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For everybody asking for a discount, next time you go to a resturant with 5 or more people, ask for a discount!

You can say this and that about discounts, but you have upgraded all along each time, and this time you have had enough! Nope I'm going to be stuborn and refuse to upgrade this time.....

2 Weeks later and you can't take it anymore, you will upgrade.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Incorrect. This is for a NEW account only. This DOESN'T provide a 30 day game time code with it. It works like purchasing any MMO for the first time.
Err... Adida...

According to the EA Announcement... Stygian Abyss Expansion & 30-Day game-time: $39.99.

[Edit...] Actually, I get what you're saying... there is no individual 30 day game time code. It's for new accounts and includes 30 days of play time, not a 30 day game time code.


For everybody asking for a discount, next time you go to a resturant with 5 or more people, ask for a discount!

You can say this and that about discounts, but you have upgraded all along each time, and this time you have had enough! Nope I'm going to be stuborn and refuse to upgrade this time.....

2 Weeks later and you can't take it anymore, you will upgrade.
Next time you go in a grocery store look at the 3 lb bag of apples at $3.99 a bag and then look at the bulk loose apples at $1.69 a lb (3x1.69=5.07) and do the math. You will save $1.08 which comes out at a savings of $0.36 per lb.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For everybody asking for a discount, next time you go to a resturant with 5 or more people, ask for a discount!
Entirely different concept here... restaurants are not retail. But hey, let's go with this silly "restaurants never give discounts" idea and ask yourself why Arbys has their 5 for $5 specials, why Subway advertises a $5 footlong, or why in the world even classy restaurants often provide coupons for buy one meal get the other at half price. You act like no one ever does this kind of thing.

You can say this and that about discounts, but you have upgraded all along each time, and this time you have had enough! Nope I'm going to be stuborn and refuse to upgrade this time.....
Err... actually, you're wrong. As I've said several times, for ML, I upgraded maybe half my accounts. The rest I did not.

2 Weeks later and you can't take it anymore, you will upgrade.
Right... err... no. But nice try.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
For everybody asking for a discount, next time you go to a resturant with 5 or more people, ask for a discount!

You can say this and that about discounts, but you have upgraded all along each time, and this time you have had enough! Nope I'm going to be stuborn and refuse to upgrade this time.....

2 Weeks later and you can't take it anymore, you will upgrade.
I hold 8 accounts... most of which have characters I log in once a week or so to get my .1 gain..... do you honestly think it would "concern" me in the least if they were upgraded or not?

Do I upgrade them just to use a few housetiles????? Doubtful...

Do I upgrade them to use Imbuing??? NOPE.... I have 2 accounts that I log into more than once a week... one to do my "shopping".... will I be unable to purchase things in Luna after SA if I don't upgrade that account????? Nope.....

So..... without a discount how many accounts do you really think I"m going to waste my money to upgrade????

I play one of the 8 on any "regular" basis... this means if there is NO discount.... I may choose to upgrade ONE out of 8..... I see ZERO incentive to upgrade any of the others... do I need a token to change my character to a gargoyle? NO...... do I care.... NO.....

So.... if I had proper motivation to upgrade...... ie a small price break for being such a loyal customer who spends a pretty FAIR amount of money every month on UO I may be FAR more inclined to toss more money their way...

Though of late I'm thinking..... less and less of upgrading..... infact I'm considering more and more of giving them less of my money per month.


Next time you go in a grocery store look at the 3 lb bag of apples at $3.99 a bag and then look at the bulk loose apples at $1.69 a lb (3x1.69=5.07) and do the math. You will save $1.08 which comes out at a savings of $0.36 per lb.

Intelectiual <--- no i cant speeel or have speeell check where im at.

intelectiual property, is ...skdfjlkdjfsdskf

screw it. you all just don't get it.

People stop paying for the game and its expansions, it gets shut off.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
screw it. you all just don't get it.

People stop paying for the game and its expansions, it gets shut off.
I don't recall ANYONE saying that they should hand out the game or the expansion for FREE.

Stop being melodramatic.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will the Mimic be getting a new home since he's been removed from his previous one?


I hold 8 accounts... most of which have characters I log in once a week or so to get my .1 gain..... do you honestly think it would "concern" me in the least if they were upgraded or not?

Do I upgrade them just to use a few housetiles????? Doubtful...

Do I upgrade them to use Imbuing??? NOPE.... I have 2 accounts that I log into more than once a week... one to do my "shopping".... will I be unable to purchase things in Luna after SA if I don't upgrade that account????? Nope.....

So..... without a discount how many accounts do you really think I"m going to waste my money to upgrade????

I play one of the 8 on any "regular" basis... this means if there is NO discount.... I may choose to upgrade ONE out of 8..... I see ZERO incentive to upgrade any of the others... do I need a token to change my character to a gargoyle? NO...... do I care.... NO.....

So.... if I had proper motivation to upgrade...... ie a small price break for being such a loyal customer who spends a pretty FAIR amount of money every month on UO I may be FAR more inclined to toss more money their way...

Though of late I'm thinking..... less and less of upgrading..... infact I'm considering more and more of giving them less of my money per month.

I have more then one account, am I going to upgrade them both, NO.

But that was never my plan, not from the start, I have never upgraded my second account and I never will. But for all of you saying, if you give me a discount I will upgrade all my accounts.

How stupid does that sound to a business account exec.

Lets see, he says he will not upgrade all accounts unless we give him a discount. Ok so he will spend 30 for one but he wont spend 240 for all but if we shave 5 per pack off he will now spend 200 to upgrade all.....

Your not likley to upgrade them all by your own statements why the bleep would they give the incentive then, so they can shave x percent off the top for scripters and groups of friends who pool resources.

All of this boils down to a whole, and I mean a whole lot of talk that is about a ME ME ME attitude. I want it my way or I'm taking my football home with me.

That is what you all sound like, I'm not upgrading unless they give me a discount.

I'm not, I want, I'm quitting.

I get discounts people, I am a Network Engineer. I make 85 per hour, but hey if you buy 100 hours with me you can get it for 73 per hour. The second a customer says to me well I want the 73 rate but I'm only buying 50 hours is the second they get fired as a customer. You don't bully the person that has what you are looking for. You all come to EA/OSI/Mythic to play a game they didn't come to your door and ask you to play way back when you started.:coco:


usually restaurants add 15% over the regular cost for most people

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
usually restaurants add 15% over the regular cost for most people
I can tell you're foreign both to the concept that a waiter/waitress busts their ass to make sure you have an enjoyable meal, and that a party over 6 or 8 is hell on a waiter/waitress, but that's where the extra 15% comes from. It's a gratuity added to ensure your waiter/waitress, who in most cases make under or barely minimum wage, actually gets paid for waiting on you.

And if you have a lousy waiter/waitress, you can take that added gratuity up with management. They still have to earn it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I have more then one account, am I going to upgrade them both, NO.

But that was never my plan, not from the start, I have never upgraded my second account and I never will. But for all of you saying, if you give me a discount I will upgrade all my accounts.

How stupid does that sound to a business account exec.

Lets see, he says he will not upgrade all accounts unless we give him a discount. Ok so he will spend 30 for one but he wont spend 240 for all but if we shave 5 per pack off he will now spend 200 to upgrade all.....

Your not likley to upgrade them all by your own statements why the bleep would they give the incentive then, so they can shave x percent off the top for scripters and groups of friends who pool resources.

All of this boils down to a whole, and I mean a whole lot of talk that is about a ME ME ME attitude. I want it my way or I'm taking my football home with me.

That is what you all sound like, I'm not upgrading unless they give me a discount.

I'm not, I want, I'm quitting.

I get discounts people, I am a Network Engineer. I make 85 per hour, but hey if you buy 100 hours with me you can get it for 73 per hour. The second a customer says to me well I want the 73 rate but I'm only buying 50 hours is the second they get fired as a customer. You don't bully the person that has what you are looking for. You all come to EA/OSI/Mythic to play a game they didn't come to your door and ask you to play way back when you started.:coco:
How about I put it in simple terms for you...

I'm not at all impressed with SA... and I think that paying 30 bucks X 8 for something I am not totally impressed with is OUTLANDISH...

And I am not about to do it... however... I like UO enough to say that given a bit of a break for being a very loyal customer paying WAY more in an average month than the average player.... I think it would be good of EA to see that customers like me are worth keeping...

I think that EA would rather keep one of me vs 2 or 3 who play ONE account... because I've had 8 and maintained at least 8 accounts since AoS... and I've upgraded each and every time...

So when I say I think I am so unimpressed with SA that I am most definitely not dropping 30 bucks an account for access to SA that should mean something to them...

If the price were more reasonable I might consider it... but I can't justify 30 bucks per.

Hell I won't even have a nifty map..... cloth or paper... no box..... no booklet.... just a lousy code.... and a token I'm not going to use...

I mean it would be one thing if I were getting something "awesome"... but since I don't think SA is that "awesome"...

I could care less about gargoyles, throwing, or imbuing... seems to me the effort and cost of imbuing is a MAJOR turn off... the thought of spending 30 bucks x 8 just isn't sitting well.

Will I eventually break down and pay it.... I can't say at this point... I don't think so... if they kill the EM program I think that will end my time in UO entirely.... so right now the idea of paying out 200 bucks when I may be quitting here soon is weighing pretty heavy on my mind.

Old Man of UO

Her name has been written in large letters in her sig as Chrissay "Adida" Zeeman in every post she has made in the last year. Try waking up and paying attention.
I didn't know that either. I turn off siggies and avatars in Stratics and don't see them. It speeds up the page load a lot.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for those that have 15 accounts, why in gods name would u even consider upgrading all 15 to SA, do you actually play all 15 on a regular basis.... or are more than half of them bod runner accounts.... seriously just do your main account and maybe one or 2 others at most... jeez some weirdos out there

secondly... im glad they finally said cursing is not prohibited, i mean if it was then i would have been banned many years ago, i feel the need to curse and say what comes to mind when i don't agree with something, its bad enough that you get perma banned for simply mentioned the R word that rhymes with grape, i mean they say it on the news all the time, it really isn't offense especially when its not directed at a certain person


Well, then I´m only going to upgrade my main account. Too bad my thief is not on the main, so no new stealables for me.


UO Forum Moderator
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I can tell you're foreign both to the concept that a waiter/waitress busts their ass to make sure you have an enjoyable meal, and that a party over 6 or 8 is hell on a waiter/waitress, but that's where the extra 15% comes from. It's a gratuity added to ensure your waiter/waitress, who in most cases make under or barely minimum wage, actually gets paid for waiting on you.

And if you have a lousy waiter/waitress, you can take that added gratuity up with management. They still have to earn it.

So, I gather you've not eaten in a real restaurant (not fast food) in a few decades....

Most sit-down restaurants (where you are waited on at the table) I've visited have had, since the late 80s or early 90s, a line at the bottom of their menu.

"An additional (x)% gratuity will be added to the check for parties of 8(*) or more."

*The usual number. Some don't do it until 10 or 12.

"x" varies from about 8% to 15% in most restaurants. And this is mandatory for eating in, in such a party, and you are STILL expected to tip normally on top of this.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I started out the summer fairly certain I wouldn't be upgrading any accounts. At this point, I've decided I will probably upgrade four accounts.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is not a threat or whine, so don't take this the wrong way.

I'm a penny-pinching cheapskate. But I am easy to fool into parting with my money via free gifts and discounts (such as the recent summer sales on UOStore Japan).

I have played for 12 years and have no intention to quit because there's no 5 pack discount. However, I am in favor of the discount, for mainly selfish reasons, of course.

Now, I have exactly 5 accounts -
1) My main,
2) wife's main,
3) brother-in-law's old account (which I took over after he quit the first time),
4) brother-in-law's new account (wife's using it for the time being),
5) 1 extra account opened to grab an idoc spot, but it's a good spot so I'm keeping it. Plus there are advantages to having 5 accounts for arcane focus.
I also played siege for a time, and it's quite handy.

So it's not only for scripters. UO is a family game where you can have multiple accounts in the same family. Sometimes, you end up with more from taking over accounts from friends and family. No need to cast unfounded accusations that only scriptors have multiple accounts (they probably won't even upgrade their castaway accounts used for scripting).

That being said, I must admit that I am not loyal enough to upgrade all my accounts for every expansion. I just need my main and my wife's main to access any of the new areas. Some, Like LBR and 3rd dawn I skipped entirely.

ML is the first one that I have upgraded all accounts for. Because there was a special ML 5 pack pre-order offer. In case folks have forgotten, this was what was offered:

Thank you for purchasing the Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy 5-Pack. To find out
more about this expansion go to www.uo.com/uoml.

This package includes:

1. Five Mondain's Legacy Upgrade Codes, which will entitle an existing account
to play with all the new content, plus all content from every previous
expansion pack.

2. Five Mondain's Legacy Account Creation Codes, which can be used to create a
new Ultima Online account that has the first 30 days of game time free. You can
give it to a friend or you can open a new account for yourself.

3. Five Chargers of the Fallen in-game pre-sell gifts. This item is given by
using your UPRGRADE Codes within UO's in-game promotional system.

4. A Character Transfer code, which will allow you to transfer an existing
character from one shard to another.
Now, that's how big businesses boost sales. Including EA. They attract simpletons like me with gifts and such to entice me into spending more than I normally would. And spend it Now. Now. Now.

Not by hoping that I upgrade 2 now, then a year down the road, I would ultimately upgrade the rest of my accounts. Money they earn now, is worth more than the money they may or may not earn a year down the road. On top of that, note that by then, the product would likely be outdated and no one would want it anymore.

More importantly, the manager will have a very nice sales report for that first month of the product's release to show to the board.

Instead of delving into the principles of economics that folks have have been throwing around, allow me to instead explain what I will be doing.

I have previously posted the following in the older thread requesting for discounts - If there are no 5-pak discounts, I will be upgrading 2 accounts. Wife's and mine. The rest can live without the upgrade.

Now the thing is, if they offer a 5 pack later on, I would not buy the 5 pack anymore, no matter how attract the gifts are, since I have only 3 accounts left. As a cheapskate, I will feel that I am wasting money.

Nor will I feel a need to upgrade that 3 accounts individually later on. Perhaps I will change my mind 6 months later and upgrade them. Perhaps I will wait for a couple of years until they make it available for everyone. Remember, I have 2 accounts fully able to play the new content. And I have never upgraded all my accounts before the ML offer.

Finally, just want to repeat that this is not a threat or whine. Just trying to give positive feedback. And letting them marketing folks know that I'm a sucker for free gifts/discounts when they release the next expansion a year later. (Yes, this means I'm guessing that there will be no 5-pak discount for SA).

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, I gather you've not eaten in a real restaurant (not fast food) in a few decades....
Could you please be a little more condescending without actually reading a post? Thanks! I'd appreciate it!

You'll notice that in your post, you make mention of "An additional (x)% gratuity will be added to the check for parties of 8(*) or more." Meanwhile, in my post, you'll notice that I state "...and that a party over 6 or 8 is hell on a waiter/waitress, but that's where the extra 15% comes from..." Now, Basara, where do you imagine I got the number 6 to 8 from? Ironic, isn't it, that it's in the same range that you make in your post, isn't it?
Most sit-down restaurants (where you are waited on at the table) I've visited have had, since the late 80s or early 90s, a line at the bottom of their menu.

"An additional (x)% gratuity will be added to the check for parties of 8(*) or more."

*The usual number. Some don't do it until 10 or 12.

"x" varies from about 8% to 15% in most restaurants. And this is mandatory for eating in, in such a party, and you are STILL expected to tip normally on top of this.
Actually, no, you're not. You may have been led to BELIEVE that this is the case, and frankly, it IS the polite thing to do, but you are neither required nor expected to tip above that gratuity. Do you understand what the word "gratuity" means? Yes, I know you're about to state that it is preceded by the word "additional." The word "additional" is intended to mean that "in addition to your bill, an (x)% gratutity will be added to it." This way, when you spend $400, and your bill comes to $460, you don't cough and sputter wondering where the extra $60 came from.

And before you start guffawing at my dispute over the wording of it and actual expectations (which, I'm sure some waiters and waitresses believe they are ENTITLED to above and beyond that (x)%... and ironically, the ones who believe the are entitled to it are the most likely to do the least amount of work to earn it), I happen to tip very well when I eat out, and argue with people whom I've eaten with who either (1) don't believe in tipping, or are (2) hardline 10 or 15% tippers. Personally, if you do the bare minimum (ie: I get my refills, my food's delivered on time, you check up on me a couple of times, and you smile), you'll get 20%. You make my meal enjoyable, you're friendly, personable, outgoing, and have convinced me you like your job (whether or not you really do), you'll get 25 to 30%. You walk around with your head up your ass, don't do your job, make me wait 20 minutes for a refill, you'll get 10%. But hell, if you're doing the best you can, and I can tell it's not your fault things aren't going so smoothly (ie: your boss forgot to schedule enough on your shift), you'll still get 20%, even if service wasn't that great, because I can tell you're doing your best.

So now that we've discussed my tipping habits, and whether or not I've visited something other than a fast-food restaurant in the past 20 years... let's discuss your habits of actually reading a post. Do you?


How about I put it in simple terms for you...

I'm not at all impressed with SA... and I think that paying 30 bucks X 8 for something I am not totally impressed with is OUTLANDISH...

And I am not about to do it... however... I like UO enough to say that given a bit of a break for being a very loyal customer paying WAY more in an average month than the average player.... I think it would be good of EA to see that customers like me are worth keeping...

I think that EA would rather keep one of me vs 2 or 3 who play ONE account... because I've had 8 and maintained at least 8 accounts since AoS... and I've upgraded each and every time...

So when I say I think I am so unimpressed with SA that I am most definitely not dropping 30 bucks an account for access to SA that should mean something to them...

If the price were more reasonable I might consider it... but I can't justify 30 bucks per.

Hell I won't even have a nifty map..... cloth or paper... no box..... no booklet.... just a lousy code.... and a token I'm not going to use...

I mean it would be one thing if I were getting something "awesome"... but since I don't think SA is that "awesome"...

I could care less about gargoyles, throwing, or imbuing... seems to me the effort and cost of imbuing is a MAJOR turn off... the thought of spending 30 bucks x 8 just isn't sitting well.

Will I eventually break down and pay it.... I can't say at this point... I don't think so... if they kill the EM program I think that will end my time in UO entirely.... so right now the idea of paying out 200 bucks when I may be quitting here soon is weighing pretty heavy on my mind.
Now I know your not posting here somehow satisfy my thouths about how a post should be.

But that is how you say what your trying to say.

There is a reason, thought and conclusion to what your saying.

Not just, "I want or I wont".

But just to help you out with a concept about business.

I run / own a successful computer company. We were always mom and pop. I got the idea to wratchet it up a bit, so I started looking for bigger and bigger customers. That meant more staff, went from just me to 5 employees. We eventually got two hospital support contracts.....

Now the company has gone from one person making about 70k a year to 5 employees and about 400k a year in just 2 years.

Guess what happened when the hospitals pulled out........

now 2 years later its just me again. Oh and lots of debt that I can barly service for that growth.

The meat and potatos of any company is lots of small customers with a few large sprinkled in. You see my problem was the hospital money was so sweet I catered to them and alot of the little customers went elsewhere.

What I'm trying to say is, that its important to make the large company happy, but to pander to them is not the right model for any company, large or small. All your eggs in one basket is the term I'm thinking of.


Oh my people.

Fighting over gratutity at restruants.

The reason the line is at the bottom is because most if not all states have a law that mandates this.

This is not a big business greed thing people, its so hard working single mom dosent get screwed by big jerk cheepie.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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The fact of the matter remains.... I'm becoming more and more of a penny pincer.... and enjoying UO less and less...

So by not offering me a discount as I have been so very loyal for the last several years, paying them more than the average person... I'm a bit miffed.

Especially since I know in the past they have given me "rewards" for my loyalty... ML is a great example.

So when I teetering on the idea of just saying you know... I don't care this time around. Maybe I won't upgrade at all... that should mean something.

I have stood behind UO for a long time... When ML came out tons of folk HATED the idea of an added race... I was so excited I could hardly stand it... I finally got what I wanted... to be able to be recognizably elven. They offered me a 5 pack and I gladly upgraded 6 of my 8 accounts right away. Now had they not offered the 5 pack.... I would have upgraded 2 of my accounts right away .... and it's possible that at least 2 of my accounts would just now be getting upgraded to ML for free...

So stating the fact that if there is no 5 pack offered at a discount I'll perhaps upgrade an account or 2 but certainly NOT all or even 6.... is the truth.... infact it might even be the incentive I need to close down at least 2 more of my accounts and even quit giving them my 13 bucks a month for them....

Lord Urza

Common Economics

Quantity goes up, Price goes down.

Thats why its cheaper in the long run to shop at bulk stores like Sams

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Giving discounts for buying bulk is why big box stores are killing small business. thats the only true business lesson. Now stop the whole "give us the combo pack or we wont buy it at all" bs. buy it for your main account, if you see the need to add access to any other account then pay for it. you dont get a discount for bulk monthly subscription so ya dont need a discount for upgrading them. end of discussion
I 100% agree.........if you want to upgrade 5 or more accounts, pay up. Don't like it...take a hike. These trivial threats won't hurt EA or UO, as some would think.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'd think they would at least hype the expansion more as well as the "preorder" gifts if you will. Right now we have a pretty vague description of what we will get if we order this month. What do the pet and boss statues look like? Are they cool? How do the gargoyle tokens work? Can we use them to turn back into an elf or human if we wish? The UO 12th anniversary is also upon us. It's hard to believe that expansion is due within a few days. With all the hard work the developers have been doing, I would have expected a lot more from the marketing aspect. Thumbs down on the lack of a discount too. Do they want to sell this expansion or not?


Will the Gargoyle tokens we get to change our characters race be tradeable?
Yes they will be tradeable but you have to have to have an SA Entitled Account to use it.
And later...
I've had the feeling if I hadn't had to have SA to have a token, I'd just have had to have it anyway just for the sake of having had it!

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
You'd think they would at least hype the expansion more as well as the "preorder" gifts if you will. Right now we have a pretty vague description of what we will get if we order this month. What do the pet and boss statues look like? Are they cool? How do the gargoyle tokens work? Can we use them to turn back into an elf or human if we wish? The UO 12th anniversary is also upon us. It's hard to believe that expansion is due within a few days. With all the hard work the developers have been doing, I would have expected a lot more from the marketing aspect. Thumbs down on the lack of a discount too. Do they want to sell this expansion or not?
Look At the SA official Site. Go to launch.

It gives a brief overview and some really small pics of the mini statuettes of the new mob bosses.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
5 Copies PER order. I don`t see where it says all you can buy is 5,that`d just be stupid.

IMO if you are someone with 15 accounts and can afford the $195 a month for that habit..... You CAN afford the money to upgrade them all,stop whinning.That goes for everybody crying about multiple accounts. You knew what ya was gettin into when you decided to become a full fledged addict.:coco:
Couldnt have said it better myself. :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Having driven around my city I eventually found two stores that did have EA cards, but rather than spend the $30 i've saved on the side for my SA code on something I can't use whatsoever, I have to ask:

Those two stores both only carried the Sims-branded EA cards. Are those cards literally only for purchasing Sims stuff online? Or could I buy 3 of those $10 cards to pay for SA?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Really important to get an answer on this, and its not the normal type of annoying/impossible to answer type of question I give.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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I'd suggest do some searching somewhere in EA's help or FAQ section instead of waiting here for an answer. Given that it is the weekend and a holiday weekend at that.

Or check other places. Did the game card say anything about what it can be used for in its fine-print?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Said it could be used at either the sims site or any ea store site, but that might only be to buy sims stuff (it didn't specify). I found no help when I looked, which is why I posted.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Said it could be used at either the sims site or any ea store site, but that might only be to buy sims stuff (it didn't specify). I found no help when I looked, which is why I posted.
With a bit of google-fu, there are many reports of people who have used this to buy any games that's on eastore.

A couple of months back, bestbuy had a 50% off for the $10 cards. The promo seems to have ended now though.

Note, I did not try this personally, so I cannot vouch for it.

And before you run off and try, it says EA store, not UOGamecodes. I have never seen UO for sale on EAStore before. US or UK. So even if you want to try, it might be wise to hold off until after you see SA available on EAStore.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, pretty sure Chrissay said specifically that this time it would be on EAStore, hence her suggestion to use the available prepaid cards.

Thank you for the answer by the way.. i'll head to 7-11 later and buy three $10 cards.. much easier than trying to convince my sister to buy it for me online. :p


Having driven around my city I eventually found two stores that did have EA cards, but rather than spend the $30 i've saved on the side for my SA code on something I can't use whatsoever, I have to ask:

Those two stores both only carried the Sims-branded EA cards. Are those cards literally only for purchasing Sims stuff online? Or could I buy 3 of those $10 cards to pay for SA?
I'd like to know the answer to this question myself.