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Request to the art devs to help fansites/Stratics


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since they seem to have not asked you yet I figure I might as well do it.

Is it possible to get us a pack of one standing sprite facing down and left of every basic monster animal and creature (not rehues, or player/normal npc models; I guess transparent PNGs would be best) in KR resolution (including all SA ones that aren't being kept secret for some reason; with the "fuzzy borders" left on)? I'm sure Stratics would appreciate it muchly for their Hunter's Guide section, and other fansites i'm sure would like adding a few of them to their pages to spice them up.

I will continue bumping this till I get an answer too, so be ready to see it around a lot.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Which is why i'm asking for it, obviously.

Besides, we can get screenshots of most of it ingame anyway, and whats the big problem with a single still standing frame in a format not native to the client? The worst we could do is mess around with it in paint.

Looking for "yes, we can get one", "no, we can't get one", or "we'll bug the people above us about it now; hope for the best". A combination of the last two is also acceptable, while not as heartening.

Hell, cut the SA stuff out of the request if that's the stumbling block.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was hoping something would show up in the FoF for this... since nothing did, you all get to see it again.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't submit it.. most of the ones that show up usually seem to be ones they just randomly grabbed from the boards (including several of the ones this week). I already said I wouldn't stop til I got a solid answer, and i'm sticking to that.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Adding my voice to this too, because I know how much work a couple of people are putting into getting things like the Hunter's Guide as up-to-date as possible by next week!!

It would be nice to hear whether someone is at least willing to pass along the request to an artist or other technical person to consider. And it's not like you'd be breaking new ground with this. Just go to the Hunter's Guide now and see what's already in there for many of the older monsters.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The fansite kit is geared at promoting SA, not somuch UO genericly.

The SA screenshots are already out of date.

A good fansite kit should consist of a better selection of logos at varrying resolutions without backgrounds. The ankh in the current kit is nice, but with the background its on its near useless.

We need the SA ankh on a transparent background, and the UO logo - both high reolution - larger than 150 pixels.

The mob art would be a nice thing to give to Stratics and UO Guide as they have become the default sites for UO info since the Herald is mainly news and patch info...


I would imagine organizing that much art for a creature guide would be tedious and cost the studio money for such a minor cosmetic detail on a community site. Be very surprised and grateful if they do provide what you ask.

Its a community guide and not an official ea/mythic guide so the community should handle it. There are some tools out there that can extract art files from UO or you can just load up SA and use 3D Ripper DX. It outputs meshes, textures, and shaders of DX applications. http://www.deep-shadows.com/hax/3DRipperDX.htm


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I believe part of the issue is this statement found in the fansite license:

You may not modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, create derivative works from, license, transfer, distribute, or sell any Materials


Wow, that's a bad misquote if I ever saw one... and you're a news reporter? haha

Here's the original line.

Without limiting the preceding sentence, you may not modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, license, transfer, distribute, create works from, or sell the Tool, or use the Tools & Materials to further any commercial purpose.
And there aren't even any tools included in the kit...

I went through the license agreement and there really wasn't anything there to stop you from using game art on a website. The fan site license agreement is specifically for the fan site kit.

Any provisions regarding ripping artwork from the game would be within the game license and or user agreement. And even then most devs don't really care if you use game art to help build commercial free fan sites that promote their game as long as the raw art files aren't being distributed. And you will probably never see those.