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Relic Fragments Price over all shards.



Will not effect PoF because the first time I impued anything it jumped to 255/255. I got lucky or this is intented becaused you can not Pof anything after imbuing.
my mind would be completely wrong if its that way. i remember after imbuing a item. it kept the same durability as before. can someone state this?

Lord Frodo

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Stratics Legend
my mind would be completely wrong if its that way. i remember after imbuing a item. it kept the same durability as before. can someone state this?
Imbued GM rings and braclets and some GM made iron armor and after imbuing they all went to 255/255. Like I said, maybe the RNG loved me that day.


You are correct. You can not unravil those. Only stuff made of Wood/Leather/iron.
That's what I had heard originally, but I could have sworn I unravelled some barbed kit made stuff that I used horned leather for during open beta. Or is this just me having another senior moment?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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That's what I had heard originally, but I could have sworn I unravelled some barbed kit made stuff that I used horned leather for during open beta. Or is this just me having another senior moment?
You can not imbue or unravel any item that has been enhanced or crafted out of a special material. In other words, if the item is made from normal lumber, iron or normal leather it can be unraveled and imbued. Otherwise it can not. All item drops from treasure hunting, monsters, etc are considered crafted from the default material and therefore can be unraveled and imbued.


You can not imbue or unravel any item that has been enhanced or crafted out of a special material. In other words, if the item is made from normal lumber, iron or normal leather it can be unraveled and imbued. Otherwise it can not. All item drops from treasure hunting, monsters, etc are considered crafted from the default material and therefore can be unraveled and imbued.
Yeah, I read that too. But I'm pretty sure that in the open beta, you could unravel special material items. Did anyone else try it?


Yeah, I read that too. But I'm pretty sure that in the open beta, you could unravel special material items. Did anyone else try it?
and also did someone have same experience that imbued items go up to 255 durability without beeing pofed first???


Seasoned Veteran
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Yeah, I read that too. But I'm pretty sure that in the open beta, you could unravel special material items. Did anyone else try it?
I did some valorite weapons, and was - if I remember correctly - able to unravel them.


Seasoned Veteran
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i really ask myself, why the hell since 2 weeks in our guildshop colored ingots are completley sold out 3 times a day. (thats about 500k ingots each color inbetween 2 weeks!)
Interesting numbers you give. How do you get a supply of 500k ingots each color to sell them? By normal gameplay?

just asking...


Interesting numbers you give. How do you get a supply of 500k ingots each color to sell them? By normal gameplay?

just asking...
our guild has 5 miners (we had 8 some months ago) and over several years of gameplay there comes a good stock. but do you know why thatmuch is bought the last 2 weeks? are there some betatesters that know more? or do i miss something. as colored stuff isnt imbuable - why is the asking for colored ingots raised that much?

another question. i not tested to much on beta. did i miss that jewelery gets durability in sa? is there a thread on that?


Crazed Zealot
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Only imbued and replica jewelry will have durability, and special material items can't be imbued or unraveled.


Crazed Zealot
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ug ... reading over this thread I'm having a nagging fear I might have misspoken and my memory is failing me ... does anyone remember PoF-ing up an item before fully imbuing it?

( I just want to hear a confirmation the increased durability from PoF doesn't count as a mod )


ug ... reading over this thread I'm having a nagging fear I might have misspoken and my memory is failing me ... does anyone remember PoF-ing up an item before fully imbuing it?

( I just want to hear a confirmation the increased durability from PoF doesn't count as a mod )
Yes, I used PoF on all the items I created Before imbuing. It does not count as a mod, but once imbued you can no longer use PoF.



Yes, I used PoF on all the items I created Before imbuing. It does not count as a mod, but once imbued you can no longer use PoF.

but someone said the imbuing itself(without pof) raised dura to 255. is that right?


Crazed Zealot
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Why are we raising item ID, exactly?
Item ID used on an item will tell you whether it will unravel into residue, essence or relic fragments.

(however, since it reveals no hidden information, it's really just doing a calculation that can be added to a custom UI and added to the displayof the item ... well, at least in theory)


Colorblind Collector
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Stratics Legend
Item ID used on an item will tell you whether it will unravel into residue, essence or relic fragments.

(however, since it reveals no hidden information, it's really just doing a calculation that can be added to a custom UI and added to the displayof the item ... well, at least in theory)
The problem with Item ID is that the modders or just one that i know of with KR have already made it obsolete. I'm assuming this can be done in the enhanced client also. There is a feature in one of them that changes the text color of the mod on an item depending on if its 100%, over 80% or not. Also if there is an item that you can see by the mods on it that you know you don't want your going to unravel it anyways and get what you get. Why waste the points on your character? It should help with unraveling...or does it already?


The problem with Item ID is that the modders or just one that i know of with KR have already made it obsolete. I'm assuming this can be done in the enhanced client also. There is a feature in one of them that changes the text color of the mod on an item depending on if its 100%, over 80% or not. Also if there is an item that you can see by the mods on it that you know you don't want your going to unravel it anyways and get what you get. Why waste the points on your character? It should help with unraveling...or does it already?
It didn't do anything worth investing skill points in as of the open beta. I could occasionally see myself using JoaT ID if an item is right on the boundary between relic and essence and I don't want to get out a calculator, but that's about it. The devs could definitely change its role in the future though, but I wouldn't count on it for SA's release.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
As did I unravel other then normal made items. I could see them allowing the way it was on beta then changing it to what they stated just to clean up the junk about. I questioned if jewelry made with like valorite could be imbueded and got a "no". On open beta I tested it and could. So......I take it till the shyt hits the fan we wont know what it taste like, good or bad LOL.

With what is on the ingredient I see the Script fishers and more the jackers making the big money. Briliant amber and perfect pearls. Really how many players can support 40-50 lost on fails alone. Need to look at what pearls and amber apply to and know there will be less of those mods applied. The hint of new ingredients added will really stir things up. Howbout ten bridles for any the tamer's skill mods. Game needs more specialized hunting for players to make coin that don't want to fish or jack for days.


Crazed Zealot
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white pearls may indeed be a sticking point ... I tend to forget that I do a fair amount of fishing and am looking mostly at my own needs, not supplying the market of people who don't have/want a fisherman.

I know scripters distort everything, but there are some of us who really do enjoy resource gathering and I'd hate to surrender whole swaths of gameplay because someone, somewhere is exploiting.


Sooooooo much disinformation floating around no wonder nobody understands imbuing.

POF and durability does not count as a mod. An item can not be POFed after being imbued.

Colored ingot items can DEFINITELY be unraveled, as well as Artifacts. The only items which are not unravelable at this time are items such as 7th Anniversary items, or items which never dropped or came from a token.

If I am not mistaken, if you make a ring from Valorite, it does not register on the item as being made from special materials, its just a ring (that maybe retains the color). So these rings ARE imbuable.

Imbuing DOES NOT add durability. The reason you were seeing 255/255 is because crafted jewelry does not have any durability until you imbue it. At which time it automatically gets that value. If you imbue an item which already has durability, the durability is completely unaffected. After imbuing you can no longer use POF on it... HENCE - you will want to use your approx. 2.5 POF to max out an item BEFORE you imbue it.

Your Barbed crafted items give up a disgustingly low probability of a Relic Fragment. I tested 10 kits, and only received 1 RF for all of that. Valorite Runics I also tested 10 kits, [and got 1 RF every time.] - this is unclear. I got 150 Relic Fragments out of 10 Valorite Runics or 1 Relic Fragment for EVERY single Valorite Runic crafted item.

There is a trick you can perform with Bronze Runics, where you craft a Silver Etched Mace, which gives it the Slayer property on top of the 3 runic properties. Since they changed it so that damage increase which comes from exceptional crating does not count towards unraveled intensities... I doubt this will still give you a Relic Fragment, and since it uses the Rare gems to craft them is not a very good "exploit". Although they would give up relics, nothing gives up 2-3 relics in one item.

The rare gems (at present - this could change) are ONLY needed for properties at [100%] 90%+ intensity. So its feasible to create an item with 5 properties at [99%] - My bad, its 90%, and never use a rare gem. Failure to imbue consumes ALL ingredients except for the rare gems.

Many properties do not use Relic Fragments, and the few that do, you just make those the FIRST property you imbue and make the ones which use the lower end ingredients the LAST, so you don't use up tons of Relic Fragments, you use up tons of Magical Residue or Enchanted Essence.

I expect that POF will get very expensive, and probably stay that way. Maybe double current prices.

Relic Fragments I think are much harder to estimate, but I think they will be *just* hard enough to acquire that the 1 million price estimate may be fairly close, and they wil probably stay there for quite some time... But pricing is all speculation.

Everything else stated are the current facts on imbuing.


kinda wish I knew that TOT lessers will turn relics about 4 weeks ago
Actually I think only one or two of the lesser ToT returned relic fragments, the rest gave essence. Also, the non-equipable lessers couldn't be unraveled, just armour and weapons, so if you turned in any of those you don't miss out either.

As for relic prices, I'm sure the 100,000's will be the norm for some time. PoF went up to 250k per jar on Oceania at one point, and there wasn't anything in particular driving it.


Lore Keeper
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The rare gems (at present - this could change) are ONLY needed for properties at 100% intensity. So its feasible to create an item with 5 properties at 99%, and never use a rare gem. Failure to imbue consumes ALL ingredients except for the rare gems.
Ranting about disinformation while spreading it around.. 89% Intensity -> no relics/rare gems required. 90%+ intensity -> rare gems/relics required.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few questions, please:

--If the 3 Gargs around the Queen's soul forge give the 105/110/115 PS quest - then who, where and what is enailed in the PS120 quest?

--I forgot that it takes 90ish skill to unravel Relic frags, does anyone know what happens to the item if your skill is too low? Does the item just stay in the bag?


Thank you for the info on unraveling colored items. The prohibition for imbuing special materials stuck in my mind, so I assumed you could not unravel them.

Seems the high skill to unravel relic frag items is another reason to train Imbue up FAST! As past experiences in the past prove, the first one/s selling new items will get the highest price.

Since the higher PS requires unraveling "x" amount of relic frags, there will be a niche market for the power scrolls themselves - and the occasional runic mallet. I see relic frags being priced at 750 - 1m each first week or so, so I will price mine at 250-500K ( !IF! I have any excess after training).

As far as magic gems go, I've been ljacking/mining and buying them up whenever I see them cheap. For mining gems, I pay 10K apiece, amber 5-10K apiece, and WP 25K apiece (no Fisher here). But as previous Poster mentioned, just avoid doing mods of 90 and above intensity that require the specials you lack.

I think an Imbuer is going to be very expensive in time and materials and gold to train up to the 120 skill, which is mandated for best results. Most players will farm/buy loot or ingredients and then bring them to a trusted Imbuer to make the desired item. The planter/alchie/carp/tinker crafters will be so busy with their new crafts, very few will have the time to train Imbuer.


Sooooooo much disinformation floating around no wonder nobody understands imbuing.

Colored ingot items can DEFINITELY be unraveled, as well as Artifacts. The only items which are not unravelable at this time are items such as 7th Anniversary items, or items which never dropped or came from a token.
This is from the official SA-site: "Magical items cannot be magically unraveled if they cannot be recycled or if they are made out of special material. "
Special material is Colored Ingots Colored Leather..
Where do you have other information from?


DONT forget to us merchants.
You dont need imbuing to sell items.

If a relic fragment goes for 500k
The minor artie should go for 400-500k


Slightly Crazed
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This is from the official SA-site: "Magical items cannot be magically unraveled if they cannot be recycled or if they are made out of special material. "
Special material is Colored Ingots Colored Leather..
Where do you have other information from?
From testing on retribution .....
There are many tweaks done with imbuing and some ideas about from the beginnings simply got chnaged. Like unravelling items out of special material or artifacts.


From testing on retribution .....
There are many tweaks done with imbuing and some ideas about from the beginnings simply got chnaged. Like unravelling items out of special material or artifacts.
i think this once again is just a fake, to go on with having SA to be the biggest gold sink ever. in production they will say. no! colored stuff is not unravelable (like its stated on our official site) just too fool the greedy traders, that try to act long before stuff becomes true. look here: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=152414&highlight=peerles


From testing on retribution .....
There are many tweaks done with imbuing and some ideas about from the beginnings simply got chnaged. Like unravelling items out of special material or artifacts.
i think this once again is just a fake, to go on with the plan having SA to be the biggest gold sink ever. in production they will say. no! colored stuff is not unravelable (like its stated on our official site) just too fool the greedy traders, that try to act long before stuff becomes true. look here: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=152414&highlight=peerles
there is only a small group beside official ea-staff that knows what comes. and they will be billionairs in mid-september hehe


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
DONT forget to us merchants.
You dont need imbuing to sell items.

If a relic fragment goes for 500k
The minor artie should go for 400-500k
Which is interesting as it would make an ingenious map worth 300ish k with that logic. Hard to say how that will pan out though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i think this once again is just a fake, to go on with the plan having SA to be the biggest gold sink ever. in production they will say. no! colored stuff is not unravelable (like its stated on our official site) just too fool the greedy traders, that try to act long before stuff becomes true. look here: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=152414&highlight=peerles
there is only a small group beside official ea-staff that knows what comes. and they will be billionairs in mid-september hehe

Are you the one that made that other complaint thread wherein you ignored everyone's attempts to explain that everything is subject to change in a constantly evolving online game? If so, please shut up already.


Which is interesting as it would make an ingenious map worth 300ish k with that logic. Hard to say how that will pan out though.
It would, if an ingenious map could be double-clicked to produce a marty. ;) Since you have to actually travel somewhere and deal with a fairly difficult spawn, not to mention have a t-hunter capable of handling that spawn (or a friend with lockpicking/cart), level 6 maps should stay under 20k.


All the high-end monsters/named monsters/doom/spawns will be farmed for the loot and then the pieces will be unraviled. You will not burn a Val hammer just for the chance that you might get 15 relics. At 250K a Relic thats 3.75M for 15. Not worth it.
The val hammers are merely an example of how duping rules the economy. I don't mean to suggest they'll use them that way. Though they could. Val hammers sell for 20 mil because that's the optimum price point for those who have them. There are people out there who could put a val hammer in the hands of every player in the game if they opened up their holding accounts.


Ranting about disinformation while spreading it around.. 89% Intensity -> no relics/rare gems required. 90%+ intensity -> rare gems/relics required.
I stand corrected and corrected my post, along with some information I thought was unclear...


This is from the official SA-site: "Magical items cannot be magically unraveled if they cannot be recycled or if they are made out of special material. "
Special material is Colored Ingots Colored Leather..
Where do you have other information from?
There was an open beta last week. It was a simple matter to test several of these things for myself. And since the beta is still going on, my statements might be null and void at this very moment, but it seemed worth clearing up several of the misconceptions and wild speculations I am reading here.

To answer another's questions while I am here.

Items for which you do not have the skill to unravel simply don't unravel, and you get a message that you don't have the necessary skill.

To the best of my recollection, all of the PS quests are found at the main Soulforge in Ter Mur. The 120 PS quest required 50 relic Fragments to complete when I checked it. This might change, and I think its a REALLY steep price, but I don't think anyone will really "corner the market" on them. Since in theory, any artificer over 90.1 skill can unravel Relic Fragments... Now the acquisition of the items with the proper intenities would be a whole other question.

Somewhere I read a discussion about the cost to imbue. They tested it and indicated that you can readily train imbuing through 120 without ever using Relic Fragments or the Rare Gems... In my own testing, this was also my general impression - so I had no reason to dispute the claim. The ingredients they DID use could be unraveled from Mongbat loot, so training seems to be on par with Blacksmithing in that it will require a LOT of ingredients to train, but those ingredients are not beyond the average player's ability to acquire.


................If so, please shut up already.
may i please, please :bowdown: talk about what is moving me and discuss my opinion? :bowdown: please!

.......... Since in theory, any artificer over 90.1 skill can unravel Relic Fragments... Now the acquisition of the items with the proper intenities would be a whole other question. .............
i not tested it. is it that way that you need at least 90.1 imbuing skill before you can get relics from unraveling? i thought/hoped it is like on some other skills. where if i am lower (example 60 imbuing) you need a lot of atempts and will fail often, but at the end you can succeed and get the relic.


may i please, please :bowdown: talk about what is moving me and discuss my opinion? :bowdown: please!

i not tested it. is it that way that you need at least 90.1 imbuing skill before you can get relics from unraveling? i thought/hoped it is like on some other skills. where if i am lower (example 60 imbuing) you need a lot of atempts and will fail often, but at the end you can succeed and get the relic.
I have not *specifically* tested for that, but I am like 99.9% sure that its just like mining and LJ skills, no love until you have enough skill to work that material. So no chance to unravel until 90.1, and then you are successful 100% of the time (also I am not entirely sure about the 90.1% - I am going strictly from memory - but the documentation states it exactly... it might be more like 98.1% or somesuch)


I just checked my notes from open beta. You can unravel enchanted essence at 50.1 skill and relic fragments at 95.1 skill. You cannot imbue items made from colored leather or ore. I did not test unraveling items that had those materials. You can imbue an item and then later enhance it with colored materials. Risky business though since enhancing can destroy an item.


Colorblind Collector
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Stratics Legend
may i please, please :bowdown: talk about what is moving me and discuss my opinion? :bowdown: please!

i not tested it. is it that way that you need at least 90.1 imbuing skill before you can get relics from unraveling? i thought/hoped it is like on some other skills. where if i am lower (example 60 imbuing) you need a lot of atempts and will fail often, but at the end you can succeed and get the relic.
What other skills are you talking about that works like that? If you aren't at the minimum skill required there is no reason you should succeed, that is the definition of minimum skill required.


What other skills are you talking about that works like that? If you aren't at the minimum skill required there is no reason you should succeed, that is the definition of minimum skill required.
i talked about skill like hiding. even if you have 0.1 points you can successfully been hidden after some trys. and my question also was according to: is there a minimum skill? i not remember to got something displayed in the imbuing menu.
But Beastmaster already gave the answer.


Colorblind Collector
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Stratics Legend
i talked about skill like hiding. even if you have 0.1 points you can successfully been hidden after some trys. and my question also was according to: is there a minimum skill? i not remember to got something displayed in the imbuing menu.
oh ok, lets assume since its a crafting skill it will work like all other crafting skills at least.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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I unravaled everything in the arty chest that could be and only had like 27 essence in the end. Was garghish at 120. Just to bad the lances had no altered weapon.