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6 Months payment option is $59.99 or $64,79 ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Which is the correct figure for a 6 months payment, $59.99 or $64,79 ?

Thinking it over, since $64,79 - $59.99 = $4.8 which is about 8% of $59.99, question is, is there an 8% sales tax on top of the $59.99 which applies ?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most likely, yes.
It is not common for people to list the price including the tax. At least not in my experience.


Some states charge a tax for online goods and services, others don't.


Look at your CC statement. That should tell you whether you pay tax.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yep they charge me tax now and that' what i had to pay last time i payed.


How about us europeans who would pay that 6 months in Euros. 6 months= 67,99 € which is approx 95 $.

But luckily we can buy gametimecodes from uogamecodes for dollars so there we get the same price as ppl from US...

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I'm charged 8% sales tax on my subscription.
Instead of 12.99, it's 14.03 each month.


Not sure about outside the U.S. but heres a list of the states that charge tax....luckily Im not in one that does :p

Is anyone getting taxed in a state that isnt suppose to be?



Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Which is the correct figure for a 6 months payment, $59.99 or $64,79 ?

Thinking it over, since $64,79 - $59.99 = $4.8 which is about 8% of $59.99, question is, is there an 8% sales tax on top of the $59.99 which applies ?
The tax depends on what state you're in. Some states tax internet commerce. Others do not.


Babbling Loonie
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I wouldn't necessarily trust Wisconsin to keep up to date with New York tax law.
The other thing to consider is with state incomes dropping due to the economy, they may be looking for new ways to generate more revenue, like instituting online purchasing taxes. So that table could be outdated.


EA was charging me tax on UO last year as far as I know. Not sure I have access to my statements that far back so I can't double check. (NY state here)

And that map is a bit out of date I would imagine since we're not listed there. New York started requiring tax on any online purchase starting last summer. I know because it went into effect right before I purchased my new computer online :p

*edit* Also, digital download and online purchasing are slightly different. That map is for digital downloads. Our subscriptions would be considered online purchases since we're not really purchasing a download, only a subscription to access the service.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
EA was charging me tax on UO last year as far as I know. Not sure I have access to my statements that far back so I can't double check. (NY state here)

And that map is a bit out of date I would imagine since we're not listed there. New York started requiring tax on any online purchase starting last summer. I know because it went into effect right before I purchased my new computer online :p

*edit* Also, digital download and online purchasing are slightly different. That map is for digital downloads. Our subscriptions would be considered online purchases since we're not really purchasing a download, only a subscription to access the service.

Question, a sales tax applies to any and all sales, whether purchases of products or of "services" alike ?

That is, when one does not buy a product but mere "services", are they necessarily subject to a sales tax where a sales tax applies ?

Unless I recall wrong, I seem to recall that we own nothing in Ultima Online and we pay subscription only to receive a monthly service.


Question, a sales tax applies to any and all sales, whether purchases of products or of "services" alike ?

That is, when one does not buy a product but mere "services", are they necessarily subject to a sales tax where a sales tax applies ?

Unless I recall wrong, I seem to recall that we own nothing in Ultima Online and we pay subscription only to receive a monthly service.
I think so? You make a good point though.


I know I'm getting a bit off topic with this... but I found this part of the US tax law interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_tax

Apparently you are technically responsible for paying the tax on any good you have not that would have been taxed if purchased in your area. Interesting to know and very often NOT followed :p


Does not matter what states charge tax based on Google or whereever - just what EA has stated is taxed. I believe the knowledgebase does have the tax list in it somewhere.

New Yorkers being charged 8% state sales tax is incorrect anyway. NYS sales tax level is 4% I believe. My area is 8% - 4 for state and 4 to county.

This was a topic with Jeremy that never was responded to ... last I knew she was taking it to others more able to answer our questions - esp. concerning overtaxation.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Well... I am in Iowa... and I can tell you right now there is NO Sales tax on anything I purchase online.... out of state...

So I do a bunch of shopping where I can get free shipping and no sales tax!...


Question, a sales tax applies to any and all sales, whether purchases of products or of "services" alike ?

That is, when one does not buy a product but mere "services", are they necessarily subject to a sales tax where a sales tax applies ?

Unless I recall wrong, I seem to recall that we own nothing in Ultima Online and we pay subscription only to receive a monthly service.
Just stop.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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maybe ill put down some fake address from a state that doesnt charge tax to save money :)

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
maybe ill put down some fake address from a state that doesnt charge tax to save money :)
I'm pretty sure it's based on the billing address tied to the credit card you're using to pay for the service. Most (all?) credit cards won't work online unless you providing a billing address that matches where the bill physically would be mailed to.

Not a bad idea though.


Great Lakes Forever!
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Not sure about outside the U.S. but heres a list of the states that charge tax....luckily Im not in one that does :p

Is anyone getting taxed in a state that isnt suppose to be?

See MY personal Opinion is that We should not be Charged Tax and EA/Mythic has misunderstood the Taxing of games. When WE upgrade a account we are getting a digital download/purchase, paying the monthly subscription is not a digital download per se it is a recurring charge, Taxes were paid when we bought the expantion/game. I pay Taxes on my account each month under protest, and will eventually be reimbursed when the laws are Clarified on the taxing of digital downloads, to include expantions/new accounts, and not the recurring fees to access games.


UO Forum Moderator
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It's not EA as much as the idiot company they have calculating and applying the tax for them (yes, it's so complicated that companies hire 3rd parties to handle it).

Based on THAT COMPANY'S own web page copy of the KRS (Kentucky revised statute) text on the matter, online SUBSCRIPTIONS are NOT taxable, yet are taxed anyway.


tax in the state of Lincoln.

pay 64.79 for 6months..

used to pay flat 59.99..

yea i know.. cheap entertainment for 10.80 per month. as opposed to $10 per month..

$.80 isnt going to break me. or cause me to not supersize my McD

but still..

This country was founded on "no taxation w/o representation" and those ideals ..

now.. Can we dump EA's tea into the river? in protest? :p


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oo, news to me, lol. Knew about the tea pot though.

Can it be made into a drink though?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
It's not EA as much as the idiot company they have calculating and applying the tax for them (yes, it's so complicated that companies hire 3rd parties to handle it).

Based on THAT COMPANY'S own web page copy of the KRS (Kentucky revised statute) text on the matter, online SUBSCRIPTIONS are NOT taxable, yet are taxed anyway.

What do you mean ?

Some players are paying taxes which they should not pay ??

Did I understand that correctly ?