Greater Dragons just simply do too much damage. 70 phys 70 fire they deal 70 dmg melee hit + bleed, throw a couple of spells before a nice 60dmg firebreath. With bad RNG on your side you might get killed pretty much instantly by melee hit + bleed + flamestrike + breath. That's 130-150 damage in just a couple of seconds WITHOUT the tamer casting a spell, shooting with archery or doing a melee hit. Once the gdrag/dread warhorse has initiated casting Firebreath there's no stopping it - no LoS check, no range check. It just goes through the walls, 10 screens away etc.
Can someone name me a non-tamer template which can deal 100+ dmg in less than 5 seconds? Besides, Dread War Horses are bugged anyway, they sometimes cast spells even though they are dead. A tamer on Drachenfels got zapped along with his black horsey and after 30sec of being dead it casted a fireball.
Working as intended?
Can someone name me a non-tamer template which can deal 100+ dmg in less than 5 seconds? Besides, Dread War Horses are bugged anyway, they sometimes cast spells even though they are dead. A tamer on Drachenfels got zapped along with his black horsey and after 30sec of being dead it casted a fireball.
Working as intended?