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[UO Herald] FoF: TGIF

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In this week's Five on Friday we cover Imbuing, The Underworld, and Silver Saplings.

To read the full article click HERE.



As imbued items won't be fortifiable with powder, will they be tagged in some way? Otherwise there's a danger in trading/buying from vendors that you won't know the full story behind an item
This is a great point, and we’re going to look into it before we launch
Totally wasted question and Draconi should have known this already. Imbued items are clearly labeled "IMBUED".


Most explosive UO Legend
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Totally wasted question and Draconi should have known this already. Imbued items are clearly labeled "IMBUED".
Yeah, I think the main thing is that it literally only says "Imbued", no caps, no parenthesis, or anything, so its easy to get lost in the stack of item properties.

"We're looking into making it brightly pop out in a different color" sounds better, perhaps :p

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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How about telling us why the sprites look like they were made for a 286sx...

I'm tired of looking like a pixelated blur in SA "enhanced".


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm tired of looking like a pixelated blur in SA "enhanced".
um ... have you tried zooming out a little? That pixelation disappears in a hurry.

(but simply put: the resolution of the animations were reduced from what KR was capable of because performance was a higher priority, or at least that's my understand)

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
the resolution of the animations were reduced from what KR was capable of because performance was a higher priority, or at least that's my understand
Yeah, that’s the bull they've given. And its just that, bull. mobiles are sprites. Prerendered. Not exactly taxing on the video card - at least one made this millennium.

I’ve had zero problems with the performance of the art in KR. While I know this is the 'official line', I call shenanigans.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
There is NO need for "imbued" to be brightly colored or anything. Look at the damn description you fools.

And yeah, the performance in SA was fine, give us art with a good resolution :/


Yeah, that’s the bull they've given. And its just that, bull. mobiles are sprites. Prerendered. Not exactly taxing on the video card - at least one made this millennium.

I’ve had zero problems with the performance of the art in KR. While I know this is the 'official line', I call shenanigans.
They could have, at the very least, presented players with more graphics options like, well... pretty much every OTHER game out there.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Ok, they're delusional. How's that.

Martyna, add your voices to those already requesting the option for higher resolution and/or KR graphics as an optional toggle in the Enhanced client. Send in Feedback, add it to your comments on the survey, add the request to your sig... make your voice heard!


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I’ve had zero problems with the performance of the art in KR. While I know this is the 'official line', I call shenanigans.
Well, I had lots of problems. I still have problems with performance in dense housing. So if you want to take out your frustrations on someone, take them out on me and leave the devs alone ( er ... aside from providing feedback, bugs and wish list priorities are of course! )

With a little over a week before SA launches, they have more than enough things on their plate right now without people going all HULK-SMASH on them.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Dermott: While I do prefer the KR building art, the item art was terrible in 80% of the art. There's just no excuse for lowering the resolution of the sprites. I've said these things on surveys and bug reports, don't worry about that. I just think its past time they actually address some of the dissatisfaction people have with the art instead of making inane posts giggling about things.

Maplestone: Uhm. No. Not directing anything at you, as you had nothing to do with making the "enhanced" client. The Dev Team produced this, we paid for it. (Yeah they call the client "free" but we paid for it with our subscriptions). They say they want it to be the best it can be, and the players surely want that as well. So why drastically lower the quality of the KR art they kept? And while I agree that HULK SMASH is a bit much, simply ignoring things isn't the answer. If they have time to fiddle with pet dye surveys its fallout, they have time to honestly answer questions about the decisions they've made.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Martyna, with the last patch or the one preceding it, it seems like our characters and their pets sharpened up a bit, and in a good way too. You might want to take another peek and see if things look even just a tiny bit better.


Martyna, with the last patch or the one preceding it, it seems like our characters and their pets sharpened up a bit, and in a good way too. You might want to take another peek and see if things look even just a tiny bit better.
LOL no Tina... they haven't. I play SA, and I disagree.

BTW, I also know Martyna plays the SA client, so she's quite familiar with how it looks.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I’ve had zero problems with the performance of the art in KR. While I know this is the 'official line', I call shenanigans.
Well, I had lots of problems. I still have problems with performance in dense housing. So if you want to take out your frustrations on someone, take them out on me and leave the devs alone ( er ... aside from providing feedback about bugs and wish list priorities are of course! )

With a little over a week before SA launches, they have more than enough things on their plate right now without people going all HULK-SMASH on them.
Well ...... You must either have a system from 1998 or your computer has a major malfunction.

My computer is a POS but it still runs SA WAY Better than 2d.

There is ZERO excuse for the absolute trashy way that the graphics look... besides laziness...

They are fuzzy, lacking any detail at all look washed out and pitiful... In 2d I can CLEARLY see the ankh on all my runebooks no matter what color they are.... In SA you have to actually "know" that's an ankh to even have the remotest concept that it's even there... What is the "excuse" for that????

I don't have the latest greatest video card... but Good Gods.... I can watch a DVD clearly on my pc and a hundred other games look 100X better than SA... So don't go telling me it's my card... I know better.... Hell some of the graphic design backgrounds I have on my pc that are in 3D would blow your mind.... yet something that is FAR less complex like UO looks like hell...

My character looks like smeg... the paperdoll for the male is supposedly getting an overhaul.... One can only pray this is the case... because as it is now there is NO way I can stand to see my characters look like that.

The housing tiles, the plants, the sprites, look HORRIBLE. I've said it a million times on dozens and dozens of posts... What more do you want? Want me to send it in a letter to EA????? Should I pay to have some airplane circle the dang building with a sign saying UPGRADE the UO Graphics????

If I lived any closer I might consider picketing out front... But I doubt it would do anything much...

And as for bugs.... heck I could list all the bugs I have submitted that are STILL here SA 2d.... ML all the way back to Ren...... still there... list is longer than my arm...

Still have a bank crash bug... I can't stop following my dang curser....

But my system can handle SA... Trust me..... they do need to add levels for graphics like any other game....


Grand Poobah
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Yeah, I think the main thing is that it literally only says "Imbued", no caps, no parenthesis, or anything, so its easy to get lost in the stack of item properties.

"We're looking into making it brightly pop out in a different color" sounds better, perhaps :p

Yes it does.

Although I, for one, think the "Imbued" tag is enough by itself. I'm definitely not going to complain about it being made better/more obvious, though.

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Martyna ... *nods* ... the pixelation will definitely have to be addressed eventually and I definitely don't want to discourage anyone from providing feedback.

As for the pet dyes ... well ... yeah. *backs away slowly from that one*


Re: UO and KR/SA.

It's been two years and even things like my characters leather gloves still not layering right. TWO. YEARS.

The art excuse gets old, especially when free games like Perfect World or Runes of Magic have incredibly detailed graphics with a smaller budget allotted to their team, not having the backing of a major player like EA.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
My computer is a POS but it still runs SA WAY Better than 2d.
Out of curiosity, how long does it take you to do a lap of Luna? (just running a full lap around the road through the vendor mall ... that's generally what I use as a stress test ... other than that, I have to say SA's performance is very impressive for me now)

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BTW, I also know Martyna plays the SA client, so she's quite familiar with how it looks.
I've played KR only since it had the huge patch shoryly after it was released. But yes, I've played SA quite a bit. And I've officially switched as of last night when I redid all 40 of my macros since Mythic couldn't be bothered to take 10 mins to make an import feature like they did for 2D.

The imported 2D art has made marginal improvements, but still has a loooooong way to go. The sprite art is a big step backwards from KR.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the pixelation will definitely have to be addressed eventually...

Eventually. Mmm. No.That will just become "Soon(TM)" in Dev Team speak.

The high-res art exists. Patching it back with their newfangled patcher should be relatively easy


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Out of curiosity, how long does it take you to do a lap of Luna? (just running a full lap around the road through the vendor mall ... that's generally what I use as a stress test ... other than that, I have to say SA's performance is very impressive for me now)
Since your on Legends and legends lets face it isn't all that populated... and I play on GL's I can't say that running that test for me would compare with you..... Unless I ran around Luna on Legends.. and well... um. I don't have the same build on Legends. though I do have characters there with more than "newb" skill.

But if you wanna meet up on Legends and run a lap test with me side by side PM me we'll try it in 2d "normal" and SA "Enhanced".

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did a run around Luna test on GL in all three clients. 2D, KR, and SA "Enhanced".

On a charger of the fallen, I ran around luna twice on each client to cache the buildings at the default zooms:

2D- 1:15 - very choppy

KR- 1:00 - relatively smooth

SA- 1:05 - choppy and a bit of rubberbanding

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Make sure in KR and SA that your Max Frame Rate is set to 60... that tends to help out smoothness in both clients.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Changed the framerate to 60 on KR a long time ago using the XML file. That resolves much of the blur while moving, and greatly improved the quality of the overal experience.

Framerate is set to 60 in SA too. However I do not honestly believe that this client is optimized as much as it could/should be...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Martyna, with the last patch or the one preceding it, it seems like our characters and their pets sharpened up a bit, and in a good way too. You might want to take another peek and see if things look even just a tiny bit better.
LOL no Tina... they haven't. I play SA, and I disagree.

BTW, I also know Martyna plays the SA client, so she's quite familiar with how it looks.
LOL no canary .... they have. I play the Enhanced Client and I disagree with your disagreement.

On my system the Graphics has always looked AS GOOD as anything in KR. There is no point is me arguing this point with people that clearly have their mind set that KR is the best thing since sliced bread and post pictures that are obviously not on the same base scale with each other. I mean come on A Greater Dragon filling the SA screen in comparison to a Greater Dragon filling 40% of the KR screen. It isn't like there is any desire to compare an Apple to an Apple.

But in the end, it doesn't matter the die is cast and the results will demonstrate that the UO teams approach, is an approach that will achieve their goal.

*Shrug* You gotta love a Dev that can hold their own on a message board. :)

And here it is ....

Lap around Luna 47 seconds in EC, Crash in KR without the Custom UI, 52 seconds with the latest BB Custom UI, 50 Seconds with the 2D Client.

Windows 7 64 Bit, Core 2 Quad Core ([email protected] 8mb L2 cache), 4GB 1066FSB memory, Nvidia 9800GT 512MB DDR3 PCIe 2.0

System 2

Lap around Luna 77 seconds in EC, Crash in KR without the Custom UI, 60 seconds with the latest BB Custom UI, 53 Seconds with the 2D Client.

Windows 7 32 Bit, Celeron D 3.2MHZ, 2GB memory, Nvidia 6200LE 256MB AGP

Now pick your poison for explaining the difference between the two systems but if I were you I would pay attention to the 2D client time in both, before you make some .... interesting assumptions.

And do note the Nvidia 6200LE is NOT a supported video card.


LOL no canary .... they have. I play the Enhanced Client and I disagree with your disagreement.

On my system the Graphics has always looked AS GOOD as anything in KR.
Have _always_??

That's odd, considering the team themselves stated they have reduced the clarity of the graphics in SA from KR.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have _always_??

That's odd, considering the team themselves stated they have reduced the clarity of the graphics in SA from KR.
Yes isn't that so .... and that means to you that the displayed graphics is obviously inferior. Do we just go about reading into things what we want to read into them so we feel good about our preconceived perceptions?

I will make you a deal, why don't your provide the link were anyone on the UO Team has stated, directly (and NO not some fantasy of yours about the spirit of the request), that the Displayed Graphic Objects in the Enhanced Client are unacceptable, unplayable, will drive players away from the game.

And don't even begin to believe I am going to provide you with a repeat soap box to say how bad the Enhanced Client is. Get a clue I don't need to the Die is already cast. Go peddle your .... what ever your playing to your choir.

Be safe, have fun and most all don't let the reality of the situation bite you were it hurts.

Please note this .... :) minor distinction, you fantasize I said Have, a Past Tense as though there was a line between less than KR and now equal to or greater than KR. That is your fantasy, I said HAS as in a 100% continuous occurrence, seamless, unbroken, or in short the bottom of the measuring stick is equal to KR and the improvements do NOT make it less than.


Totally wasted question and Draconi should have known this already. Imbued items are clearly labeled "IMBUED".
so we get a 'Imbued' tag in yellow and bolt italic? :danceb:

thats the most important information according imbuing after all. thats what i waited for this week long. dont need to get more tips and information for imbuing because everything around it is absolutely clear to everybody.:wall:

party on

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, I think the main thing is that it literally only says "Imbued", no caps, no parenthesis, or anything, so its easy to get lost in the stack of item properties.

"We're looking into making it brightly pop out in a different color" sounds better, perhaps :p
Exactly what I came here for. Imbued items with the durability line in red along with the "Imbued BY" line in red. Something swep under the carpet is who imbued it "last" name on an item. Crafters reputation is based on their sales of legit none dupe runic "Crafted By" items (Why so many weapons and sammy armor carry no crafter............SHAME).

Even an "Enhanced By" should be considered. I've made more on selling enhanced items then crafted but with no credit to my mule. Most honest way to put an item in the game kill/loot/enhance.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's pretty easy to tell that the resolution is lower in the Enhanced Client than in KR, which is sad, because somehow KR still runs better than the other 2 clients on BOTH my laptop and my desktop, I much prefer it's art (other than the items) and they're getting rid of it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I hate KR..... and the graphics in KR stink...... I liked the old 3d MUCH Better..... MUCH better..... except the paperdoll art...... Ugh!

Only 3d stunk and was LAGGY..... and it was NOT possible to PvP in 3d.

I miss the actions thought..... I miss being able to "faint" and dance... Wave..... clap.....

And EnigmaMaitreya.... A greater Dragon in SA looks like a freaking Swampy....

I'm sorry but in 2D a greater dragon takes up a huge amount of the screen..... and he looks HUGE..... like a dragon should.... In SA he looks so freaking small it's laughable!


That is your fantasy, I said HAS as in a 100% continuous occurrence, seamless, unbroken, or in short the bottom of the measuring stick is equal to KR and the improvements do NOT make it less than.
No, my fantasy is a hot, shirtless guy who serves me drinks on the beach every day while I work on my tan.

The reality is that the dev team have sacrificed quality (yet again) on the graphics end of this game. There need to be more graphics options to appease those with computers made within the past decade.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hate KR..... and the graphics in KR stink...... I liked the old 3d MUCH Better..... MUCH better..... except the paperdoll art...... Ugh!

Only 3d stunk and was LAGGY..... and it was NOT possible to PvP in 3d.

I miss the actions thought..... I miss being able to "faint" and dance... Wave..... clap.....

And EnigmaMaitreya.... A greater Dragon in SA looks like a freaking Swampy....

I'm sorry but in 2D a greater dragon takes up a huge amount of the screen..... and he looks HUGE..... like a dragon should.... In SA he looks so freaking small it's laughable!
For me at times the 3d ran better then 2d. Two things I miss is the ability to drop things on a pets lifebar for packing or feeding. 2nd and most is the stretchy containers. Stuff the grid and list container. Being able to make the container view huge and display items for a museum or sort armor or weapons was the greatest loss when 3d went. I freed over 300 locks in my castle not having to have containers in containers to see items. And the grid or list is no replacement. Most my museum is still in that 3d container sorting. Sheep's intestine to condom to goat's intestine is not progress.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
3D ran horribly for me, but then that was probably because I had a horrible CPU, like 256MB of RAM, and no dedicated video card.


Crazed Zealot
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And EnigmaMaitreya.... A greater Dragon in SA looks like a freaking Swampy....
*shrug* The skin of the Dragons, Drakes, Wyrms are well not what I would have made, they were to the best of my knowledge taken from KR, so by inference I would not have done those that way either :)


I just have not quite warmed up to the Pinkish Hues to the Dragons in KR/SA. For that I am glad there are the Pet Dyes and despite not being a Quester I will do them to get dyes for my Dragons and probably the Token Reptalon, I am ok with the skin on the Reptalon, but again it has a Hue to it that .... just doesn't do it for me.


Babbling Loonie
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I wanna clarify something about the mobiles.. they aren't sprites, they're prerendered texture frames. The difference is they ARE going straight through the same 3D processing as the ground and effects and such. Not only the mobiles, every single piece of the environment. It should be obvious from that that yes, reducing the resolution on everything would seriously increase client performance.

I agree the option to use the higher should have been added in though. And the high res classic container gumps should be an option as well... I thought they were handled masterfully.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
The dragons were pretty badass looking in KR. Another reason I want the option to use KR art :/