The purpose of the durability is to keep the craftsmen's skill in need. Not get what you need and not need to redo anything for a few years. This has been a problem for a while. It will give the need to look for people who can supply the goods again like the good ole days.
I am not replying to you Cetric, I hope that is clear.
When UO was originally published items did not wear out.
But Black smiths and Tailors thought their Characters were not getting enough Player Loving and/or their coffers were not being filled up enough as they were originally.
They wanted the NPC Vendors to be removed or have their inventory be vastly inferior to what they make (i.e. why buy a Viking Sword from a Player when you can buy one from an NPC Vendor).
There was a long and bitter thread on CB.
Some Key points.
Crafter: I should NOT be required to compete against a never empty NPC Vendor.
Player: Ok, are you going to guarantee that you or your proxy will be there 24x7x365.25x12 years selling me the items I want at a price I can afford.
Crafter: No and that has nothing to do with anything period, end of disciussion.
Crafter: Items should decay and break, allowing for Tailors and Blacksmiths to repair them for money, so they can be a useful member of the UO Society.
Player: Ok, are you going to guarantee that you or your proxy will be there 24x7x365.25x12 years repairing my items at a price I can afford.
Crafter: No and that has nothing to do with anything period, end of disciussion.
Player: Items should decay and break
Player: Based on what ... well story line?
Player: Because in the real world things break and need to be repaired
Player: But this is NOT the real world and there are items coded Indestructable.
Player: Those are really destructable, because in the Real World we can NOT make things indestructable
Player: This is NOT the real world, these items are Magical Items and why should one believe that Magic can NOT keep an item in a state of constantly perfect repair?
Player: Because Magic does NOT exist in the real world, so things must decay and break, end of discussion.
While I am amazed that the group of people that want things to be as hard as .... what ever, still exist but functionally their argument is the same, all these years later. A Play Style insist that it be the sole source for something that benefits everyone yet that same group refuses to take responsibility to the UO community to provide the services/items to the community when the community needs it and at a price the community can afford.

Good thing I no longer have the passion to argue the point. It is just really sad that regardless of someone knowing it or not, they argue for a state sanctioned monopoly with no safeguards for the welfare of the society.
But what is equally as sad is the total lack of reason, lore, story line, definitions what ever why things should be the way they are proposed.
I could argue that Imbuing is a Magical Process performed at a Magical Artifact. Thus the successfully imbued item should BE STRONGER for the process, NOT WEAKENED.