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What should I do/Where to go

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm THINKING of moving to a new shard and was wondering where to go.
I'm looking for a active shard with friendly people who actually PLAY the game not banksit and script. I'd be giving up a Castle, Keep and 2 18x18s.

How expensive is it to move 4 accounts???

Maybe I should start over on Seige???

Maybe I should just finally throw in the towel....honestly I don't know what to do. UO has ceased to be fun. What's even more disheartening is I don't even care about the new expansion. Normally I'd be bouncing off the walls over a new expansion but I haven't even set foot on retribution shard. I can't even seem to muster any enthusiasim. What's wrong with me?? :coco:

Maybe I'm just a stupid whiny ass drama queen who doesn't deserve her accounts. :flame:

I just don't know anymore. :sad4:


I'd recommend Siege. Banksitters and scripters don't last very long there.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord
*chuckles* You want to play? Be firey? Bring just one over here. Just one to begin with... We will start there. And you will have to start from scratch.

I know people that can help you.

Arnie QuickPalm

PSST joiry he is just the dishwasher!! come to origin lots of room the best people. sell your castle use money to but transfer tokens all your toons can come to origin how many can you take to siege ???


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
And stick with it for a while...

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*chuckles* You want to play? Be firey? Bring just one over here. Just one to begin with... We will start there. And you will have to start from scratch.

I know people that can help you.
Cant transfer to siege, if we could alot of players probley would of been over there by now

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm THINKING of moving to a new shard and was wondering where to go.
I'm looking for a active shard with friendly people who actually PLAY the game not banksit and script. I'd be giving up a Castle, Keep and 2 18x18s.

How expensive is it to move 4 accounts???

Maybe I should start over on Seige???

Maybe I should just finally throw in the towel....honestly I don't know what to do. UO has ceased to be fun. What's even more disheartening is I don't even care about the new expansion. Normally I'd be bouncing off the walls over a new expansion but I haven't even set foot on retribution shard. I can't even seem to muster any enthusiasim. What's wrong with me?? :coco:

Maybe I'm just a stupid whiny ass drama queen who doesn't deserve her accounts. :flame:

I just don't know anymore. :sad4:
I wouldnt give up everything n transfer all characters over to another shard. first decide what shards you might be interested in checking out, make a character log in check how well your character moves, check banks see if there is players around, and when you choose a shard, and just transfer only the characters you use the most even if they are not on the same account. and dont get rid of all your housing if anything sell a 18 by 18 if you need a house on the shard you choose. after awhile you like the shard you have chosen sell your other housing. and move all your other characters over. at least if you dont like the shard that you chose at least didnt give up everything at once.


I'm THINKING of moving to a new shard and was wondering where to go.
I'm looking for a active shard with friendly people who actually PLAY the game not banksit and script. I'd be giving up a Castle, Keep and 2 18x18s.

How expensive is it to move 4 accounts???

Maybe I should start over on Seige???

Maybe I should just finally throw in the towel....honestly I don't know what to do. UO has ceased to be fun. What's even more disheartening is I don't even care about the new expansion. Normally I'd be bouncing off the walls over a new expansion but I haven't even set foot on retribution shard. I can't even seem to muster any enthusiasim. What's wrong with me?? :coco:

Maybe I'm just a stupid whiny ass drama queen who doesn't deserve her accounts. :flame:

I just don't know anymore. :sad4:
You're symptoms are normal. Yeah it ain't fun anymore tried too to move to other shards but it just doesn't quite get you back into the game.

The same greedy item based folks are what you will meet. Not really their fault coz that's the way the cookie crumbles in this game.

If I may suggest you try to cool off for awhile and enjoy the things to come on stratics on what people will say about SA. Nope don't take them seriously yet no matter how they tell you it's just adorable give it a few hehe.


Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
What shard are you on? Start with the shards the you have the best ping with and make a char on it. Play it for about a wk. and see what the people are like. Try the same thing with the other shards that you have the best ping with and then make up your mind from what you experience on that shard before moving. All your crafters and any mules can be made from new chars because 120 crafting scrolls are not that expensive. At what , I think its $19 ber char for a transfer, that can get expensive to transfer all of them, when soulstone frags are not that expensive.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Well I would NOT do anything yet.

With SA coming down the pike those that DO buy it, on every shard, will be off and running to get all the gems they must have to unravel or break whatever to imbue whatevers, and to just explore the new stuff, leaving every shard's prior expansions of lands, quite.. EMPTY thus no way to accurately judge any shard's population nor players whom you may or may not fit in with ...till SA has come and gone and it's newness wears off.

Every shard will find emptier felucca, emptier Trammel, emptier AOS lands, emptier Tokono lands...every OLD dungeon abandoned for checkin out the new stuff...so every shard can look empty in all the usual places once that SA launches.

And every customer that bought it will be racing to get this and that, to get STUFFS to be first to sell whatevers on their pricey vendors, and or out to try this and that be busy and probably not even spend much time getting to even notice someone new on their shard no matter what shard it may be ya try...with the launch so close best if ya do NOTHING right now in the way of tryin to maybe find some new shard to play upon.

It would be more logical to wait...till things get a bit more normal on every shard or back to more normal after some bit of time passes, after SA goes live.

What you can do is make chrs. on different shards to kinda see what each shard and their customer base is like or where ya may fit in better but make some newbies and just wander around till SA comes and goes to some more normal calmer timing than right before or during the release of SA.

Or just take a break for a month or so..till stuff calms back down again.
The release of any new expansion can be full of mess anyways...so just do nothing and ride out the storm first.

I would not be too concerned though about having no interest nor enthusiasm yet, for this new expansion. You are not alone on that either. Not every expansion will thrill us or even interest us ..yes even if every other one or nearly every other one has..this one is a bit different..one big dungeon sort of whatevers...heck even I have paid no attention to it per say. I just have not yet been interested in this new expansion that is mostly a new big honkin dungeon ? How many old dungeons UO has abandoned never updated, & bored of it so players hardly ever go back to those older dungeons. I bought all their prior expansions but one Third Dawn..so this SA might be the other one that, I maybe never purchase.

If you do try Siege even that will be every one flocking to SA if they bought it so, that will be the same the rest of the UO lands seemingly abandoned empty of people devoid of activity till every one has explored or done whatever they hoped to try or do there while it is new to them all too.. so no real time to judge any shard when no one will be anywhere *normal* till the newness of SA comes and goes and... passes.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If UO isn't interesting to you on one shard, changing up probably won't change your mind.

That is, unless you get lucky and meet the right people on the new server.

No matter where you go in UO, the game is still the same. Sometimes it takes a break from the game to renew the fun later on. Or to realize that the game really isn't that good and other games are where it's at.

My own break lasted for nearly six years, but when I did come back, it was a lot more fun than when I left.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Friend,

I have played UO for 12 years. Every now and then my interest wanes a little. But I set both short term and long term goals so I am almost always working toward things.

Dont act rashly. Take a mini break. If you love it as many do, as I do, you will become excited agin before long.

Elladan of Baja


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jirel I completely agree with what you said about our shard..I've been considering moving too..If you're looking for alot of people check out Atlantic, I've been looking at it for a while.

Kensai Tsunami

No place like 'home'.
Lake Superior o course!

p.s. its not about 'stuff'.



Try Siege. It is challenging and its not what some think it is. Its alot of fun building your empire from scratch on a shard where nothing is free or most times easy.

Not everyone is out to shove your face in the dirt there.Lots of good peaple I`ve ran into.Even reds have a heart! :p

Brings back fond memories of the good ole days of UO for me. I just wish we could have 2 char slots instead of just one,but I can live with that. Very fun shard when your bored to death with a production shard and want to bring back some challenge to your gameplay.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have lost the interest for UO, I don`t see how moving to another shard will help you. Nothing wrong with you - you are just burned out. Sometimes UO is fun, other times it`s not. What you do with it is up to you. Me - I know I will always come back so I keep my accounts open no matter how little I play. That might not work for you. So stash up all your items in bankboxes, backpacks and beetles - and log out. Try other games, try RL :)

Or, if you really want to find that old sparkle again - change your playstyle around. Do something with your UO time that you haven`t done before.

Best of luck.


And why is that?
Cause can't be arsed to PvP with 70 skills and 130ms against 120 skills and 30 ms...

120 skills and 130ms against 120 skills and 30ms I could do...

Edit: So basically too lazy to train skills so slowly :D


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My 2cp's.

Create a Character on Siege and play it. Worst case for you is to give up one of your 4 houses and that would only be if you wanted a house on SP. Meaning you can live off a Boat(s) *shrug* I did that initially when I came back to UO and I did it when UO opened its Doors. You get the ships hold 125/400 (unfortunately no longer an unlimited weight as secures are). There are no limits to the number of boats you can have and you can recall on the master key click the gangplank to refresh the boat .... what every 4 or 5 days?

Play that character until you know you want to be there or not or any where in between.

What I have found to be helpful, is to play both. When one starts to run dry, switch to the other.

Other than the above *Shrug* go check out Lake Austin.

Budweiser KDL

I'm THINKING of moving to a new shard and was wondering where to go.
I'm looking for a active shard with friendly people who actually PLAY the game not banksit and script. I'd be giving up a Castle, Keep and 2 18x18s.

How expensive is it to move 4 accounts???

Maybe I should start over on Seige???

Maybe I should just finally throw in the towel....honestly I don't know what to do. UO has ceased to be fun. What's even more disheartening is I don't even care about the new expansion. Normally I'd be bouncing off the walls over a new expansion but I haven't even set foot on retribution shard. I can't even seem to muster any enthusiasim. What's wrong with me?? :coco:

Maybe I'm just a stupid whiny ass drama queen who doesn't deserve her accounts. :flame:

I just don't know anymore. :sad4:
Come to fel pac. We like CRAZY there. I'd love to kill you and your sis.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I started on Europa at the very first and just couldn't stand it although it would have been the nearest for me so I quickly left and went to Lake Austin that had just opened and I found there many friendly ppl and a very good ambiance (I don't know now though) and, after that I went to Origin at its opening to be able to try get a castle to realize something I had in my mind that I could not do on LA but Origin was not friendly at all and was all about competition but I stayed there untill now (some ppl in Origin are nice I think though but I was too disgusted with previous experiences so I didn't really try to know them).

Maybe you are just a "savage" like me (untameable lol) so doesn't matter really where you go, just try to play alone and for yourself nd you'll be happy.

edit : I tried Atlantic too for a while : its distracting because there are lots of ppl there you can watch but I didn't feel like starting everyting from scratch, so I left.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm looking for a active shard with friendly people who actually PLAY the game not banksit and script.
It might help to explain what sort of "PLAY" you are interested in. PvP? PvM? RP? quirky events? high end? low end? What are you looking for that you aren't finding?

I happen to know that your current shard has a number of very nice people on it ... although admittedly it's not exactly the most active shard in the world.

I think that you are being a little quick to dismiss what the new expansion could do for you ... there will be lots of people starting up new gargoyles. Yes, a good few will likely be powergaming their way through the new content gold rush so not everyone will want to stop and chat, but if you're patient I would hope you could find a few people with similar interests on almost any shard.


Do it all.

Quit, move and stay.

Consoldate your accounts to 2. Drop 2.

Keep your castle where you are. Play there.

Move your other account to Atlantic.

Set up seige players on both accounts.

There you go.


i don't know what the big deal is about rot. it took me two months to make a char on seige.

see shalimar and join new. you will meet fine people.

most guilds will leave u alone if you run a new tag. unless of course u macro unattended.

stay out of luna. bank sitting is a no-no.

you can get cheap armor and run with regs. everything is easily replaced.

after u leave new you can join a guild. most guilds are looking for fresh people.

i will say that playing on seige gives u a totally different perspective of uo.

there are good and bad as in life

some of the things that will happen to u.

u will get killed by other players.

you will be dry looted.

sometimes they will cut ur stuff up and put it on the ground.

some roleplay vampires looking for blood

some roleplay highway men and ask for loot in order to insure safe passage.


you can replace everything you lose.

crafting has a purpose

running around with gm armor and regs is fine

you can bless one item, a good weapon, piece of armor or a spell book

the good:

i had a guy stealth upto me there and drop a 60k check at my feet, first nite on the shard.

the tougher skills to train in the game such as taming are actually easier because of rot.

i killed someone the second nite on the shard with 5 black bears that i had tamed.

its a good playstyle though. more challenging and forces you to think about what you want to accomplish and how to do it.

1 character only needed. you shoud start with a stealth hider to get around.
you can always remove the skills once you become more comfortable.

please consider it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd suggest diversifying..

I recently just built new characters across multiple shards. Don't limit yourself to one shard. These last few weeks have been the most fun I've had in UO in a long time.

If you can't find something fun going on on one shard you will be able to find something on one of the others. I'd suggest having at least one of each west coast and east coast.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you everyone!! So many great recommendations! I think I'm gonna build chars on different shards and try them and see where I like it, the people are friendly etc, etc.

The only shard I won't be visiting is Pacific, not that I don't want too but someone I have a RL issue with plays that shard. The two of us on the same shard would be alot like dropping a lit match in a bucket of gasoline....EXPLOSIVE!!

I'll be visiting all the rest of you real soon.

Someone recommended a vacation from UO ..actually I'm taking a RL vacation to Texas. My friend I'm visiting lives in the boonies of NE Texas and has a dialup conn and a ancient PC so for at least a week I won't be getting online. So does that count as a mini vacation?

Anyway , thank ya'll so very much your ideas have cheered me up!!!


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Catskills has a mustache convention next week. You're more than welcome to show up!

Kensai Tsunami

check the thread 'ok, who are you really?' or something like that, on the LS forum. it lists my chars there. if you see me, hit me up and i will be more than happy to assist you there. if not, cuz my playing time is limited these days, then just PM me. i dont mind sharing or helping. its what ppl SHOULD do.
cyas! maybe.

p.s. seige is a blast too. i dont play there much these days but there are alot of fine folks there that dont seem to mind too much helping their fellow players. seems seige has gotten the most votes anyway; in this thread.


Thank you everyone!! So many great recommendations! I think I'm gonna build chars on different shards and try them and see where I like it, the people are friendly etc, etc.

The only shard I won't be visiting is Pacific, not that I don't want too but someone I have a RL issue with plays that shard. The two of us on the same shard would be alot like dropping a lit match in a bucket of gasoline....EXPLOSIVE!!

I'll be visiting all the rest of you real soon.

Someone recommended a vacation from UO ..actually I'm taking a RL vacation to Texas. My friend I'm visiting lives in the boonies of NE Texas and has a dialup conn and a ancient PC so for at least a week I won't be getting online. So does that count as a mini vacation?

Anyway , thank ya'll so very much your ideas have cheered me up!!!
or Jessic Rose on atlantic and Ill give you some spreading around gold.