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[UO Herald] Pet Dyes

UO News

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We have reviewed the results of the various surveys and the abundant feedback you have provided us. While it is clear that a majority would like a greater variety in pet hues, there is a strong desire to keep a natural feel to their hues, that the coloring be restricted to certain type of creatures, that the colors only be partial hues, and that said hues not be applied through “dyes”.

We have heard you.

Unfortunately, with less than a week before launch, there is no way for us to meet requests and expectations in a satisfactory manner. We have therefore decided to discuss what approach to take with hues and pets after the expansion launches. This discussion will involve the artists and engineers, so that we can fully explore a solution that will benefit the community.



Sad they gave in to the vocal minority.

I do applaud the developers trying to implement something that the majority of the players want, it's sad it didn't come through.

I'm not going to hold my breath for any dyes to come though, as the gardening community has been wanting rehued plants for about 5-6 years, and nothing has been done to those. It's either too difficult to do, or no one wants to put the manpower in it to do it. Plants are static images, with no movement, can you imagine hueing each and every animal out there, including each and every movement they make? That's gotta be at least 100 times more difficult.

So thanks again, sorry it didn't and probably won't ever come to fruition...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't the devs give enough crap to feed the trammies? Hows about giving punkbuster? Actually banning people that use ITPP?

Whats wrong with the current hues anyways? The UBER greater dragons are getting too.....bleh now?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow... I'm impressed. The part about having artists in on the solution gives me great hope. We may yet see a solution that makes everyone (or most, as we all know everyone can't be) happy! :D


Slightly Crazed
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That sucks. Goes to show there are certain people they listen to more then others. :sad4:


Crazed Zealot
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Don't the devs give enough crap to feed the trammies? Hows about giving punkbuster? Actually banning people that use ITPP?

Whats wrong with the current hues anyways? The UBER greater dragons are getting too.....bleh now?
Of course it's too bad they don't listen to people like this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Of course it's too bad they don't listen to people like this.

Actually, I could really give a ****. Trammies always win anyways, just PLEASE give a checkbox to 'ignore pets coloring' or something (similar to the 'colored lighting' thing). This way it would be a win/win to me. Trammies, who always win in this ****, will get their purple dragons. And I can just make fun of them for having a brown dragon that does 60dmg firebreath.


Excellent. Last thing we need is mono hued pets that look like crappy dyed plants.

I think they are saying the dyes were hated but but but there is interest in changing pet hues.

Changing in a way that hues them UNLIKE plants and the rest of the lame way the apply the color as a blanket. Might end up quite nice.



Babbling Loonie
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It sounds like it will still be implemented, but they want to do it right. I see nothing wrong with this.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I think what happened here is the initial poll results were much in line with what the developers expected. But as time went on and then the feedback from Japan, it was clear there are many who don't want this implemented as they planned to.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes i am tired of seeing everyone with red dragons on black horses..

i would love to see, brown, tan, white dragons again.. maybe even black, pink, green.. those are natural "lizard" colors.. aren't dragons supposed to be lizards/reptiles?
i miss the white wyrms.. wish they were more powerful and useful..

Nastia Cross

How about let's not all jump to conclusions. While I am against pet dyes (see sig) I am totally for having the artists come up with a better looking alternative. If you really want this option, you shouldn't have a problem with waiting a little while longer for it to be done right. As an artist myself, I thank the devs and anyone else that has been or will be involved with making pet dyes more aesthetically pleasing. Thank you for listening to the community and making UO a better (looking) place for all of us.


Actually, I could really give a ****. Trammies always win anyways, just PLEASE give a checkbox to 'ignore pets coloring' or something (similar to the 'colored lighting' thing). This way it would be a win/win to me. Trammies, who always win in this ****, will get their purple dragons. And I can just make fun of them for having a brown dragon that does 60dmg firebreath.
If you're in Felluca, and they are in Trammel, you wouldn't have to see them anyways...


This just in: We had no real intention of adding content, we just wanted your attention off what we have done so far so we could release SA in relative harmony.

Call customer service next week with any complaints of our release.


Aye.. thanks for backing off and rethinking the pet dyes. implementing it with some collaboration would be terrific... it's a nice thing to feel listened to.

Maybe in the future a poll would reach more players if it was thrown on the patch page? Just a thought..

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Lets just hope the uo japan people dont go releasing pet dyes for sale on thier site without talking to the rest of the world, like they seem to love doing. Pet dyes like on TC are nothing more than eye sores for all who have to look at them, the partial and more realistic hues would be fine but id rather not see them made as an item to buy off the site. make them available through a quest or crafting, (maybe a side part of staining). Just as long as it is made easy for any player to get them, we dont need the corrupt vendors selling them for millions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For all the bile I spit about no dyes. This is a very sensible solution. And I look forward to seeing the re-worked non-blanket hue dyes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like we WILL be getting pet dyes but common sense has prevailed and its going to be done properly.

Many times in the past have the Devs been criticised for rushing stuff out of a sub standard quality, and quite rightly so. All I can say is well done to the Devs for listening and deciding that things need to be implemented correctly.

This should be a winner for most players ... the dyes will eventually go in so those in favour have not lost out, but will get done in a fitting manner. Should be worth waiting for.


Grand Poobah
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We have reviewed the results of the various surveys and the abundant feedback you have provided us. While it is clear that a majority would like a greater variety in pet hues, there is a strong desire to keep a natural feel to their hues, that the coloring be restricted to certain type of creatures, that the colors only be partial hues, and that said hues not be applied through “dyes”.

We have heard you.

Unfortunately, with less than a week before launch, there is no way for us to meet requests and expectations in a satisfactory manner. We have therefore decided to discuss what approach to take with hues and pets after the expansion launches. This discussion will involve the artists and engineers, so that we can fully explore a solution that will benefit the community.

Although I was against the pet hues as suggested from the beginning, this at least gives me some hope that it can turn out pretty good after all... :thumbsup:

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Things like this Should be well thought out from the beginning. The half way attitude is whats losing ea time and money.


So close after 4 years of hoping, yet so far!

I prefer the job be done right, even if it takes a bit longer.

Today is one of those days that I have been asking myself:

Why am I playing this game again?

Most of the players I know are just...subpar... is the nicest way I can think to put it.

I wouldn't hang out with any of them in real life so why do I try to do it online?

( Yeah not sure subpar is a word but the only other word(s) that come to mind would get bleeped).

Then I get this news and though I have hope I know enough about EA Games to know it probably means no pet dyes ever.

Hanging by a thread here EA.

I JUST need one more thing and the castle and keeps and zento house are filled with npc vendors from my other accts (OSI FTW), all my good stuff is getting trashed, and one of the best days of my life will begin.

The day I FINALLY quit UO for good.

Hmmm, I actually have been wishing I'd get hacked...life has been calling.


If your round and short with a big hole as a head and your name is Trash Barrel then yes, you can have my stuff.


Sakkarah, thank you.

It must've been a tough stance to renege (albeit temporarily) on the dyes offer when it seemed so popular, but for those of us who have felt there had to be a better way this seems to be a win-win solution. People can have their coloured pets eventually, but after it's been properly and artistically implemented.

Let us all look at it as a partnership between variety and taste.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A small victory for common sense and decency.
Yes! I mean how lewd is it to want colors in a video game! I mean, common sense has to tell you that your personal opinion on this matter isn't right unless it aligns with hens! ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Bel'la Dos. (Thank You.) To the Dev team for rethinking things and NOT putting the pet dyes in... yet.

I hope this means you have put some thought into the way things look.

I know we all Love UO and want to see it succeed.

It wasn't that I didn't like the idea of finally being able to dye my pet... It's just that the way my pets look is important to me. Just like the "size" of my pet... (Creepers still has an inferiority complex over how he appears in SA... please restore his stature!)

I applaud your decision and hope that in future when it is finally re-introduced we can once again be given a "choice" on it.

Might be good to consider adding a "turn off pet huing" into the options menu for the Fel L33T DeudZ who have overly sensitive eyes... so as not to harm them. My thought is likely they are concerned because their HaXz might not recognize pets if they where abnormally Hued...

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Thank you, UO Team. I am grateful they will be looking into this idea a bit deeper and not pushing it through without trying to find the best possible solution.

I absolutely support more colors of tamed animals in UO. I'm glad they'll be working with the art department to make the colors a better fit. I hope they will take the time to look at the plant artwork as well.

I'll still hold off hope that they'll add the hued animals to the spawning population rather than issuing dyes. It would be awesome to find "a blue dragon" when wandering around the world. Might get the world traveled again. Tamers could have a hued pet permanently (without allowing it to 'drop loot'), the monster-like tames (dragons, etc) might have better loot or a special item for those who just pvm and for those who still try to lose themselves in the UO world by role-playing... seeing a blue dragon would have more much meaning than trying to imagine someone trying to force their dragon to take a bath in blue dye.

Although they probably won't implement the spawn idea, I am glad at least they are looking at the idea of pet dyes a bit more closely and going to consider the changes to the artwork as well as limiting some colors from some animals.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe, Assia, I wouldn't be RPing that my dragon took a bath to turn blue. I'd just RP that he/she was always blue to begin with. After all, I don't RP that I popped out of some magic uterus in New Haven square fully grown and equipped. ;) :D


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they can do it in a proper way I sure wouldn't have any complaints about it. I'm hoping things are possible.

Does leave me wondering what's going to come from the quest in the meantime though.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend

So if you cry enough about something the devs cave in. Heh...

Well, let me be the first to congratulate all the people that successfully derailed this system. It was a valiant fight. Unfortunately, those that believed this to be a worthwhile addition were not nearly as unified, vocal and organize.

I tip my hat to you all


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

So if you cry enough about something the devs cave in. Heh...

Well, let me be the first to congratulate all the people that successfully derailed this system. It was a valiant fight. Unfortunately, those that believed this to be a worthwhile addition were not nearly as unified, vocal and organize.

I tip my hat to you all
I dunno Phantus. While they are working on this, perhaps we can convince them to include additional hues adding even more variety to the system.


Honestly, thank you.

I'm sure we'll find a way to give new hues to pets that'll please everybody. :)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I dunno Phantus. While they are working on this, perhaps we can convince them to include additional hues adding even more variety to the system.
Nah. There isn't any point to it. The people that would enjoy the pet dye system are not, by nature, vocal and demanding. They are generally quiet and self contained players that would have really enjoyed this. The people opposed are very much aggressive and very much organized together. Example, you didn't see all the people who wanted pet dyes with a specialized sig or anything similar. They won fair and square. To hell with the silent voices.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe, Assia, I wouldn't be RPing that my dragon took a bath to turn blue. I'd just RP that he/she was always blue to begin with. After all, I don't RP that I popped out of some magic uterus in New Haven square fully grown and equipped. ;) :D
*laughs* True enough. Personally, I know how hard it is to bath some cats or dogs even when they love the water.. *grins*

An' I know, I could rp the dragons as having always been blue (or whatever) if I had to, however I personally would have greater satisfaction in having it be a permanent color and tamed as "a blue dragon".

I still like the idea of having them spawn with some bit of eye candy as loot for those who aren't tamers like "a necklace made of blue dragon scales". Those who weren't interested in taming could sell the item to players for gold or keep it as a wearable or to have as decor. I know quite a number of rpers who wear such items to further their character's rp and bank sitters who wear event jewelry for the bling factor. Tamers and non-tamers alike could benefit from the addition so long as there wasn't a set location to prevent the camping of the animals or forced spawning. Having a blue dragon would be seen as a symbol of prestige much the way colored cu sidhe's are now.

I know there are a -ton- of things in game that are really difficult to explain as an rper, but hey... won't stop me from trying to bring to light alternatives.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they can do it in a proper way I sure wouldn't have any complaints about it.
Agreed. The way that it was going to be implemented just looked terrible imo. If they do this, it needs to have secondary colors and not just one blanket of blah.

MiNi MaGi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
of course they over look the 100's of probs uo has and decide to make the trammies happy once again... but idk i wouldnt mind it, i just think its a waste when they could actually fix something..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know Assia. I was just messing with you. I made a similar suggestion once for the Devs to implement simple events like a blue dragon spawn somewhere with dragons that did energy damage and had better resists to energy. Of course, if they did this as I suggested, I would definitely have to campaign for more stable space than the 2 additional ones we're getting.

MiNi MaGi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nah. There isn't any point to it. The people that would enjoy the pet dye system are not, by nature, vocal and demanding. They are generally quiet and self contained players that would have really enjoyed this. The people opposed are very much aggressive and very much organized together. Example, you didn't see all the people who wanted pet dyes with a specialized sig or anything similar. They won fair and square. To hell with the silent voices.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sad they gave in to the vocal minority.
Yeah I thought the same thing...I remember how popular the pet dyes on Test Center were.

Granted I'd never have used this item save to sell one, but....Well, that's just it isn't it. I wouldn't use it, but I didn't feel the need to stop someone else from using it. Seems others do have such a need, however.

Remember that we have a producer in charge of the game who's openly referred to Trammel players as "care bears," so, while UO has always catered to the vocal minority to some degree, I'm betting we'll gradually see more and more of it. Hopefully it'll continue to be mostly on relatively small matters, such as pet dyes.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It sounds like it will still be implemented, but they want to do it right. I see nothing wrong with this.
To me it sounded like an "easing off with intent to not implement."

We'll see. The actual issue is of very little consequence to me, but my strong feeling is that a vocal, destructive minority has been catered to. And that, if not the actual matter at issue, is of consequence to me.

We'll see.

-Galen's player


Seasoned Veteran
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I'm confident they will do the thing very well -now that they know what we would really like.

Pets are REALLY important in UO, as much as housing!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
of course they over look the 100's of probs uo has and decide to make the trammies happy once again... but idk i wouldnt mind it, i just think its a waste when they could actually fix something..
What's amusing about this post is that it basically translates to, "screw the majority of players, do what I want."

How do I know that the majority wanted pet dyes? I don't. I think I'm right, but I could easily be wrong.

But look closely at the post, it isn't really about pet dyes at all.

of course they over look the 100's of probs uo has and decide to make the trammies happy once again
The "Trammies" are, of course, the majority of UO players (as can be seen by such advanced research methods as walking around in Felucca). What upsets him is that a company wants to cater to the majority of its customers. How ridiculous! *chuckles*

The funny thing is, he and I might agree on at least some of the "100s of probs uo has." And I surely wouldn't use a pet dye.

But the point is that if a majority want pet dyes as opposed to a fix for speed-hacking? Then guess what, from a business perspective they really need to do the pet dyes first.

But again, look at the post carefully and you'll see that it isn't really about pet dyes at all; it's about catering to the majority of players, which is just good business sense, most of the time.

The ironic thing is that all of this weird Fellie rage at pet dyes comes at a time when Fel is getting new content. Rather than celebrate that new content, though, they are spending an awful lot of energy raging at pet dyes, which is not being implemented after all!

-Galen's player


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah I thought the same thing...I remember how popular the pet dyes on Test Center were.

Granted I'd never have used this item save to sell one, but....Well, that's just it isn't it. I wouldn't use it, but I didn't feel the need to stop someone else from using it. Seems others do have such a need, however.

Remember that we have a producer in charge of the game who's openly referred to Trammel players as "care bears," so, while UO has always catered to the vocal minority to some degree, I'm betting we'll gradually see more and more of it. Hopefully it'll continue to be mostly on relatively small matters, such as pet dyes.

-Galen's player
Well, consider that even the pro-dye crowd looked at the artwork that was presented by some of the players and wound up liking the player artwork better than standard rehued pets. Me, I'd prefer to see the rehued pets, which I was fine with, then let them go in and improve upon it if and when they have time. After all, I didn't hear people coming here and complaining that EMs were using rehued creatures for some of their villains.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remember that we have a producer in charge of the game who's openly referred to Trammel players as "care bears," so, while UO has always catered to the vocal minority to some degree, I'm betting we'll gradually see more and more of it. Hopefully it'll continue to be mostly on relatively small matters, such as pet dyes.
You are not the only one that has noticed this new direction. Hopefully it's just fluff talk to bring back UO hard asses that would pay attention to such jargon.

The pet dyes are now a pipe dream. In the same box with jewelry boxes and the like.