Ok, this site is crap :/
- there is an unlimited and almost unreadable bunch of enormous random button that need a bit of order (maybe a simple treemenu categorized can help...).
- there is a limited number of item that can bought in one month (after 2-3 times the system says that you have bought enough for this month and to try again in 30 days
). Why the EA must decide how many times I can spend my money?
- no supports for the most used payment type in the web like PayPal and Google Checkout.
- why I need to type always my name and my address? can't it take all my data from my account page? (after all my account user and password is ALWAYS requested...)
I think that there are more improvements needed, but this is the minimum for allow players to buy items from EA instead of player's shops.
- there is an unlimited and almost unreadable bunch of enormous random button that need a bit of order (maybe a simple treemenu categorized can help...).
- there is a limited number of item that can bought in one month (after 2-3 times the system says that you have bought enough for this month and to try again in 30 days
- no supports for the most used payment type in the web like PayPal and Google Checkout.
- why I need to type always my name and my address? can't it take all my data from my account page? (after all my account user and password is ALWAYS requested...)
I think that there are more improvements needed, but this is the minimum for allow players to buy items from EA instead of player's shops.