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It seems like imbuing is just for pvp


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Here's the real problem. There is no way to keep the powerful from being powerful. If you completely changed every aspect of uo, roughly the same people would rise to power again. There would be a few exceptions.

I dissent.

It is as it is, currently, because the game prizes powergaming and accumulation of wealth.

If instead the system was totally different and it prized players AT RANDOM, much better with a CAP applied on top of that, then all players, regardless how much they played would be the same.

I will explain the concept better..........

Imagine "if" instead of the current way to acquire high end items we had a different one where it was only up to sheer luck, not the in game luck which one can put on with items, but real luck, with which one could acquire high end items.

Whether one hunts a mongbat or a Peerless Boss one "still" could get a high end item.

Perhaps with the Peerless one could have some more chances, but that lucky drop could come anywhere at any time.

This way, any and all players could get access to the high end stuff.

Equalization #1 done.

Now let's get to the second, powergamers.

In order to prevent those who have more time at hand to be able to get more of the high end items, set a CAP of the number of high end items which can be acquired per account/per month.

This way, even playing 24/7 would still get the same number of high end items as someone who plays 1 hour a day.........

Equalization #2 done.

Now let's get the last one done, too. Make wealth not a factor in gaining PvP advantage.

How ?

Simple, make high end items simply NOT tradeable.
They are binded to the account that got them and cannot change account, period.

This way, one could have all the wealth in the game but still be unable to get any more high end items to get any extra advantage.

Equalization #3 done.

Let's say that in order to be able to do some good PvP some 20 high end items might be needed, and let's say the CAP is of 5 per month possible to get, this means that in like 4-5 months an entrying player "could" be able to catch up with existing players.

Those are mere hypothesis, just an example that, if wanted, equalizing the player base to have a more balanced out PvP can happen.

The only thing you could do to make this balanced is make everyone use the same exact things, which will never happen. You could also make the entire thing like a big test center, then everyone would quit.

I am not interested in making all players the same, I am interested in making personal skill matter in PvP, NOT because of the more high end items and modifiers one has or the more or better hacks one uses.

I would like to see more PvP won because a player is actually better at it, not because they have better modifiers or who knows what.

In an ideal PvP environment, also, a player's computer and connection should not matter to give an edge in PvP. That is, the client should somehow compensate one way or the other for differences in hardware and connection.

Bottom line is, I would like PvP be won really for being better at it, not because of a better computer, connection, modifiers/items in the game or other things not strictly related to sheer PvP ability.

Getting rid of scripters, speedhackers and other cheaters would raise prices to overall uo player because in uo or the real world ANYTHING you do raises costs to normal people. I hope one day to log in and every single cheater be gone, but you guys know we can forget it.

That is because in the game we got too much dependant on items.
If players were to be freed from this dependancy to items and make skills be more important when fighting, again, wealth would not be that important any longer.

I never could understand how someone that cheats to succeed feels powerful. I just don't get that. I've stood invisible and seen 5 people gank 1 person, and then stand around telling each other how great they are. Its plain pathetic to me. Anyway, here's my suggestion make yourself powerful, then you don't have to worry if someone else is.
Over the time I have played this game I have met quite a variety of different players.
Unfortunately, I have also met some who I had an impression might be enjoying making other fellow players feel miserable like for example with rez-killing (back when one would loose stats for resurrecting on the spot), or with ganking and so on.
I will never understand that myself, it is something which goes beyond my comprehension, but I have met them in the game at times...

How to deal with that ?
Well, have a game engine that either computes ONLY damage from 2 fighters and does not compute any hits from other separate individuals or deals the fight among 2 EQUAL groups.

Like only fights 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 and so on would be considered.

Balance, balance and balance.

Have players on an evened out field fight each other and see who is the best and wins because of sheer ability not other factors which have not much to do with fighting ability, IMHO.

Tina Small

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Stratics Legend
popps, could you please clarify whether you mean the character's skills and abilities or the player's skills and abilities (e.g., the ability to move a mouse, manipulate a character, manual dexterity, quick thinking, etc.) when you talk about "skills" and "abilities"?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
popps, could you please clarify whether you mean the character's skills and abilities or the player's skills and abilities (e.g., the ability to move a mouse, manipulate a character, manual dexterity, quick thinking, etc.) when you talk about "skills" and "abilities"?

Not sure what you mean.

Let's take the example of sports, for example. I think games are somewhat like sports.

If we have a number of runners, or swimmers racing, the one who runs or swims the fastest that distance wins......

Now, if we think that "items" could be a bycicle or a motorbike (modifiers), I would not enjoy to have a race between someone who is on foot versus someone else using a better "modifier" like a bycicle or a motorbike......

Or in the case of a swimmer, a "modifier" example could be someone using flippers.
I would not enjoy a swimming race between someone bare footed and someone using flippers as a "modifier".

My point being, that I see it pointless and not much meaningfull that in a race anyone using, for example, a bycicle (better modifier), would outrun (win) someone running on foot........

They had better modifiers and won, but what kind of a victory is it ?

If I scored such a win thanking to better modifiers I would personally find it meaningless.

Hope it is clearer now.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Did EA pre-banned your account from using imbuing skill or something so you cannot use your own modifiers?

To make what you are saying more clear, the race is anything goes. Everyone is given a bike, a car, a boat. Or even a yacht for crying out loud. You decided to compete on foot with these people that chose to use some kind of assistance to their own advantages while under the same rules where using a car or bike is ok. You lost and you want them to change the rules so it will fit you better.

Is this a better version of your argument?


Indeed this is an issue, actually, it's same as with replicas. Recently i got Lt. Sash replica, i don't PvP that much, mostly do spawns. I was extremely happy when i got the sash coz then i could max out SDI and get the last 10% of LRC. Sadly, i noticed, that each spawn took away 10 durability points of my sash, that would make it last for about 150 spawns. Considering 2 spawns per day, the lifespan of that sash would be just about 2.5 months. Same goes for imbued items (weapons especially, since they take more damage), they'll last just a little bit longer coz they have 255/255 and not 150/150
Are replica's not repairable? Because Imbuable items are... So if you repaired your item after every spawn, the likelihood of losing durability is much lower, and you will probably repair it fully...

Sheesh... I HONESTLY don't get you people... The math is incredibly simple here. Its not calculus, its like 1 + 1 = 2 stuff here... :wall: Your items lose durability now! So for you to complain that imbuable items will last only 5 minutes, you are also telling me that you currently go through POF like its freaking CANDY! Its that or you are telling me that your items are falling off your body in RAGS!

If you have never used POF on an item to keep it from being destroyed, then you will never need POF to keep your imbued items from being destroyed. The items are repairable and fully REPEATABLE! Once it does actually break, you just make another...

To the poster who asked whether Imbuable items are repairable the answer is YES. You just can't use POF on an Item AFTER its been imbued - which means you just POF it before you imbue. And since there is no chance of breaking it - unlike enhancing - there is ZERO risk in POFing before you imbue.

Items with 255 Durability, that are repaired on a regular basis will last as long as another poster indicated... Approxiately 200 Days with HEAVY use! So weapons, that lose crazy amounts of durability will arguably be more of a problem.. So simply chalk it up to a "flaw" in the system and you might not want to use your uber bow everywhere you go. I personally don't see that as a "flaw" in Imbuing, just another aspect of the system that needs to be managed accordingly.

Stupid Miner

Some people, like me, can keep their weapons and armor in good condition, and make it last for years. Others can't. If you can't, you'll be fine imbuing 300-400 intensity items that wont cost too much. Any higher could get expensive.


Well Popps after reading this thread and what you wrote about an RP crafter you might want to think about Barbed leather gathering. Yes you have to kill
something for it but crafters don't just make hides appear. So make a PvM
character. Many crafters didn't have access to these special items if you wish
to remain on the RP side. So use your PvM character to collect barbed hides
sell the hides because almost every shard barbed leather is expensive then go
and buy your items for imbuing that you think are impossible for you to get.

I have Millions upon millions of gold and I did it by Ingot sales, Golems, Bolas, Kegs, Leather, Wood, Museum, PvM. I didn't power game either.

Also for some things I got lucky at Idocs and got really lucky once to get
a castle on ice island and sell it.

About 2% of my gold came from Power Scrolls.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Did EA pre-banned your account from using imbuing skill or something so you cannot use your own modifiers?

To make what you are saying more clear, the race is anything goes. Everyone is given a bike, a car, a boat. Or even a yacht for crying out loud. You decided to compete on foot with these people that chose to use some kind of assistance to their own advantages while under the same rules where using a car or bike is ok. You lost and you want them to change the rules so it will fit you better.

Is this a better version of your argument?

Well, what if someone is using a very expensive (hard to get) modifier which only a few racers can have because it is either a hard drop or too much expensive ?

This would mean that in the race someone will be more able to race faster (more exclusive modifiers being used...) than the other competitors.......

The issue that "hypothetically" all racers "could" obtain that modifier hits the wall that IN REALITY only a handfull really do, whatever the reasons.

Hence, the real scenario is that we have races where a few racers are way much better equipped to a faster race than the vast majority of the rest of the racers.

Unless we make it so that all racers truly have the same racing options, the outcome of the race will most always be favouring those with the best modifiers.

That's the way I think.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Imagine "if" instead of the current way to acquire high end items we had a different one where it was only up to sheer luck, not the in game luck which one can put on with items, but real luck, with which one could acquire high end items.

Whether one hunts a mongbat or a Peerless Boss one "still" could get a high end item.

Perhaps with the Peerless one could have some more chances, but that lucky drop could come anywhere at any time.

This way, any and all players could get access to the high end stuff.

Equalization #1 done.

Now let's get to the second, powergamers.

In order to prevent those who have more time at hand to be able to get more of the high end items, set a CAP of the number of high end items which can be acquired per account/per month.

This way, even playing 24/7 would still get the same number of high end items as someone who plays 1 hour a day.........
You're either a troll or a ****** (most likely a bit of both).



That's the way I think.


Within the context of this ridiculous swimming analogy....

What Poops is saying is that he thinks if he spends two hours a week in the pool training he should be as fast as those who spend thirty hours a week in the pool training.

Hope that clears things up a little bit.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
You're either a troll or a ****** (most likely a bit of both).

Because I suggested putting a CAP to the number of high end items one could get in a given time ?

Would it be that bad to limit powergaming and make it possible to casual players to get closer to powergamers even if they spend less time in the game ?

Personally, I see powergaming as bad for a number of reasons and having ways to contain it would be a good thing, IMHO.

Besides, even if there was a CAP to the number of items obtainable in a given time, this does not mean that a player who still wanted to play UO could not use this time doing else.

It would be high end items capped, not attending vendors or hunting monsters for gold or using crafters and so on.

There is much more to do in the game besides playing for high end items........


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
........if he spends two hours a week in the pool training he should be as fast as those who spend thirty hours a week in the pool training.

Considering that this is a game played for fun in which there is a PvP component which needs being balanced for better results, then yes, by all means.

I do NOT see a problem equalizing someone who play 24/7 wth someone who plays 2/7 when this allows for a more balanced and better, more challenging PvP.

My understanding is that the goal is to have fun with the game.
Having fun in PvP to me means fighting open ended fights where any and all participants HAVE A CHANCE at winning and not most always those who have better modifiers because they either play more time or have more wealth to spend on those modifiers.


Considering that this is a game played for fun in which there is a PvP component which needs being balanced for better results, then yes, by all means.

I do NOT see a problem equalizing someone who play 24/7 wth someone who plays 2/7 when this allows for a more balanced and better, more challenging PvP.

My understanding is that the goal is to have fun with the game.
Having fun in PvP to me means fighting open ended fights where any and all participants HAVE A CHANCE at winning and not most always those who have better modifiers because they either play more time or have more wealth to spend on those modifiers.
Go play a first person shooter then, not a stateful MMO.