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    Please take a moment to read this post reminding you all of the importance of Account Security.
  • Hail Guest!
    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

we WANT a 5 Pck discount(s) for those who have multiple UO Accounts

DO YOU Want SA 5 Packs available WITH Discount?? SPEAK UP

  • YES!! Bring it on I'll be buying SA UPGRADE Accounts Like CANDY

    Votes: 139 67.1%
  • No I only have 1 account

    Votes: 31 15.0%
  • I really don't care

    Votes: 37 17.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With Luck perhap some of the Dev team will take note it they can see enough people responding to the vote.... PLEASE take a few seconds and put your 2 cents into the poll!!

Thank you Siabra


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Between the family we have 9 here. So packages would be most appreciated.


I have 2 accounts and what I do is only upgrade one, then years later EA gives us the upgrade for free so I upgrade the second account...

P.S. Thanks for the ML upgrade EA :)


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
A five pack would be perfect for me... :blushing:


Old and in the way
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Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
But that is up to the bean counters... Not the Devs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If possible at all, please contact , guild mates, friends, ( lol even rival guilds!) let us "make our voices heard". UO has listened before to requests AND if enough people were behind then, they not only listened but IMPLEMENTED them!!!

If all of us gather from across the shards and vote here the number will have to be impressive enough to sway UO

Thanks for the support!!!


Also how will we buy more than 2 on uogamecodes when SA goes live
since they only allow 2 or 3 purchases per month?


Aye... Poor Kelmo would have to open another account or two to get that. :p


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Aye... Poor Kelmo would have to open another account or two to get that. :p
*notifies mod for harassment* Umm... wait a minute...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I voted for you and I do not have 5 accounts, just 2. I do not see your proposal as harming anything other than to deny the UOTeam some Real Life Currency.

I doubt that will be a show stopper for them. As I am comfortable in believing they make their money from subscriptions and the Store.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
I've got 5. I know most Siegers have 3 or 4 or more accounts
And for 5 characters you pay... Five times what some one with one account and seven characters? Yes, I know. We choose our playground... Some of us choose a sand box where you can kick some sand.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well only 4 are active currently. . I don't mind it. I like throwing dirt.


a 2 pack discount would be appreciated too. Considering the purchase is in US dollars.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Gods I could almost buy 2, 5 packs..... if they were a good deal.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But any thoughts on how you sell five upgrade codes at a discount without it being used by resellers?

(how do you ensure the discount is going to one player? tie it to a single credit card?)

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Had to vote yes because i have more than 1 account but less then 5. Would love it they would give us a discount for buying more than 1. The more you buy the bigger the disciunt on the next one.
1st reg price.............$30...............$30
2nd 5% off the first....$ 28.5....10% $27
3rd 5% off the 2nd.....$ 27.......10% $24.30
so on so on so on
or even 10%
on a 5 pack that would be $27.15 off


But any thoughts on how you sell five upgrade codes at a discount without it being used by resellers?

(how do you ensure the discount is going to one player? tie it to a single credit card?)
Who cares, if they (ea) make theirs, and we get a little off on a 5 pack!?

Wouldnt it make sense to sell it as a multi pack, and make more due to quantity, rather than one at a time and only sell one or two to those of us who have the multi pack "need" but wont pay full price for all accounts to upgrade?

Seems like a simple no brainer decision to me!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who cares, if they (ea) make theirs, and we get a little off on a 5 pack!?
Well then just read the announcement as a $40 upgrade with everyone getting a 25% discount and being spared the hassle of finding some grey-market broker?

If you don't stop resellers then a discount is pointless.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well then just read the announcement as a $40 upgrade with everyone getting a 25% discount and being spared the hassle of finding some grey-market broker?

If you don't stop resellers then a discount is pointless.
are you saying resellers would get a 5 pack for less money than us from EA? If they pay the same for a 5-pack as we do then they will have to raise thier price to make something, so they really make nothing because we can get it cheaper from EA.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But any thoughts on how you sell five upgrade codes at a discount without it being used by resellers?

(how do you ensure the discount is going to one player? tie it to a single credit card?)
I think it shouldn't matter. If resellers buy a 5 pak, then they take on the risk of needing to find 5 customers to buy them. If they can't, it'll be a loss to them. (Edit: Forgot to add this - If resellers buy the 5 pak, it will be money already in EA's pockets. While the risk is transferred to the resellers.)

Only way to guarantee that is to confirm you can get 5 buyers in advance. Realistically, I see this happening more with friends pulling together rather than resellers.

Besides, it's a good business tactic for big businesses. To generate sales, you bundle together a few items and sell them as a package. It's like selling meals in fast food restaurants. People don't really need the fries or even drink sometimes. But because it's cheaper to buy it this way, they still go for it.

To me personally? I don't need to go Ter Mu with all my accounts. I don't need each account to have a gargoyle character. I just need 2.

Say let's say they sell it at $30 each and that gives them a $10 profit. If there's no 5 pak, I'll buy 2 = that's $60 of sales and $20 profits.

If there's a 5 pak and they sell at $135 (10% discount, $27 each). That'll be $135 worth of sales and $35 total profits.

Making that sales now and getting the cash at lower profit margins is better than hoping to make a sale a couple of months/years down the road and getting the cash then, even if the profit margin is wider.

If it's something perishable that can be repeatedly bought (like AOS dyes instead of account upgrades), they can give it an even better discount or sell in bigger bundles.


Well then just read the announcement as a $40 upgrade with everyone getting a 25% discount and being spared the hassle of finding some grey-market broker?

If you don't stop resellers then a discount is pointless.
Did ya think the re-sellers were gonna be the ONLY ones to get this discount?

PS...."grey" market brokers exist for a reason. For some folks, its the only way to get their needs for whatever reason. Even more so, when the codes are no longer sold, the "grey" market folks will still have some for those late comers!


I have four accounts open now. A 5 pck discount may entice me to reopen another. That is how they will profit.

Der Rock

With Luck perhap some of the Dev team will take note it they can see enough people responding to the vote.... PLEASE take a few seconds and put your 2 cents into the poll!!

Thank you Siabra
i would suggest: 1st acc = 29,90 , 2nd acc and all following acc 9,99-14,90
we multi acc user must be have a benefit,i dont think that ill ever upgrade more then 1 acc for 29,90
those times are over for UO


I have 2, but 5? I'm crazy but not that crazy ... my wife would kill me.

I'd like a small discount for a 2-fer and I think 5-pak should definitely be discounted.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Between me and my husband we have seven so I would love a 5 pack discount. If it's a good discount I may buy two 5 packs and re open one of my accounts I recently closed. :thumbsup:

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I voted yes although I only have one active account. The 5 pack would do nothing for me, but I think that all of you who do have 5 or more should receive a discount. I would like one if I had that many accounts. :thumbsup:


Between me and my other half we have 4 accounts, Planning on upgrading all 4. I'll vote for ya guys tho :)

Kensai Tsunami

I have 4. My wife has 3. I vote for leftovers for friends with less than 5 accts ...(e.g. we buy two 5 packs; we use 7). Then we are able to give the remaining 3 to friends. boo yah! tokens?!?
can i get an AMEN?


I am still wondering how we will be able to purchase more than 2 from the website during the promotional time frame.


I've been debating opening another account for a few months now, and I can definitely say that a discount on account codes would definitely swing me in favor of picking up another account. Otherwise, I'll just upgrade my main account and wait until access is free for the others. I feel EA, et al get enough of my money each month that they could at least offer a discount for multiple account codes.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I vote "Yes". But if there is no mutiple account discount, I will buy 1 upgrade. I may buy another in the future if I like it. Give me a discount and I will upgrade all of my accounts when it is released.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like most people .. so far anyway .... if given a DECENT discount I would buy 5 SA Upgrades

lol i wonder if there should be a poll for HOW many SA Upgrades would you purchase IF there was (IS) a DECENT 5 pack discount on them ?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I hope some pencil pusher up at EA gets the idea that this is something we want.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Make sure you mark on the "Survey" you would buy more SA Upgrade accounts IF they are discounted- someone above said at $9.99 that seems reasonable to me

what do you all think?



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With Luck perhap some of the Dev team will take note it they can see enough people responding to the vote.... PLEASE take a few seconds and put your 2 cents into the poll!!

Thank you Siabra
Why would they offer 5 packs when you will pay full price anyways? The only reason you offer bulk discounts is to encourage higher volumes than would normally be purchased.

If you have 6 accounts - how many upgrades would you buy without the bulk upgrade vs a 5 pack? Answer - 6 in both cases.

There is NO INCENTIVE for EA to offer a discount other than you are hoping to save $$.

Bulk discounts work for things like x-fer tokens. Normally you might but one token at $20 but if you got 5 for $80 you would be inclined to buy the pack at once.

You don't NEED to buy any of those but having a discount on 5 vs 1 encourages you to buy more than your normally would. Its the buy one get one free discount at the store. What would be the difference of offering it at 50% off? Well, at 50% off - you buy one at half price. Buy one get one - you buy 2 at 50% off.

With account upgrades - you are going to buy it for each account or not use the new content. You can say 'oh, but I won't upgrade all my accounts then'. Trust me. In time, you will. Dor is the only person who didn't upgrade to AOS and still can't go to Luna. Everyone else eventually upgrades them.