Animal taming by far... I don't even know of any scripts or macros for it.
in a close second place is Focus.
you ever hear of a Cloak of Coruption??
put that on, sit at the bank for day, youll be 120.
k, that said ill weigh in on this.
ive GMed (or 120ed) ever skill in game on sonoma (home shard)
then i went and made 21 characters on every norther american shard.
now im overseas working up my 21 toons per shard.
so ive worked ever skill a couple times now (and a couple more.... and a couple more.... and a couple more...)
and the worst skill to raise is tameing.
and that is just cause you have to constantlly get a new critter and the higher ya go in skill the harder the critter you have to tame, unless you GGS but then that isnt activlly training the skill.
all other skills in game have their 'tricks' to do them.
and i think ive about mastered every trick there is.
all the other skills, while they are time consuming, can all be done without moving out of one spot.
so ya, taming is the hardest in my book.
as for ninja.
be sure you have room, stone off skills you dont need for the training.
(keep your fencing and tact of course - or whatever your weapon is, and if you DONT have a weapon skill at least buy up 40 for trianing purposes)
get a 40 LMC suit with 10-15 MR
max out your HCI on it.
max out your med and focus.
you need the mana.
cause if you dont have the mana your not dropping your special and if your not dropping your special your not gaining.
same goes with the HCI, if your not hitting your not gaining.
death strike your critter of choice.
that from like 87 to 120.
if your looking for lower end, 40 to 55 focus attack on critter.
55-87 do shadow jump.
its slower at top end like are skills are, but no where near as painfull as taming.
beggin. go rent 6 NPCs and see ya in 2 days.
hmmm, i better stop before i give out all my secerets!