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New Patch = Unstable Classic Client

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


After installing the little "get CC ready for SA" patch this morning, I log into UO only to have it crash on me multiple times in a 20 minute stretch. What gives? A new expansion is on the way, so you destabilize the client?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm. I patched and was logged in for around half an hour with no problems at all. Be interesting to know if anyone else has experienced the problems you have Connor...


I crashed every time something spawned or despawned on me. Made for quite the trip around Ilsh this morning...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To be honest I was just pottering around my house doing a few bits and pieces and had a brief visit to the bank. I'll do a bit of a tour and see what happens...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Had a run round Ilsh for 20 mins ... killed some stuff etc. Nothing. Client seemed fine to me.


It seems to have calmed down since it's come up from daily maintenance. So far I've only had one crash. Earlier was ridiculous though.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had that issue every once in awhile long before today's mini-patch.

I usually blame it on someone on the shard duping, but I have no actual evidence for that....I've just known similar things to happen when someone is duping or hacking. Certain cheats somehow cause lag.

On LS it used to be that if you started lagging at a champ spawn, one of two guilds was about to show up. The prediction was accurate well-near 100% of the time, and the times it wasn't accurate the lag turned out to only be region-specific.

And I remember long ago entire shards used to vanish periodically, allegedly due to a single guild duping items.

-Galen's player


Great. So we've basically got a bunch of high priced dupes waiting to hit the market now. My bet is on gems.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I usually run fine, but I have also crashed often since the patch, usually when a name comes on the screen or something spawns.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had random crashes just doing group stuff. Not even crossing server lines, just fighting stuff. Using the 2D client. Been going on for a long, long time.

Old Man of UO

There was a patch? I didn't run the patch program and the client is running fine for me. It also helps stability if you defrag the hard drive after every patch.

Old Man of UO

UGH... just crashed running through Doom. Lights out in a wink! I haven't patched, so whatever is causing the crash probably isn't in the new patch.