uh no thx, there are more than enough, worthless banksitters, I prefer the town of brit, being clear of ppl and useless lag, if ppl only log on to chat they should really check the sims online leave uo ;lag free.
Vendors do not have to be specifc to town or location, so your blacksmith items can go at the mages shop in fel vesper if you like.
I understand what you mean. My concern is fairly assigning the spots rather than limiting different types of goods to different towns.My suggestion is geared to making this a do-able thing.
If you go makeing all kinds of things like ballot system, system checks on items placed on vendors to match areas, then your talking about a hugh project for the developers.
If you keep it simple then it's more likly to have a shot.
I agree with all your concerns. After thinking about them that's why I opted for the use existing NPC approach. That way no vendor is tied to one player. The idea of theming vendors according to town has some merit, but I'm not sure it justifies the coding hassles.I'd also like a system where everyone (including newbies and people that don't own houses) is given an equal chance to market their wares in town.
This system is not for you. It will never suit you plain and simple. You are only in favor if doesn't upset your current playstyle. You are not alone. There are many others that will feel the same way. But, I contend you are in the minority based on the number of anti-Luna posters seen here regularly. People want a more equitable solution.As long as house venders are not touched
Part of my suggestion was to re-instate the guard zones in Fel towns. I'm not sure how a Fel vendor is at a disadvantage then a Tram vendor. You know there are reds who buy stuff, or better yet, there would be more reds that would just buy stuff with those chars then log onto blue alts just to go shopping. Remember your idea was to bring people back to towns, you didn't just mean tramm towns did you?I prefer the only advantage to be that the person who can sell the most, makes the most. There doesn't need to be any artifical barriers created to prevent Joe from selling more than Sally. When you design it so there are "best" spots, or spots that people can claim and use forever that is just what you are doing. If Sally can produce 135 taint a day and afford to sell it 10k cheaper than Joe who only produces 15, that is a fair market. When Joe is forced to place on a vendor in the gargoyle city in Ilshenar, or risk trying to stock his vendor in beautiful, bustling downtown Fel Yew, he isn't going to make a dime and will likely lose it all in the latter case.
And guess what just happened to Sally's price?
A big difference between anit-luna and anti vender houses. Anybody can rent a luna vender some are pretty cheap. I have 4 venders i rent in lunaThis system is not for you. It will never suit you plain and simple. You are only in favor if doesn't upset your current playstyle. You are not alone. There are many others that will feel the same way. But, I contend you are in the minority based on the number of anti-Luna posters seen here regularly. People want a more equitable solution.