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[UO Herald] Got another Survey For You!

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We would like to hear your oppinion on Pet Dyes. Please read the top of the survey and take a close look at the screenshots prior to filling it out. There are 2 pages to this survey so please ensure that you check out the second page.

You can take the survey HERE.


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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This is a terrible idea. Their bad enough on test center. Say no to pet dyes.



Off-white looks liek the pet is dead and will produce a lot of confusion in pvp..

2nd : i think pets should look natural and i dont like the idea hueing them at all.

Let the color puzzle at the end of the "puzzle minigames" drop some new artifacts (not the ones earned at the champ spawns) but some special, unique ones or some deco stuff - its hard enough and should be worth the time.

but pet dyes - NO !


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the off white CONFUSES you in pvp well maybe you really should not be pvping.

GREAT JOB dev team this looks very promising.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dyes only if-

The owner receives an intelligence penalty and the animal suffers from reduced control because it is embarrassed to be seen in public like that.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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IS THIS SOME SICK JOKE OR WHAT! I could see doing some quest or something to change the color of your pet, to a reasonable color that pet should come in....BUT CMON!

the 4th man

Lore Master
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These dyes are gonna turn regular shards into test............and yet another money making product.

To thee I say nay,nay, nay!!!!!!

Bad idea.

Eyes of Origin

I like most of the colors.... some are a lil obnoxious for pets tho. I marked which ones I liked and didnt like :) Hope this makes it to release.


These dyes are gonna turn regular shards into test............and yet another money making product.:wall:
To clear up confusion on this it is a reward for completing a puzzle in the Under World. It is FREE to anyone who completes the puzzle.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Checks Calendar* It isnt April 1st is it? This has to be a wind up by the Devs surely?


Ooooh...pretty! I like!

(ducks rotten tomatoes and eggs from the peanut gallery)

I'd probably prefer slightly more "natural" colors though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Checks Calendar* It isnt April 1st is it? This has to be a wind up by the Devs surely?
It was available on Retribution for the entirety of open beta. No joke whatsoever, sadly.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
horrible idea, i really hope they listen and don't put this into effect


I like the black for my pets the rest to each their own.

Actually maybe the banana trees could be thrown in there
for a reward also ')


UO Forum Moderator
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I like the idea for one simple reason it will make spotting my own pet easier if they are not all the same color


We love it. You just picked the wrong forum to get your answers. Too many in these forums are old school black and white people and that's already too much color for them. The people that don't like colors can just adjust there display in the monitor settings so it can all be grey :)


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To clear up confusion on this it is a reward for completing a puzzle in the Under World. It is FREE to anyone who completes the puzzle.
true but u get a random color so some people will pay well for certain colors they want


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
all i can picture is horrible neon dragons everywhere, and as one poster said, people dying their dread mares faction horse colors and confusing people. Tamers don't belong in fel anyways, and i try to avoid putting myself on foot to dismount a tamer...what a terrible surprise that would be.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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Worst. Idea. Ever. :talktothehand:

Animals already look hideous enough in the enhanced client.. Why would we want to compound the issue by making them poorly hued, blurry, pixelated monstrosities?

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We love it. You just picked the wrong forum to get your answers. Too many in these forums are old school black and white people and that's already too much color for them. The people that don't like colors can just adjust there display in the monitor settings so it can all be grey :)
It's not really for me, so I won't use. However lots of people will really like this so why not? It's not like it'll really effect me one way or another.

If it makes a portion of the population happy then go for it! If you don't care for the colors, do like I'll do and don't color your pets! I really don't care what anyone else does with their pets.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We love it. You just picked the wrong forum to get your answers. Too many in these forums are old school black and white people and that's already too much color for them. The people that don't like colors can just adjust there display in the monitor settings so it can all be grey :)

It's not that we don't like color. It is just that this is a slippery slope type deal. The next step is that we are going to have to duck coyotes dropping anvils on our heads.


Awesome idea. The player base has been wanting this for awhile now and looks as if we are going to have it. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see that the polls indicate more people for it than against it. I think one other poster had it right if you don't like the colors then play in black and white. GOOD JOB SO FAR ON SA!

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
true but u get a random color so some people will pay well for certain colors they want
It is their gold to spend.

It's not really for me, so I won't use. However lots of people will really like this so why not? It's not like it'll really effect me one way or another.
I feel the same way.

If folks really don't like this idea, they should take the survey, let them know.

Stayin Alive,


Eyes of Origin

If some dont like it, dont use it. The rest of us who do like it will use it. We have to look at the hideous pink armor people are going to be making with staining, so why cant I have a dark red dragon or a dark green horse?

Some of the colors are a lil bright, but those colors werent even on the survey. It looks like some of the colors have already been eliminated, but I'm just assuming cause I dont see every color I originally saw.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If some dont like it, dont use it. The rest of us who do like it will use it. We have to look at the hideous pink armor people are going to be making with staining, so why cant I have a dark red dragon or a dark green horse?
The problem being that we will have to look at your pets. And that makes two of us that are not happy about the pink in staining.


Whoever came up with this idea is a heavy abuser of the c r a c k Bong


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awesome idea. The player base has been wanting this for awhile now and looks as if we are going to have it. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see that the polls indicate more people for it than against it. I think one other poster had it right if you don't like the colors then play in black and white. GOOD JOB SO FAR ON SA!
huh? the player base hasn't been wanting this i dunno where you are getting your info from... and don't say closed beta forums, too many trammies got invited to that


A compromise: how about, instead of wholesale dunking the pet in a dye tub, instead come out with a set of "warpaint" designs...tattoos and the like that can be painted onto pets that will help customize them but will be more natural-looking and less offensive to the eyes of those who are turned off by bright colors?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A compromise: how about, instead of wholesale dunking the pet in a dye tub, instead come out with a set of "warpaint" designs...tattoos and the like that can be painted onto pets that will help customize them but will be more natural-looking and less offensive to the eyes of those who are turned off by bright colors?

I could actually see this.
I would actually even use this. So long as the obnoxious level is toned down.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
all i can picture is horrible neon dragons everywhere, and as one poster said, people dying their dread mares faction horse colors and confusing people. Tamers don't belong in fel anyways, and i try to avoid putting myself on foot to dismount a tamer...what a terrible surprise that would be.

But I guess people who never go to Fel won't give a hoot about the nasty surprises this is going to cause. They'll only wake up about what a truly horrid idea this is when someone tries to scam them using dyed pets.

Bad idea and I hope it gets scrapped.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We love it. You just picked the wrong forum to get your answers. Too many in these forums are old school black and white people and that's already too much color for them. The people that don't like colors can just adjust there display in the monitor settings so it can all be grey :)
Don't worry. It's only the vocal minority that don't like the colors in game. More than half of the people who actually play the game with vote for it.

Then again, it's an IP based poll. Meaning those with enough IP's(like me) can make the poll lopsided if they chose to. It should require account info and be tied to EA servers not monkeys.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Don't worry. It's only the vocal minority that don't like the colors in game. More than half of the people who actually play the game with vote for it.

Then again, it's an IP based poll. Meaning those with enough IP's(like me) can make the poll lopsided if they chose to. It should require account info and be tied to EA servers not monkeys.
The ability exists for the UO team to create a poll that you take when you log in. Too bad it is rarely used.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I think a better idea would be to have certain tamables just spawn in a range of colors, like predadator hell hounds spawn in a range of reds.

That way you would know what looked good, and thematically it would be more sensible that pet painting.


I've always hated these dye jobs because the ENTIRE animal is the same color hue. I wouldn't have an issue if it was a secondary hue, like crest and tail, or barding or whatever.

Plus, they really need to make the colors ones that do NOT spawn, otherwise people will attempt to scam others with the colors.


Eyes of Origin

I dont think the colors that are listed on the survey are all that bright.. I do not see one single neon color on there. I see darker colors, minus the off white and maybe bright red and orange. The rest are muted, so why are people complaining about neon colors?
Like I said... if you can stain your armor pink and offend me with that, I should be able to dye my dragon dark red :p


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Um..... how many of you actually LOOKED at the colors? As far as I could see .... none of them were "neon".... bright or flashy. Most of them were darker... subdued.....

And I hate to say this but I don't think it's that bad.... I actually kinda like the idea of being able to color my pet making it even more "personalized"... and easier to distinguish from the other 200 pets...

We already have colored pets, CuSidhe, Hiryu, 2 colors of mares... Bright blue beetles and Fire steeds..... many of which come much brighter colored than any of the choices they are offering. The brightest there is White.... and if we all recall the millions of WW's you always used to see.... this is no different...

The biggest beef I have is that this is just going to line the pockets of more vendors... since folk like me don't have time to spend 40 hours a week doing quests... and I'm hoping this quest ISN'T scriptable.....

So I would rather the colors were permanent..... not only making one seriously consider what they are doing before they do it.

The Fallout

NONE of these colors are obnoxious like the ones on test, how bout some of you actually look at them before going on your annoying rants.

I LOVE these colors.


A compromise: how about, instead of wholesale dunking the pet in a dye tub, instead come out with a set of "warpaint" designs...tattoos and the like that can be painted onto pets that will help customize them but will be more natural-looking and less offensive to the eyes of those who are turned off by bright colors?

Except for the black and white colors since they occur in nature on real pets I agree. Black horses already exist in-game via an exploit so this will allow non-cheaters to own a black, or close to black anyways, horse.

Put faction horses on the "undyeable" list.

Make all the more unnatural shades, reds, blues, greens, appear as spots so the pets are dappled rather than monochrome? Those dyes should just appear as green, blue or red spots on pet hindquarters or wings or tails if time allows before SA's release.

I have loved this idea since Test Sosaria days, when my first dyed pet was a dryad green horse, which is a very soothing color.

I also once owned a whitemare on test which I really loved.

And a pink sparkle beetle.

And on Halloween test gray/purple and some sparkle shade mares that got changed to sheeps in a costume gate. Omg, they were sooo cute!

Could you maybe add hue numbers 1172, bod cloth red/blue, 1166, bod cloth pure pink, 1169, bod cloth lemon yellow, 1156 navy bod cloth color, 1151 or 1157 can't read my handwriting blood red but think it's a 7, 1167 dryad green, and last but not least, 1198, which is black with a green eye on some mares, forget which.

These hue numbers come from Test Sosaria and an old piece of notebook paper that is yellow and ragged. I have kept it all these years since Test Sosaria and the universal dye tubs Hanse installed for us there.

I haven't included any sparkle hues or neon hues that are on my hues list, just the more calming or natural hues.


Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

But I guess people who never go to Fel won't give a hoot about the nasty surprises this is going to cause. They'll only wake up about what a truly horrid idea this is when someone tries to scam them using dyed pets.

Bad idea and I hope it gets scrapped.
Very good point.....

Selling mare with xxxx stats!.... Turns out to be a dyed horse.

The Fallout

all i can picture is horrible neon dragons everywhere, and as one poster said, people dying their dread mares faction horse colors and confusing people. Tamers don't belong in fel anyways, and i try to avoid putting myself on foot to dismount a tamer...what a terrible surprise that would be.
Hey, take a peek at the colors, there are no neons.

Is this going to boil down to a "rawr I hate tamers they dont deserve colors rawr" because it seems like it.
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