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noob red question



I turned my tamer to red, which kinda sucks, since I can´t get home again.
So, do the short term murders have to fall below 5 or the long term ones? The only thing that has changed in my murder counts, is the short term ones so far...

Also, 5 fully trained chickens can make short work of mages if they don´t have protection turned on. Just saying...

The joke is on me though, I wanna go home to Trammel again *sob*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Both short-term and long-term need to fall below 5.
And to work it off you need to play on that character for the time to run off.

Find something fun to do in fel. Maybe do some hunting in fel T2A. Don't see a lot of players there.


Ah, thank you. Only 300 hours left then, damnit. Here is to hoping that I don´t time out when I go to sleep.

(Is this why people sit at banks for days on end?)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How many counts do you have? lol

I was assuming you only had 5 :p

Erm, ok I just read it. I didn't see where it says you need to have 0 shorts before your long-terms starts decaying. It only says that long-terms are equal to or greater than your short-term counts.

Short Term

* Each 8 hours of playtime removes one murder count, unless a further murder is committed in that time.
* Committing a further murder re-sets the timer on the partially-decayed count, plus adding a further count to the total.

Long Term

* Each 40 hours of playtime removes one murder count, unless a further murder is committed in that time.
* If you acquire 5 or more long-term murder counts you become "red."
* Your long-term count is always equal to or greater than your short-term count.
* Committing a further murder re-sets the timer on the partially-decayed count, plus adding a further count to the total.


Erm, ok I just read it. I didn't see where it says you need to have 0 shorts before your long-terms starts decaying. It only says that long-terms are equal to or greater than your short-term counts.

Have you ever tried to burn murder counts?? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I NEVER lose any long term counts until all of my short terms are gone. Maybe that's just me?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Erm, ok I just read it. I didn't see where it says you need to have 0 shorts before your long-terms starts decaying. It only says that long-terms are equal to or greater than your short-term counts.

Have you ever tried to burn murder counts?? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I NEVER lose any long term counts until all of my short terms are gone. Maybe that's just me?
Yes, I have in fact. But that could just be that short-terms decay very fast when compared to long-terms. If stratics is accurate in short-terms being 8 hrs and long-terms being 40 hrs, naturally by the time 5 short-terms are gone you will loose that one long-term. 5 short-terms taking 30 hours, 1 long-term being 40 hours.

Scratch that, by the time it would take 6 to decay you would loose one.


As I`m training up a soon to be red char I have been wondering about one thing.This thread kind of reminded me of it. Is there such a thing as Perma-Red anymore? I haven`t had a PK for a very long time,so maybe this is a dumb question,dunno.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Technically since all counts decay, there is no such thing as perma-red.


Strictly speaking, no... but effectively speaking, yes.

Someone with 10,000 murder counts will not be able to play enough time to burn them all off.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also if you take another count it will reset the timer, so if you've been good for 39 hours and then decide to kill a blue because they called you "noobcakes" or something to that nature and they give you a count, it starts all over again.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's the deal. Most people have less short term counts then they have long term when they go red, so it seems like you have to be a 0 short before you get to 4 long.

HOWEVER, if you take a character with 0/0 counts and promptly kill 5 qualifying people and now have 5/5, it will take you 40 hours to get back to blue. In that time, you will lose 5 short term counts and one long term (the last short term and the first long term will drop at the same time).

You will still have to be in game for 40 hours per count left (160 total or 200 hours total from the 5/5) to accomplish a status of 0/0 counts.


Short term counts used to be for stat loss, in effect they are pointless now.

The only part that matters is the long. 4 or less long your blue, 5 or more long your red. 40 hours of ingame time to loose a long. If you fall asleep then make sure your head hits the keyboard and you will stay logged in.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Erm, ok I just read it. I didn't see where it says you need to have 0 shorts before your long-terms starts decaying. It only says that long-terms are equal to or greater than your short-term counts.
Have you ever tried to burn murder counts?? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I NEVER lose any long term counts until all of my short terms are gone. Maybe that's just me?
This is not all correct, but if you get a new counts, it will effect the actuel count you are trying to decay. At least that's how I believe it works

Lets say you start with 5 short and five long from five kills made in same hour, it's 39 hours sinse you made your last murderer, you are now down to 5 short and 1 long, one-two hours more would make you get rid of both.

Now you kill a blue again and you will have 2 short and 2 long but it will take 2x 8 hours toi get rid of the two short and 2x40 hours to get rid of the two long as the count you was decaying will reset up to full decay time.

If you murderer a guy each day and macro 24 hours, you sure will get rid of the short term before the longterm start to decay as you need 40 hours without a new counts to decay a longterm count and 8 hours without a count to decay a short so you may get rid of 2 short a day but no longterm.


Queen of The Outlaws
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HOWEVER, if you take a character with 0/0 counts and promptly kill 5 qualifying people and now have 5/5, it will take you 40 hours to get back to blue. In that time, you will lose 5 short term counts and one long term (the last short term and the first long term will drop at the same time).

You will still have to be in game for 40 hours per count left (160 total or 200 hours total from the 5/5) to accomplish a status of 0/0 counts.
It think it will be more than 200 hours to get to 0/0

1st count = 1/1 = 8/40 hours decay time
2th count gained after x hours (0-7 hours) = 2/2 = 16+x/80+x hours decay time before you are back to 0/0
2th count gained after y hours (8-15 hours) = 1/2 = 16+x+y-8/80+x+y hours decay time before you are back to 0/0
and so on.

I may be wrong but I always believed this is how it works.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend

Well ya might want to burn off those counts trying to find a nice home spot in felucca, so ya do not have to worry about burning off counts to get back home again, cuz you'll be banned from traveling back into Trammel & your home then, every time ya go red. :)

*just a thought*


jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah, thank you. Only 300 hours left then, damnit. Here is to hoping that I don´t time out when I go to sleep.

(Is this why people sit at banks for days on end?)
300 HOURS, so you were not messing around gonig red then

lol, you are bad:)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
. Is there such a thing as Perma-Red anymore?
my red has over 500 short and long term so that 500*8 short tem = 4000 hours = 166.6 days before my long term start to burn off. Long term = 20,000 hours = 833.3 days

total days to go blue again =999.9 days sold game play

I would say thats perma red


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seriously, the shorts and longs burn concurrently! I know as I have had to burn red off at least a dozen times in the last year or so (finally said heck with it, I will just stay red)

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seriously, the shorts and longs burn concurrently! I know as I have had to burn red off at least a dozen times in the last year or so (finally said heck with it, I will just stay red)
Ailish is correct, they do indeed burn at the same time. (unless they dropped the long term time to 32 per :) )


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of the Devs did mention recently they are thinking of implementing some sort of reprieve for reds. If thats the case then there is no perma red (even if you have 10,000 counts)

Edit: Here it is from 2 FoF ago...

Any chance for a red reprieve quest/incentive in UO's future?

We are exploring ways of implementing something along those lines but there is nothing set in stone and no clear ETA on that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is how it works..... it is 8 hours per short term and 40 hours per long term. You only need to get to below 4 for long term so if you have 5 long term just macro off the one kill for 40 hours. After those 40 hours all your short term will be gone and your 1 longterm will be gone. I have done this tons and tons of times I once made a guy blue after a year of macroing took me a ungodly amount of hours.

Hope it helps!