The last week i spent allmost alldays doing The Hag's Assistant quest, do be able to get all the diffrent locations to find Zeefzorpul. A week later i was done, that was yesterday.
When i was done i proudly ran of to my house to added it to the library rearanged so it would fit etc. Today when i log in.... It isnt there....
Stupid me! I must have forgot to lock it down.

Do someone have a book with all the diffrent locations for Zeefzorpul the Imp?
I would absolutley love if someone knew a Library that has one of these or maybe could lend me a book so i could copy it.
It was so time consuming that i rather not do it again.
Someone please help?
When i was done i proudly ran of to my house to added it to the library rearanged so it would fit etc. Today when i log in.... It isnt there....
Stupid me! I must have forgot to lock it down.

I would absolutley love if someone knew a Library that has one of these or maybe could lend me a book so i could copy it.
It was so time consuming that i rather not do it again.
Someone please help?