Ok, popps, in one breath you denounce scripts and hacks, then in the next you wonder if there is some way to help out the issues someone like Petra has ... what, exactly, do you think scripts and hacks do, what they are for, and who they benefit? why do you think they were written?
I am not condoning them (or knocking Petra!)) but you flat need to think about what you are saying.
To my opinion, the key is balance. That is, players on the same one level.
Which means, either NOONE using scripts and hacks or ALL using scripts and hacks.
Sure, there will always be someone quicker but if NOONE was to use scripts and hacks, players not as fast would not most always find themselves at the bottom of PvP because there would be also others not the fastest.
Ultima Online has always had macros. The point is to have LEGIT macros that all players can use. And macros that do not require an engineering degree to learn and use. Easily recordable and usable. The easier they can be learned, the more players might be willing to get closer to PvP, I think.
What brings problems and kills PvP, the way I see it, is the fact that only some players have an upper hand because they use "aid" which other players do not want to use.
PvP can be enjoyed even if one is not the faster PvPers out there. The condition, though, is that the playing field is levelled so that the vaster majority of PvPers are moreless on an equal basis and only a VERY limited of players will be able to really excel because of their particular abilities.
At least, that's how I see it.