I try to see things from both sides, PvPer's want more folks, and PvMer's either want to avoid ganks, or just don't care for PvP , and in a few cases simply can't afford the equipment.
The one's not interesting in PvP well that's a lost cause your not going to entice them into PvP, they don't want to be prey. I had this discussion with a few folks the other night and I came up with what I thought would be the best solution.
Restrict PvP to Factions, and open it across all facets. Remove the Red restrictions from everywhere open everything up to everyone. Additionally the Balancer for Factions needs put back in, and I'm a firm beleiver that Guilds should not be allowed in Factions. When you join a faction you should be joining a NPC based Guild, let the faction have access to the Guild Chat system. A message by a SL would go to all SL's same for Min TB CoM. What this does is.
- Opens the Doors to Felucca's tougher PvM content to those interested
- Removes the Zerg Dominance of Spawns.
- Reduces the cost of Scrolling up a toon since Non-Faction players can do them with no risk of Raids, increased Mob difficulty would be a different story.
- Increases Resources available since you can Mine/LJ in Fel with no risk of PK's.
- Allows people to see PvP without going to Felucca in a Non-Risk Environment.
- Removes factions within a faction.
- No more hiding in Trammel to wait out Stat Loss.
- Provides cheaper easier to obtain materials for PvP Suits since everyone PvPing would have access to Faction Artifacts.
- This would give more meaning to Factions, it wouldn't be a guild fighting for dominance in PvP it would be a Faction fighting closer to what they were intended Story Line wise.
It sounds interesting and quite close to the Chaos/Order system some suggest.
I have not clear one thing though, what happens to reds, the murderers ?
They disappear or are free game for everyone and live the hard life of the outcasts ?