Or at VERY least explain why they were removed all those years ago...
Still, to this day a few remain crippled, but alive in captivity:
I tamed her sooooo many years ago, when I was building a pack of hell hounds when pack instinct was introduced (2002ish?). She lives in the stables of LS, a shard I long ago abandoned, her resists, sadly all bugged at 0, but I come take her out for a walk every now and then, to rekindle those fond memories of yesteryear...
Basically for anyone who doesn't know, they were 2 slot hell hounds that spawned in a variety of different shades of red (Their cousin creature the predator hell cat still spawns in rare colors from time to time) with maybe 20% better stats, and a +50% to damage for other pack members rather than the standard +25%.
They disappeared around AOS, for no given or known reason.
I've been making posts about this for years, but since I had been doing the same for filled book cases, I guess its could pay to keep bringing it up.
Bring back the hellhound pack leaders!
Stratics hunters guide entry for hellhound pack leaders
Still, to this day a few remain crippled, but alive in captivity:

I tamed her sooooo many years ago, when I was building a pack of hell hounds when pack instinct was introduced (2002ish?). She lives in the stables of LS, a shard I long ago abandoned, her resists, sadly all bugged at 0, but I come take her out for a walk every now and then, to rekindle those fond memories of yesteryear...
Basically for anyone who doesn't know, they were 2 slot hell hounds that spawned in a variety of different shades of red (Their cousin creature the predator hell cat still spawns in rare colors from time to time) with maybe 20% better stats, and a +50% to damage for other pack members rather than the standard +25%.
They disappeared around AOS, for no given or known reason.
I've been making posts about this for years, but since I had been doing the same for filled book cases, I guess its could pay to keep bringing it up.
Bring back the hellhound pack leaders!
Stratics hunters guide entry for hellhound pack leaders