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Bonded Pet disapeared


Seasoned Veteran
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Hi folks!

Well yesterday morning just before work I went to Miasma with my greater drag and played around a bit...Well then I noticed I was getting late for work so I recalled to del bank and just logged out.
When I came back the next day my pet was gone? His mood was "wonderfully happy" he seldom goes down much further..as I am a legendary tamer..Normally I stable my pet..but as I was in a hurry I just logged...Is this a bug, exploit,nuclear power,normal game mechanics, GM's with a strange sense of humor or just bad luck? *looks cynical*


Stratics Veteran
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I've heard of this happening more often than not right around server maint.

have you checked your stables?

if he's not in the stables, sadly i think you got hit with the "pet failed to log out with you" bug :/


Seasoned Veteran
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I've heard of this happening more often than not right around server maint.

have you checked your stables?

if he's not in the stables, sadly i think you got hit with the "pet failed to log out with you" bug :/

I kind of thought something like that...thanks for the info! Before they introduce SA let us hope they will fix the existing game first! LOL...I was just kidding...we know they wont or cant do that...

Chloe la Mare

have you ran around the area that you were in? I've had that once that it says i have 0 followers when i've logged back in, but have ran about and found my pet then suddenly my followers went back to 5... If not you might atleast find your chicken and re-tame it?


Yeah, definitely look around where you left him, try any pet balls that you have linked to him, etc. But yes, it does happen. I lost my prize greater a couple of months ago...logged out hidden in the wilderness, then didn't play for a few days. Came back and I was dead and Penelope was gone for good. :(


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Each of my tamers keeps a chest in his or her bankbox solely dedicated to pet balls. Each of my pets (at least, the important ones) gets linked to a pet ball and the pet ball goes into the chest.

That doesn't really help with your current problem - and I'm exceedingly sorry to hear that you lost your pet. I wish they would fix this problem. :-/ Until they do, pet balls are the best way I know to safeguard my pets.

Hope you find him.


There does seem to be more incidence of pets not logging out with you than I ever used to encounter. It seems to happen more often when you've just been in combat or, as someone else said, at server down. I lost my bonded beetle a few weeks ago when I didn't notice it was getting close to server down. Oddly enough, when I logged back in, he was there for a moment, wandering about, and the instant I told it to follow, it went poof and my character sheet stopped reporting any followers.

Then, a couple of days ago, my husband was training his pack horse's dex (yes, we have too much time on our hands) and he recalled out of combat and logged out at my house, where he is co-owner, but the horse didn't log out with him. A few hours later, I logged on and was like "um, why is your horse hanging out at my house?" I'm glad I spotted it then, because it was nearly wild by that point.


Grand Poobah
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It's not a bug, just stable your pets and it won't happen. Depending on auto-stabling is asking for trouble, esp for pets you can't mount who were just in combat.


Always Present
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Completely agree with Sarsmi.

Because I do not ever log without first stabling my pets, I don't believe there's any coincidence I've never been hit by any such bug.

To me, auto-logging is there in case the shard goes down or the kind of emergency where I suddenly discover my house is belching smoke & flames.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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This is why I have one of those new stale things at my house. That way if I'm in a hurry to log recall home quick hit the pet to the stable hop on the house and I'm gone in less than a min.

I work "on call" at a hospital... and often get called to work and I need to be there ASAP... so I know about having to go quickly. But it don't take long to stable the pet... I also keep a runebook handy with a rune to Skara Brae right near the stables in my pack set as the default location so I can recall in stable and recall out in a snap.

I'm sorry for your loss... I know it's horrible to lose a beloved pet.


I have a guild mate that was in party with us, battling monsters and he lost connection to the game. When he logged back in his greater had disappeared. We looked all over for it but to no avail. It's sad to see a player lose their trained pets. I've been fortunate, it hasn't yet happened to my tamer. I hope they fix this soon.


The first thing you need to check is the Followers info and the char's gump. If its zero you're sol.

Kensai Tsunami

yeah, if its not taking up slots it should be in your stables. but ...i once had a pet go 'poof' on me after the server crashed a few yrs back. it was gone for good. i think maybe it was cuz the server went thru a maint. period b4 i was able to relog into it and retrieve my pet. logging out like that may have 'freaked the server' so to speak; duplicating this rare occurrence. i hope you found it! losing a pet like that is very upsetting. mine was fully trained and close to max stats and skills. it, to this day, has proved to be irreplacable.

Marcus Blackwell

I have a guild mate that was in party with us, battling monsters and he lost connection to the game. When he logged back in his greater had disappeared. We looked all over for it but to no avail. It's sad to see a player lose their trained pets. I've been fortunate, it hasn't yet happened to my tamer. I hope they fix this soon.
This has happened to two of my friends in the alliance recently..didnt lose connection but they logged out and back in to get there pets ghost and it was gone not even in the stables.. afew times I myself have had to log out and back in more then once to get my pet back.


I recently lost my Gr. dragon also. It was during the revert during the latest ToT. I stabled my pet and logged out. A few days later I read about the revert, logged in and was standing in the middle of one of the demon spawns at the dancer dojo with no pet lol. Checked stable, not there. Sucked bad.It took me 2-3 weeks to find that drag and another few to train it. I basically flushed a month of my life down the toliet.

I paged a gm, I'll let you guys decide on how much help he was..


Babbling Loonie
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I make my 120 taming up with jewls, one time i forgot i had changed my jewls and found that my pet was missing from the stables (i have a full stable). For days i could not understand where my bonded pet had gone.

Few days latter i went back to the stable to get another pet out only to find the pet i thought i had lost was back in the stable.

Check youre skills have not droped and ur unable to see him in the stable


I Hate Skilling
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Hi folks!

Well yesterday morning just before work I went to Miasma with my greater drag and played around a bit...Well then I noticed I was getting late for work so I recalled to del bank and just logged out.
When I came back the next day my pet was gone? His mood was "wonderfully happy" he seldom goes down much further..as I am a legendary tamer..Normally I stable my pet..but as I was in a hurry I just logged...Is this a bug, exploit,nuclear power,normal game mechanics, GM's with a strange sense of humor or just bad luck? *looks cynical*
I lost a dog when the server went down. My pet count was 0 and I grabbed my other dog the next day.
I found my first dog wondering around dead, near where I was hunting. He was still blue and I had the other dog with me.
I stabled the live dog and went back and revived the first dog, he was still bonded and happy.

Look for your pet. Then make pet balls for all of them. You can keep them in the back or in your house.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I recently lost my Gr. dragon also. It was during the revert during the latest ToT. I stabled my pet and logged out. A few days later I read about the revert, logged in and was standing in the middle of one of the demon spawns at the dancer dojo with no pet lol. Checked stable, not there. Sucked bad.It took me 2-3 weeks to find that drag and another few to train it. I basically flushed a month of my life down the toliet.

I paged a gm, I'll let you guys decide on how much help he was..
Well the same happened to me but with the Chief Paroxysmus statue. The extra stab was i died because i dropped connect and got stuck on the connecting screen so said screw logging in till later. 25 mill down the drain. The worst part is trying to find another to buy. As for the GM you will get the standard we can not replace lost items generic message. If anyone one is selling one on Cats PM me :)


Well the same happened to me but with the Chief Paroxysmus statue. The extra stab was i died because i dropped connect and got stuck on the connecting screen so said screw logging in till later. 25 mill down the drain. The worst part is trying to find another to buy. As for the GM you will get the standard we can not replace lost items generic message. If anyone one is selling one on Cats PM me :)
I saw one for sale in southern Luna about three days ago, and I'm pretty sure the vendor was named something like "Parox Swamp" or something that said it was selling it. Hope it's still there for you!

red sky

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Yeah, this has happened to several of my pets. Just be sure to stable it from now or make sure it is happy and following you when you log out. Usually what happens, is it ends up wondering off somewhere or got left behind in a different location. When you log out and it is in that different location that is perhaps in a totally different server such as fell Despise and you log out in Luna, the pet will stay in the dungeon and when you log on; it will be down there but won't show up as being with you until you go find it. I did this once and had to hunt the pet down in T2A. Unfortunately, what usually happens when this happens is the pet goes wild before you can find it. Best luck is to just spend the time to train a new dragon. I was pissed when I lost my last greater dragon to this but I'm happy now because I spent the time to get a really nice one.

Xanthril of LA

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Not sure if this will help now but during the last battle during the luna invasion, I lost connection, died horribly, my swampie apparently died horribly, and when I was able to reconnect, I had no swampie, no pets showing in my status bar, and no swampie in the stable. The next day I checked stables again and found no swampie. A day or so later, I remembered that someone had mentioned a pet ball so went to my bank, retrieved the one that I had bonded to the swampie, used it (expecting nothing) and lo and behold, my swampie was next to me, dead but still bonded. I am SO sold on the pet balls now. I only had one for the swampie because it was the first given to me my former guild mates in TKC and they instructed me to bond it with the pet ball that they gave me. I was a mere two-day old character. My swampie is about as replaceable as a horse but I would most certainly use a pet ball for any special pets. I hope it is not too late for you to find your pet.