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[Gardening] OMG Seed Stacking!

  • Thread starter DHMagicMan_1
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


I guess I need to reactivate my accounts yet again now. :wall:


I'll believe it when I see it. It just seems too good to be true.


OMG !! I wonder of those jars will allow for retrofitting to also stack the hundreds of cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, vanilla & sugar units I have busting out of my kitchen cupboards awaiting for the grand choclate recipe(s) !!!

Lady Sakkarah !!?? Someday maybe !!?? Thoughts !!??
Pretty Please with choclate sprinkles & a cherry on top

Flora Green

I don't understand after months of asking, and a year after they announced it was happening, why no one will tell us why the chocolate ingredient stacking didn't make it and if it's every going to. Maybe even a projected date?

Also, do you have to have SA to get stacked seeds? I'm not going to upgrade all of my accounts and I have seeds on multiple shards. Seems this should be a basic thing for anyone to benefit from.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand after months of asking, and a year after they announced it was happening, why no one will tell us why the chocolate ingredient stacking didn't make it and if it's every going to. Maybe even a projected date?
They didn't make it for the same reason seeds weren't stacking before. I used to harp about it too until I started working here and realized just how complex it is to get this stuff to work. And to be honest, when I was working with the engineers getting the seeds to stack, the chocolate ingredients totally slipped my mind. So I'll have to look at those and see if/how that can be worked out. No ETA, sorry :/

Also, do you have to have SA to get stacked seeds? I'm not going to upgrade all of my accounts and I have seeds on multiple shards. Seems this should be a basic thing for anyone to benefit from.
Seeds stacking doesn't require SA. It will be available to everyone and work retroactively on all existing seeds.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Thank you for your input Sakkarah, look forward to playing with your toys on the Production Shards.


Thank you Lady Sakkarah for the update. Awesome to know the stacking seed jar thingy will be to the avail of everyone - that is a very great achievement - the seed stacking. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I feel now there's still hope for the choclate cupboard and "that's a good thing" (M Stewart).;)

Thank you for your awesomeness. :hug:

Cheers Flora! :cheerleader:


This is absolutely wonderful news, and thanks for keeping us up to date on it. We gardeners greatly appreciate it!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slipped your mind? Oh oh, not nice.
I stopped saving these since I ran out of room.

Please, when you make them stack, can you add some more uses for them?


I don't understand after months of asking, and a year after they announced it was happening, why no one will tell us why the chocolate ingredient stacking didn't make it and if it's every going to. Maybe even a projected date?

Also, do you have to have SA to get stacked seeds? I'm not going to upgrade all of my accounts and I have seeds on multiple shards. Seems this should be a basic thing for anyone to benefit from.

If the seed stacking works as good as the chocolate ingrediant stacking was supposed to work I sure wouldn't want to be holding my breath. I'll believe it when I see it.