its been 12 freaking years, and it would still work. I still live in a keep I bought 12 years ago. I've been there so long the floors feel solid to me when I walk on them.
Let's give the dev team some love for still being here.
You guys rock!!!