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Noob question from an old player

  • Thread starter NilByMouth
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Hi all,

I'm looking to get back into UO after a gap of a mere 9 years!

I have an old account (lapsed after 2nd Age expansion). All the old characters seem to have been wiped (but there is one character on the account which I think I created when I restarted the account very brifely). The account is 34 months old and has some freebie gifts unclaimed on it.

I've also just started a new trial account.

Looking at the account info, the trial account seems to be enabled for more expansions than the original account.

Should I ditch the old account or can I upgrade it for the expansions (if so how and how much)?

I can't find anything useful in Mythic Stores or UO Gamecodes that covers expansions - I guess I'm looking in the wrong places!

Thanks for any replies.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like the man says dont throw anything away - if you have been gone that long it is possible you have some items which are now classed as rares - sewn by clothing etc.

Also you can update it to Mondains for free now.


Thanks for the welcome. :)

I'm looking for an "upgrade your account" option. Following the "UO Game Code" link gets me to a "UO 11th year Collection" page.

Does the 11th year collection cover all the expansion upgrades? (All it seems to talk about is various housing items ...)

Sorry if I'm being dim!

BTW I'm in Europe - on Europa.


If you have a paying account you will be automaticly access to all expansion except for the one that is coming the 8th of September.
OK, I need to explore some more. What was worrying me was on the "My Account" "Subscription Info" page, it shows "UO: Mondain's Legacy Registration | Not Registered" (along with many other "Not Registered" things).

However, there is a "UO Renaissance Registration | Registered" - perhaps that covers all?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would also go for the old account as you will sooner be able to ride ethereal mounts (3 year veteran rewards).
So save those veteran rewards till your account is 36 months old :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK, I need to explore some more. What was worrying me was on the "My Account" "Subscription Info" page, it shows "UO: Mondain's Legacy Registration | Not Registered" (along with many other "Not Registered" things).

However, there is a "UO Renaissance Registration | Registered" - perhaps that covers all?

Dunno if registration pages been updated since they made all expansions free.Best way to know if you have acess to all is when you can make a Elf character at the character creation screen.


I was about to warn you that quite a bit has changed since T2A. However, it sounds like you've already created a character, so that may already be obvious!

Good luck!
