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make 2d zoomable

  • Thread starter Hooli Gan
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  • Watchers 0

Hooli Gan

Anychance we could make the 2d client be able to zoom in and out like the SA client does?Dont really care for the graphics with the new client and I hated KR.I love my 2d and all ive ever wanted was for it to be zoomable.

Dont change anything else.Just add the zoom feature.Can it be done?

Stupid Miner

You could, but comparably it'd make Mario (1) look like high definition graphics. :thumbsup:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Zoom out would make sense, but I would prefer if they made the window larger for widescreen monitors.


The devs have said no major changes to the 2d client will likely ever happen.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
uh ... the enhanced client *is* the update you're looking for ... the devs have been bending over backwards trying to make it look and act closer and closer to the old client.


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
the best thing that I would like to see in the classic client is the fix for the "drag->recall" crash and the shrinking window while changing something in the options...

but they seems unable to do that :(

Hooli Gan

Love my 2d.Tried the new client and while it ran fine I was sadly lol at how gay the graphics looked.I lovce this game and I am now scared that its going to be over soon.If they were hinging our future on people being blown away by SA and it reviving our community. I am quite sure its not going to happen.

FIX 2D and just focus on content.Give us more stuff to hunt in new places more steadily.I appreciate the effort and who knows maybe it will work.But as it stands right now im saddened.


FIX 2D and just focus on content.Give us more stuff to hunt in new places more steadily.I appreciate the effort and who knows maybe it will work.But as it stands right now im saddened.
This! This is what EA/Mythic need to realize. There were better 'looking' games on the market early in UO's life, however, it was the content that UO provided, the game play, and the customization each player had over their characters that made UO special and kept people playing. Unfortunately, EA/Mythic has lost the vision this game originally had, and they are trying to turn UO into a clone of other games, trying to focus on graphics over gameplay.. turning the game into an item based game vs. a skill based game.. and forcing players into cookie cutter templates in order for them to enjoy the minimal new content they do provide.

If they want players back, they need to show that they are focused on providing quality content and gameplay based in this unique world. Ultima has a HUGE history they can play with.. SA is a good step forward, but it still is going for flashiness over substance in certain places.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Anychance we could make the 2d client be able to zoom in and out like the SA client does?Dont really care for the graphics with the new client and I hated KR.I love my 2d and all ive ever wanted was for it to be zoomable.

Dont change anything else.Just add the zoom feature.Can it be done?
Just give us a 2D clasic switch in the SA Client. Keep all the old graphics and have all the add-ons.


some people play 2d client, some play the new one only coz their monitor aint 15", and the classic client looks just ugly on those bigger than that.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a 17" laptop and 2D just looks bad on it. :/

SA looked pretty meh on it when I first played it, but then I realized, I had the wrong resolution, and now it looks pretty damn good. But would be better if there was higher resolution art.

And a zoom function on 2D would just suck.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
some people play 2d client, some play the new one only coz their monitor aint 15", and the classic client looks just ugly on those bigger than that.
I play it on a 19" CRT monitor and the graphics are fine. Astonishingly better than the SA ones.

No matter how you zoom or unzoom the SA client game display, it just looks like garbage.

Shoot, in comparision, the 2D graphics look like they would be an upgrade of the SA graphics. Like the flaws in the SA graphics had been removed to improve the games appearance.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
some people play 2d client, some play the new one only coz their monitor aint 15", and the classic client looks just ugly on those bigger than that.
I play on a 22 inch widescreen monitor and classic looks just fine to me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I play on a 22 inch widescreen monitor and classic looks just fine to me.
How do you even SEE the game window? Unless you only have your monitor set to 1024x768 or something?? While there are some things I like about SA client, I don't care for the pet graphic "upgrade" at all. However I can't play 2d very well cause it's so small. I'm on a 1920x1080 resolution widescreen.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
My resolution is set at 1024x768. Anything smaller and my eyes start to hurt. I actually prefer the look of my screen at that resolution in widescreen. The black space around the edges is nice to have my various bags and gumps open in without them covering up the play area.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I do more than just play UO. The extra screen space is nice for Photoshop, other games, and watching movies.

Also because it was free and matches the rest of my all black setup better than my ancient beige 10 year old lcd.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then you use higher than 1024x768 when you're not playing UO, right...?

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not sure actually. I think it's set for a higher resolution, but I'm not sure. I'll have to check if I think of it when I get home later.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Draconi stated that it's much easier to do world building for Enhanced client over the 2D.
I wouldn't be surprised if the next expansion after SA would be Enhanced client only. They will probably be able to spit it out fast.

Hopefully by then, all the kinks are worked out of EC and works/looks exactly like everyone wants.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Just give us a 2D clasic switch in the SA Client.

That's what the SA/Enhanced client IS.


The only thing I want in 2D is an option to press enter to type. Well, that and a toggle to put containers in and out of grid view. Not gonna hold my breath though -- I don't think the devs are too interested in making the 2D client more attractive at this point.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Just give us a 2D clasic switch in the SA Client.

That's what the SA/Enhanced client IS.
Yup. The people who liked graphics that looked more 2003ish than 1995ish got the shaft because you guys whined, and you still won't use the damn client.


We whined, I think we stated we don't like it or what not, the fact that we wont use KR or the new ones tells you that we did not want a new client in the first place. So how did it become our fault.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Yep, then the question becomes, why wont they switch Still?

Even had they left the kr graphics in, the new SA UI is still lacking something.

Many still find the little things like paper doll art horrid,the macro system convoluted and incomplete, creature art/sizes/color/animation ill fitting and *yawn*...

Sure sure, they are working on it, working on it, working on it...................... I have a nose hair tickling my chin and cobwebs in my ears.....oh, still working on it....still working on it.
How long really do I have to wait? Another two years?

* to avoid the "you don't use it" haters.* I use the both clients.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anychance we could make the 2d client be able to zoom in and out like the SA client does?Dont really care for the graphics with the new client and I hated KR.I love my 2d and all ive ever wanted was for it to be zoomable.

Dont change anything else.Just add the zoom feature.Can it be done?

thatd be the ****


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Give me the enhanced clients Map and Macro system in the classic client and i'll be very happy. (Probably not going to happen)

or ...

Give me the classic clients Characters, Pets, Mobs and Paperdoll in the enhanced client and i'll be very happy and switch to the new client. (EA's only chance to get me and a lot of others to switch clients. This is possible and probably EA's best shot of ever moving to a 1 client game)

or ...

Leave things as they are and i'll never touch the enhanced client but still be very happy playing the classic client. (This is most probable and EA will be stuck with a 2 client game for the remainder of UO's lifespan)