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we'll follow the individual and end up banning as many as 100 to 200 accounts.


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Taken from an article found at:


Dear EA,

Please step up your scripter fighting tactics to something of this level.


LAS VEGAS, Nevada - Gamers competing against rivals around the globe in online multiplayer games have a new force protecting them — teams of virtual detectives.

While some companies cause havoc with PC users via e-mail spam and viruses, a new type of spam company is targeting the huge worlds of massively multiplayer online (MMO) videogames like Activision Blizzard's "World of Warcraft."

In-game characters controlled by individuals working for spam companies infiltrate these virtual worlds and bombard players with unsolicited ads for the sale of in-game virtual items like swords and even playable characters.

This type of activity is forbidden by all game publishers within their player rules of conduct so Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), which oversees MMO games like "EverQuest," "Star Wars Galaxies" and "Free Realms," is flexing its online muscle.

SOE has created the Norathian Underground Gnome Investigation Team or NUGIT, which refers to the fantasy world of Norath in "Everquest."

This nine-member team focuses on in-game fraud, working like detectives as they police SOE's game worlds in search of spammers and try to uncover their entire operations.

"People get very frustrated when they see spam. It's the equivalent of junk mail and you're getting this in-game and it's very frustrating," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment.

To date, SOE has closed 295,000 subscription accounts across its MMO games as a result of NUGIT's patrols.

Brad Wilcox, director of customer support at SOE and manager of NUGIT, said these "farming" organizations are very organized.

Where there's a demand ...
Companies hire players to log online and build up in-game characters and accrue virtual items and gold by performing mundane activities.

These items are transported via "mules" to "runners," who sell these items to players for cash through third-party sites.

Players looking to upgrade to better characters or access more powerful weapons can buy these items directly, saving themselves hours of playing the game to get these upgrades.

Game publishers don't like third-party companies making money off their in-game world — and many legitimate players don't like dealing with these interruptions to gameplay.

"Once a player reports a spammer or farmer to NUGIT, we watch the individual account and track other accounts of the mules and runners associated with the organization," explained Wilcox.

"Rather than closing down one account, we'll follow the individual and end up banning as many as 100 to 200 accounts based off one tip."

Smedley estimates the worldwide take of farmed virtual items is $2 billion a year industry via these third-party companies.

"A lot of them are offshore. It's very difficult to stop somebody that's in another country, particularly one where the laws aren't friendly to the United States and it can be very challenging," he said.

SOE does offer an alternative to its players, letting them convert real cash into virtual cash to purchase in-game items from the publisher legally and safely.

Since MMO game publishers rely on monthly subscription fees from players, ensuring they keep enjoying the game is key but this does open up cash opportunities for farmers.

"As long as players want in-game items so much that they're willing to spend real-world money on them, this is going to be a problem," said Chris Baker, videogame editor at Wired Magazine.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear EA,

Please step up your scripter fighting tactics to something of this level.

That would be nice. Unfortunately EA doesnt have the time, resource and most pertinently the inclination, to do this where UO is concerned.


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Stratics Legend
which saddens me deeply.
I know what you mean. However ... be careful what you wish for. If EA were to ban every duper, scripter and speedhacker in UO then there may not be enough legitimate customers left to make UO economically viable. The result could be no UO...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know what you mean. However ... be careful what you wish for. If EA were to ban every duper, scripter and speedhacker in UO then there may not be enough legitimate customers left to make UO economically viable. The result could be no UO...

The real question is, which is the lesser of two evils.

A UO world without scripters, and possibly no UO at all.

Or a UO world WITH scripters, and all the evil crap that comes with it.

I vote for no scripters. I closed my account until I feel EA deserves my monthly subscription fee. If they actually did something about the ****ty economy and put dupers,scripters, and cheaters to bed. I would reactivate. Hands down.

Alas I am but one voice among many.


Grand Inquisitor
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I vote for no scripters. I closed my account until I feel EA deserves my monthly subscription fee.
This is an illogical statement.

You have stated that you will not pay a monthly subscription to play UO until they ban all of the cheaters. But by your own logic, if EA were to do this, UO would probably not exist anymore. At which point, there would be nothing to pay a monthly subscription for.

You basically just said that you have quit UO forever.


I know what you mean. However ... be careful what you wish for. If EA were to ban every duper, scripter and speedhacker in UO then there may not be enough legitimate customers left to make UO economically viable. The result could be no UO...
Lazy argument. Then open up the illegal 3rd party programs and let every account dupe everything and every account script and hack for pvp. Cheating/hacking/duping is wrong. Period. Individuals who use their accounts to conduct activity that is against ToS should be banned. Period.


Lazy argument. Then open up the illegal 3rd party programs and let every account dupe everything and every account script and hack for pvp.
And scripting for resources too. As I said before, this would ruin it for the people who are in it for the money when everyone can get their resources while they sleep.


Crazed Zealot
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I have identified this problem in several posts here. Smeadly has always wanted to get these guys .... and good for him.

There is one positive and constructive way the EA/Mythic team can disarm this group.

It is never received popularly and I am sure some have good reasons to not want this.

UO should open a Vendor that sells everything the Game has to offer, in game or through its store for tokens.

This allows the Team to establish the price of everything in game.

This translates all the 3rd party money being spent into direct support of the UO product, this includes employees, hardware, network infrastructure all of it.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Dealing with cheating/exploits is not a matter of waving a wand.

The people who indulge in these things are HIGHLY motivated. Often, they earn more money than the developers and GM staff that is supposed to fight them off (and also do one thousand other things).

It is easy to come here and post that EA should just ban them, period. However, it is a significant amount of work. One that often does not bring much cheer even when it is done.

This is not meant to give EA a clean chit but it is a huge problem that is not so easy to solve as some of you might wish. Most of the big "brokers" out there have been banned dozens of times. That has not stopped them from returning.

Just remember that every single time you use one of those infamous search websites or buy gold from scores of other websites out there, you are screwing only yourself. All of them are exploiters. Every single last one of them. Try to pause and think, "Where is this guy getting all this gold and items on every single shard from?" before you happily open your wallet. The answer is almost always going to be, "He gets it by screwing you and every other one of his or her customer."

Don't pay your hard earned money to be screwed!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lazy argument.
I'm not sure how you arrive at the 'lazy' conclusion. The argument is though, sadly true. UO has passed the point of no return on this sort of thing. Its now way out of hand and is just too widespread. The game would be adversly effected should all those incriminated be banned.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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It is most likely that EA wouldnt lose much revenue from banning the scammer/cheater accounts due to the fact that nearly all the ingame dealings use trial accounts or new accounts on the free start period. If you can shutdown the sites that deal the ill-gotten goods and somehow stop them from starting new accounts then we might get somewhere, but alas its quite difficult. If EA could get the right to shutdown the known 3rd party script programs and thier sites then many scripters would be shut down as soon as a new patch came out and thier programs became useless. If one were to investigate these script program providers, you would see the source of many hacked accounts. Think about it, you download and use an illegal program for you uo and the makers of said illegal program use it to hack your account, what can you do? admit you were cheating? most just pretend they didnt use the program and then come here to post on how they were hacked. we can only hope that someone figures out how to take legal action against the script sites.


Lazy argument. Then open up the illegal 3rd party programs and let every account dupe everything and every account script and hack for pvp. Cheating/hacking/duping is wrong. Period. Individuals who use their accounts to conduct activity that is against ToS should be banned. Period.
I hate dupes. There not done using programs there done by finding a error in uo code and taking advantage of it. I sure hate dupes messed up the whole economy.


It is most likely that EA wouldnt lose much revenue from banning the scammer/cheater accounts due to the fact that nearly all the ingame dealings use trial accounts or new accounts on the free start period. If you can shutdown the sites that deal the ill-gotten goods and somehow stop them from starting new accounts then we might get somewhere, but alas its quite difficult. If EA could get the right to shutdown the known 3rd party script programs and thier sites then many scripters would be shut down as soon as a new patch came out and thier programs became useless. If one were to investigate these script program providers, you would see the source of many hacked accounts. Think about it, you download and use an illegal program for you uo and the makers of said illegal program use it to hack your account, what can you do? admit you were cheating? most just pretend they didnt use the program and then come here to post on how they were hacked. we can only hope that someone figures out how to take legal action against the script sites.
Just one thing to add,Trial accounts are not used for scripts any more other than looking pretty or droping books. The change to trial accounts pretty much closed that. So most accounts now are being paid for.


When some guy has been mining 23/7 for 6 months they should just ban him, even if the GM alarm built into his script calls him over to respond. That's all it would really take to make a dent, but EA refuses to do it. They're basically complicit.


Grand Poobah
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The difference is UO doesn't have 10 million accounts to play with.

In WOW - ban 10,000 accounts - its a drop in the bucket.

In UO ban 10,000 accounts and the game collapses.

That is the difference....


I'm not sure how you arrive at the 'lazy' conclusion. The argument is though, sadly true. UO has passed the point of no return on this sort of thing. Its now way out of hand and is just too widespread. The game would be adversly effected should all those incriminated be banned.
i call bs on this type of idea. also the idea that the 3rd party makes more money than the gm so its pointless.

i grew up in nyc and in my youth Times square was over run with all kinds of filth. Than a new administration took over and with a new set of priorities totally cleaned the place up and ran out all the slime.

what happened. a rebirth of historic proportions. as vibrant an area that exisits in manhattan today with more foot traffic on average per 24 hour period than anywhere else in N.Y.

i hate the argument that the cheaters and dupers have won and that if you ban them the game will fold. I'll tell you that if you clean up your own house a lot more people will want to visit it.

this game is retro people. it will always have the potential to make a come back. jeez bell bottoms came back so anythings possible.


I see... so Mythic should spend as much of their resources as possible doing "csi police work".

So, you'd be FINE with no more expansions, no more new content, no more new artwork, no bug fixes, no anything.

UO has stabilized around 250K subscriptions, it probably will always be around that. Even if 10%of those are "scripter/hacker/dupers", SO WHAT.

Are those people costing you real money? If so you are probably one of them.

If you are playing the game to play and not to work, then NOTHING they do should impact you AT ALL. You can sell the items you farm... I mean work to get. You can buy anything you want if you can afford it. You can craft anything you want if you want to spend the time and effort to get it.

So I'd have to say this is another waste of people's time trying to make a specious argument. The op says he doesn't play ANYWAY.

Um, if you don't play, perhaps you should... I don't know, go AWAY?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i hate the argument that the cheaters and dupers have won and that if you ban them the game will fold.
You may hate the argument but that doesnt mean that it may have some merit. I didnt say the game would fold ... but it is certainly a possibility.

this game is retro people. it will always have the potential to make a come back. jeez bell bottoms came back so anythings possible.
By your own statement "anythings possible", you may well be right. The game may go from strength to strength if you eliminate the cheats. But it may also go to the wall ... anythings possible. Just dont assume that everything will be rosy in the garden once the cheats are gone.

Edit: Its a moot point anyway as EA simply dont have the inclination to do anything about it.


i call bs on this type of idea. also the idea that the 3rd party makes more money than the gm so its pointless.
ROFL... I would almost put money that a 3rd party makes much more a year than a GM.

Last time I looked, GM's were in the $10-15/hour range. Assuming max hours a year, that is roughly $30k(40 a week is approximately 2000 hours a year). There is no realistic way for them to get more from EA. EA doesn't want to deal with overtime pay and such.

Third party guys can simply throw another bot as well as work "24/7" to get more money. So roughly speaking, using just a single account, lets calling it 20 hours a day and lets call it 350 days a year for easy math: we get 7000 hours a year. That is with a single account. Add in multiple accounts and you can see how low they need their hourly pay to be. While they may make less per hour, they can work MANY more hours and most of it unattended:thumbsup:

Sadly, EA has proven they can't handle mass bannings correctly. And with that track record, I have no faith in watching them try the OP's proposed solution.


i call bs on this type of idea. also the idea that the 3rd party makes more money than the gm so its pointless.

i grew up in nyc and in my youth Times square was over run with all kinds of filth. Than a new administration took over and with a new set of priorities totally cleaned the place up and ran out all the slime.

what happened. a rebirth of historic proportions. as vibrant an area that exisits in manhattan today with more foot traffic on average per 24 hour period than anywhere else in N.Y.

i hate the argument that the cheaters and dupers have won and that if you ban them the game will fold. I'll tell you that if you clean up your own house a lot more people will want to visit it.

this game is retro people. it will always have the potential to make a come back. jeez bell bottoms came back so anythings possible.
I live in NYC as well. I miss the old days before the so called clean up. 2 dollar movie theaters, Strip shops, Freedom to cross the street where you like instead of getting a ticket and harrased by police. Everything around was cheaper. Late night fun, these days late night in time square area is like old western ghost town. Little shops you can get things that you normaly can't get anywhere else.
Now you have to buy the more expensive products.
Man I miss the old days of new york firecrackers, freedom. Things have become way to strict would be nice to just head to a park at night and relax there looking at the sight without a cop coming and hitting your friends over the head with back of the gun for no reason while grabing another by the lower part and flinging them over the fence cause they just felt like it.


ROFL... I would almost put money that a 3rd party makes much more a year than a GM.

Last time I looked, GM's were in the $10-15/hour range. Assuming max hours a year, that is roughly $30k(40 a week is approximately 2000 hours a year). There is no realistic way for them to get more from EA. EA doesn't want to deal with overtime pay and such.

Third party guys can simply throw another bot as well as work "24/7" to get more money. So roughly speaking, using just a single account, lets calling it 20 hours a day and lets call it 350 days a year for easy math: we get 7000 hours a year. That is with a single account. Add in multiple accounts and you can see how low they need their hourly pay to be. While they may make less per hour, they can work MANY more hours and most of it unattended:thumbsup:

Sadly, EA has proven they can't handle mass bannings correctly. And with that track record, I have no faith in watching them try the OP's proposed solution.
The thing is UO is not a money maker anymore. Look at the prices that you need to pay for those items on third party sites they cost more than the prices you can find in venders.
All you need to do is go to a cheap vender in any shard buy high end popular items out then have some xfer tokens bought at cheap prices and when you have a sale transfer the items to that shard. The cash amount for those items are like 9 times above gold value plenty of profit if you just use gold to by xfer tokens. You save monthly fee on bot accounts and you save the trouble. Simple as pie.
The real money is to be made in games like WOW with extreme popularity and subscriptions.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i call bs on this type of idea. also the idea that the 3rd party makes more money than the gm so its pointless.
ROFL... I would almost put money that a 3rd party makes much more a year than a GM.
Ok I will take your money and be generous and give you 10:1.

The 3rd party person per se is NOT the one doing any of this. The majority of people that actually do the leg work are getting approximately $.50 US or 50 cents per hour and are generally required to work 12 hour days. The $2Billion US Dollars Smeadly quoted is less than the sum Forbes Magazine predicted would be the Annual Gross Income for this time frame. If anything he is probably being conservative to maintain some semblance of credibility. Think about that $2 Billion US dollars is less than the pay of all the GM's in the top 10 MMORPG'S receive? Are you absolutely sure you want to make that assertion?

Ban 10,000 UO Accounts and within 24 hours 10,000 new UO accounts will be up and running. The amount of money they (3rd party principles) are making can easily exceed the wildest imagination of most game players.

The best thing UO can do is to hit them effectively. That is to say take their sales away from them. It weakens them and strengthens UO. UO should simply make everything available for purchase and give the caveat that "If you buy it from us, we guarantee it is authentic. If you buy it from a 3rd Party you may be banned".

You will virtually cripple the 3rd party vendors over night, as everyone is paranoid of being banned for possessing illegal items.


While I don`t see anything for UO in the anti cheat/exploit movement,I applaude any other game that have the stones to finally do something about it. Its long over due and its something that should become mainstream,instead of the complacency that is the norm right now.

Only reason I don`t see it for UO is simply a money thing.The money is being spent on other more important things.Plus with the 2d client,I think it could be likened to a screen trying to hold out the rain. The 2d client wasn`t designed with cheating in mind. I mean it was one of the first,way back than cheats and hacks was not something that had to be contemplated when making a game.Nothing at all like now days. Only way to kill most cheats is to kill the 2d client and only support SA`s new client. Thats not gonna happen anytime soon.

I hope that they can continue to enhanced the enhanced client so in time it will be something that 2d`ers can love too. Once that happens.....


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Only reason I don`t see it for UO is simply a money thing.The money is being spent on other more important things.

you and I obviously have two diff opinions on whats more important.

Honestly, IMO, right now, playing UO is like playing a game with a 3 year old.

The rules constantly change, and the cheater always wins!

I'll push for better control over the cheaters until the day they pull the plug. I loved this game, and I want to see it run right, not just run.


goodluck on the boycott, hope ea won't pull the final plug, because ppl think they can't police themselve