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Imbuing Change Decision



Good decision in my opinion. While the rich will still get it first (like always) the poor will be able to get it soon after; instead of the 6 month - to - a year trickle down effect.
Not really man... Once you try to put that 5th property on an item your proability on a gargoyle, at the Queen's Forge with 120 Imbuing is less than 5%... And as a result the number of ingredients required to *actually* put that last mod on are so costly it will still be pretty much only the rich or belligerant (it took me at least 35 tries to do imbues at that level and each fail sucked down 5 Relic Fragments or Enchancted Essence or whatnot) Gaining imbuing to legendary and performing imbuing up to a certain point will be doable by all, but 400% intensity items will remain in the hands of the uber-elite.

Wilki, question fer ya... Where does this change stand wth the 150% intensity? Are reverting imbuing completely to what it was before the change? Or taking a few lessons forward?

I am dissapointed in this decision, but thank you for taking the time and for being willing to explore the alternatives fully...


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you do not need these skills other than the normal or exceptoinal piece you start with you do not need to be by a forge just the soul forge
good cause needing smith and tailor would have ruined my template, planning on having

120 imbuing/mysticism/magery/eval/resist/med + item id on a soulstone for when i need it


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good cause needing smith and tailor would have ruined my template, planning on having

120 imbuing/mysticism/magery/eval/resist/med + item id on a soulstone for when i need it
just keep in mind gargoyles get a bonus so whoever has imbuing you most likely will want them to be a garg once the skill is maxed for better chances with the high end items


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
np and you will need 120 imbuing to do it and max the mod so it will be a while as imbuing will take a long time i think to get to 120 unless you have unlimited resources

I understand and I thought Petra had a How to Raise Imbuing that the skimming I gave it didn't seem to be all that costly. BUT hey most of the Crafting skills has cost me an arm and a leg :( I do contribute that more to the GGS than anything else though (I want Power Hour Back).

I am most a resource vacuum anyway, I just keep stacking that stuff up and Like Imbuing or not, I perceive it is the best waqy for me to get my "Need to Have" characters out of their low 40's suits with mostly junk stuff.

Same for the Scroll Binders, I just vacuumed the 105/110/115 scrolls and stat scrolls in case some one wanted one, well now by sheer luck I may actually have a chance at a +20 or higher stats scroll.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Good decision in my opinion. While the rich will still get it first (like always) the poor will be able to get it soon after; instead of the 6 month - to - a year trickle down effect.

I suppose that is the idea.

Help levelling the playing field and have entrying players (whether new or returning) be able to catch up with existing players in a more reasonable time.

It is an improvement towards more and better PvP in the game, IMHO.

But there is still one step that needs be covered : stop the cheating, hacking and scripting which can ruin PvP.

If we want PvP back in Ultima Online step one was levelling the playing field, but step 2 is still to be covered.

Let's hope that after the Expansion is out and running the Dev Team will come up with some great way to finally, after years upon years of suffering, to stop cheating, hacking and scripting in Ultima Online.

If not totally, at least for the most part (say 99% ?)

Then, yes, this game can again have a lively and sane PvP.


UO Forum Moderator
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all I know for sure is its not as easy as people think i chalange anyone to sit on retribution and start at 30 and raise it to 50 without using the stocked it4ems you get when login in to test center and using items you go out and get (mainly talking about relics,essence etc)

but anyway now I have aheadache from all the testing and stuff i need a break and a beer lol

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Imbuing is a physical process. You need to be at a forge and have proficiency in the correct skill (Blacksmithy, Tailoring, etc.) in order to work the item.
Where are you getting this information? It is my understanding that imbuing supports mysticism, and item id can be useful for unravelling, but it essential stands alone for actually imbuing.

Just in case I got the wrong end of the stick, I just set blacksmith to 0 on Retribution, then imbued fire resist onto a plate helm.


Where are you getting this information? It is my understanding that imbuing supports mysticism, and item id can be useful for unravelling, but it essential stands alone for actually imbuing.

Just in case I got the wrong end of the stick, I just set blacksmith to 0 on Retribution, then imbued fire resist onto a plate helm.
Facts get in the way of a good rumor? Not on this forum!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Storm, I raised it from 25 to 45 will that do? I made daggers with dull copper hammers and unravelled them to get to 25 - most people would buy it to 40, but I was working with Siege in mind. From that I got 492 magic residue. I used that and some citrines bought from Vesper jeweller. 1276 citrines used @ 50gp each. I could have got them from solen infiltrators (warrior type) or fire eles, or earth eles, but it would have taken longer.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Where are you getting this information? It is my understanding that imbuing supports mysticism, and item id can be useful for unravelling, but it essential stands alone for actually imbuing.

Just in case I got the wrong end of the stick, I just set blacksmith to 0 on Retribution, then imbued fire resist onto a plate helm.
I think I mixed up altering with Imbuing. I haven't tested Imbuing out much yet except looked at the menu.


How about making it so that the difficulty starts raising based on what you add to the item and not what the item contains as a whole?

That way, you can start from a blank slate with 0% but you'd have to add 500% to max it out so it would be the more difficult item to create.

Whereas, if you started from a runic that had 200% already, you'd only have to add 300% and so it wouldn't be as hard.

This way, runics aren't made useless but you can still go from blank if you want.

Sorry if this is the way it already is, was just something that came off the top of my head.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about making it so that the difficulty starts raising based on what you add to the item and not what the item contains as a whole?

That way, you can start from a blank slate with 0% but you'd have to add 500% to max it out so it would be the more difficult item to create.

Whereas, if you started from a runic that had 200% already, you'd only have to add 300% and so it wouldn't be as hard.

This way, runics aren't made useless but you can still go from blank if you want.

Sorry if this is the way it already is, was just something that came off the top of my head.

I don't think it is like this but I was proposing that in the other thread wilki made last night. That way crafting with runics would still be good and looting as well while people could still go the old way of imbuing and put the mods on a blank slate item.

But I'm actually happy they took that change away...But if it ever is instituted in the future the above is what I would like to see done. It would still be possible to add 5 properties to blank items but would be difficult with the more imbuing done to it while an item with 2 mods already would be easier to imbue the other three mods on.


The mob has spoken.. just wait for the changes, even if it's a year or two from now. I'd love to see your pro-quotes alongside your eventual anti-quotes coming in the next few months/years.

You got your way, UHall, live with it.


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
Storm, I raised it from 25 to 45 will that do? I made daggers with dull copper hammers and unravelled them to get to 25 - most people would buy it to 40, but I was working with Siege in mind. From that I got 492 magic residue. I used that and some citrines bought from Vesper jeweller. 1276 citrines used @ 50gp each. I could have got them from solen infiltrators (warrior type) or fire eles, or earth eles, but it would have taken longer.
so you see my point thats just 25 to 45 that as we all know is the easiest to level but you had to use the dull copper hammer and the ore to make the pieces then 1276 citrines the point i wanted to make was even at the lowest levels it can cost alot and take time and even then you can not make the uber items until you reach the upper levels! I think people should stop making all these assumptions till we actually see what it costs on a production shard and how long it takes

I am sure there will be the power gamers who will have it done in a week but this is the same with all skills..

I think it will be fun and finally level out the playing field some


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
She didnt have to use the runic. She could have used low end monster loot.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're talking crazy..
Ailish was referring to Petra's post about training imbue at the low levels by unravelling weak items. (I'd not tested, but unravelling only allows you to gain imbuing up to a certain level).

Petra generated the weak items using a DC hammer. Normally, it would be far more efficient to just farm mobs for these weak items.

You have to remember, on a prodo shard, ingots takes time to mine and smelt, BODs takes time to get/complete. More time than simply farming mobs for soulforge fodder.


So....this means you can imbue an item over and over again until it hits 450% or 500%?

So basically runics are useless?

Or are you saying you can imbue it one time and up to that limit?

Imbuing from a blank item to max intensity doesn't seem like a good plan to me unless you are getting rid of runics and bods. Thats my .02.
My suggestion is you jump on the test shard and see how many resources it takes to get the item to its max. after you figure out the hours it will take you to get those resources, get out of the hospitol from the heart atttack you got. Then lets hear what ya gotta say!


Ailish was referring to Petra's post about training imbue at the low levels by unravelling weak items. (I'd not tested, but unravelling only allows you to gain imbuing up to a certain level).

Petra generated the weak items using a DC hammer. Normally, it would be far more efficient to just farm mobs for these weak items.

You have to remember, on a prodo shard, ingots takes time to mine and smelt, BODs takes time to get/complete. More time than simply farming mobs for soulforge fodder.
Good response.. too bad you don't know this reply was a backhanded beta-forum reply, and only an inside joke to a select few people.

You did give a good reply though.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awesome. I've felt imbuing is fine and should stay as powerful as it is now since I got into the closed beta a few months ago (maybe, I don't remember when). Players on equal footing and such.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good response.. too bad you don't know this reply was a backhanded beta-forum reply, and only an inside joke to a select few people.

You did give a good reply though.
DOH, now you tell me...

So what's the inside joke? Lemme in on it, lemme in on it!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wilki, thanks for letting imbuing remain as it is.

1 question please -

What about the change other change you mentioned, the one regarding earrings and necklaces? Is that still being weighed and considered?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wilki, thanks for letting imbuing remain as it is.

1 question please -

What about the change other change you mentioned, the one regarding earrings and necklaces? Is that still being weighed and considered?
The one where they can only use normal armor properties? Please god no, don't let that happen. Unless there are some awesome artifacts for gargs, the max dexterity they can get before bless/potions is 141, which is bad. I know I have like, +30 dex on my elf. 5 Crimson (unusable), 5 Mace and Shields (unusable), 15 Jackal's Collar (unusable), 7 Essence of Battle, and 5 bracelet. Pretty unfair tbh.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ok, my ring on production does not have Veterinary so I would be completing it with Vet.

So I would be doing so at the chance/cost setting of the 5th Element.

Thanks for the information.
Enigma, I don't know the answer to this question, but do you know what durability you'd likely end up with on that ring once you started tweaking it with imbuing?

Edited to add: Tried it and it seems you always get a starting durability of 255/255 when you imbue a piece of jewelry that's never before been through the imbuing process.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What if the more an item is tinkered with the more its durability drops? The reasoning being that it will become inherently more unstable the more work that is done to it. So for example if you imbue an item 450% it will have its durability cut by 75%. If you modify an already powerful item by 50% then it only drops 10%?
This idea sounds very goodie.
Well thought JC !

Has anything been said about the durability on items?
Is it possible to PoF item to 255 and then start to imbue?

In that case maybe durability is the way...every time you fail imbuing you loose some durability,10 maybe.
And everytime you imbue a new property you loose some durability,20 maybe.
Numbers above I just made up so that you can change Wilki.

This way you actually will earn durability points if you start with item that already have properties instead of making from scratch.

Thats a middle way from Wilkis both changes.

The Scandinavian

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So for my Peace Tamer, I could make a piece of jewelry with

Animal Taming +15
Animal Lore +15
Animal Veterinary +15
Musicianship +15
Peacemaking +15

I already have a ring like that with the exception of Veterinary and the inclusion of LRC 15 and one other mode.
as I understand it you can only have 450% intensity on jewelry.
You have 100% intensity on all 5 properties making total of 500%.

The Scandinavian


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
What if the more an item is tinkered with the more its durability drops? The reasoning being that it will become inherently more unstable the more work that is done to it. So for example if you imbue an item 450% it will have its durability cut by 75%. If you modify an already powerful item by 50% then it only drops 10%?

I only see a problem in that.......... imbuing is expensive in regards to max intensity modifiers because of the type of resources used up.

And the rate of failures is, obviously, very high at max intensities.

Now, those items built with the max number of modifiers maxed out, will be significantly expensive to make.

If they will last a very short time, this brings up a question, "WHO" will be able to sport these VERY powerfull but very expensive items to be made which will need to be replaced very often ?

My answer is, only those players in the game who are rich enough to support this expensive powerfullness........

Meaning, that the rich will remain uber powerfull and the poor will still struggle........

If the goal is to level the player base, the items MUST level it, not make the gap wider......


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I only see a problem in that.......... imbuing is expensive in regards to max intensity modifiers because of the type of resources used up ...

My answer is, only those players in the game who are rich enough to support this expensive powerfullness........

Meaning, that the rich will remain uber powerfull and the poor will still struggle........

If the goal is to level the player base, the items MUST level it, not make the gap wider......

"Workers of the UO World unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains!" :coco:

True equality is an utopian concept, a lofty goal yet one destined never to be achieved due to the nature of the beast, Man. I do not aspire to be the Top Dog in UO, but I do want to run in that pack :)

A UO god, no - but sainthood is tempting, aye :)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So are crafters now useless? What about Runics? I mean, I've recently burnt 5 HW kits and got nothing of use.

So can some one tell me why I need runics and a fully capped out crafter?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You need runics to create good base items for both training Imbuing and creating good base items to be Imbued.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You need runics to create good base items for both training Imbuing and creating good base items to be Imbued.
Why though when I can just start with a plain bow or half decent monster loot? Its going to cost a lot but so do runics and at least with imbuing you know you're going to get what you want.

So Runics are basically going to be reduced to items for unraveling, thats kinda depressing.

Actually, I've just thought, all crafters are going to be good for is actually collecting the items required for imbuing.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How many times have we burnt runics and got weapons just 1 mod off perfect? Also keep in mind the cost of Imbuing, doing something up from scratch ain't gonna be cheap.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all: repairs. Every item needs to be repaired from time to time. (A sad but very old story ....the majority of crafters are propably used for repairs.)

Runics will have their purpose:
- high end runics are having the potential to create better items than imbuing
- you can add without any fear, material boni to runic crafting
- lower runics will reduce imbuing costs, if you are lucky enough to get desired mods out of them
- pof can be infinately used on runic items


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How many times have we burnt runics and got weapons just 1 mod off perfect? Also keep in mind the cost of Imbuing, doing something up from scratch ain't gonna be cheap.
I agree, but I have lots of weps stored up for this, as I assume most crafters will. I have about 10 axes ready to add SSI into and them be the perfect samp wep. I don't need to craft any more. Bows, I have loads nearly amazing, adding SSI and balanced again, they're done. I don't need 10 amazing axes, 10 amazing maces and 10 amazing bows. I've no more need for runics unless I feel like being made to feel foolish with the RNG which we all adore


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all: repairs. Every item needs to be repaired from time to time. (A sad but very old story ....the majority of crafters are propably used for repairs.)

Runics will have their purpose:
- high end runics are having the potential to create better items than imbuing

I have highlighted the key word, I've burnt a huge amount of runics since I've been playing and never got anything better than what I imbued after 10 mins of play time. Obviously raising the skill will be hard but we'll get there.

- you can add without any fear, material boni to runic crafting
- lower runics will reduce imbuing costs, if you are lucky enough to get desired mods out of them

Runics have come from being top end items to being used to make another skill cheaper. It just seems sad that thats going to happen

- pof can be infinately used on runic items

Assuming you get a great item again, which we can all agree is very very hard to get

I like imbuing, I really do, but I wish is was a max of 300% unless the item already had mods. That would have kept runics more important than just a gold saving item
See above


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, my ring on production does not have Veterinary so I would be completing it with Vet.

So I would be doing so at the chance/cost setting of the 5th Element.

Thanks for the information.
Enigma, I don't know the answer to this question, but do you know what durability you'd likely end up with on that ring once you started tweaking it with imbuing?

Edited to add: Tried it and it seems you always get a starting durability of 255/255 when you imbue a piece of jewelry that's never before been through the imbuing process.
*Sigh* Ok so I imbue this great ring and render it destructible? For a mere 15 skill points?

Nah I do not think so.

*Shrug* But who knows, after this is all published, established and documented I may change my mind.

Thanks for the heads up on turning things destructable with the imbuing process.


How about making it so that the difficulty starts raising based on what you add to the item and not what the item contains as a whole?

That way, you can start from a blank slate with 0% but you'd have to add 500% to max it out so it would be the more difficult item to create.

Whereas, if you started from a runic that had 200% already, you'd only have to add 300% and so it wouldn't be as hard.

This way, runics aren't made useless but you can still go from blank if you want.

Sorry if this is the way it already is, was just something that came off the top of my head.


My brain was skirting around this idea or one similar, though I hadn't set out to fully working it through.

I kind of liked the 'Imbue only 300%' for the fact that it would work with loot and crafted items(w/ Runics), but I don't think I liked it as being necessary. I think 400% might have been a little better because of the item property bonuses from exceptional craftsmanship.

I like the idea of only 450% max item property intensity for non-exceptional items and 500% max item property intensity for exceptional crafted items.

Your idea would also encourage loot and crafting, in the sence that it would make Imbuing easier at higher levels.

e.g. normally, adding the first 2 item properties would have a 100% sucess chance and that third item property would be at a 50% chance. Considering your idea, if I understand it correctly, would make the first 200% to not count towards the difficulty on adding the next 3 mods, causing the final item to be imbuable at a 50% chance on the 5th mod.

Part of the reason I didn't set about working a similar idea through is for the fear of making the max intensity too easy to reach, even after all the time, effort and cost of resources(including the cost of tendonitis!).

I know Imbuing is quite a bit formula intensive as it is. However, to modify your idea, if, instead of completely ignoring the pre-Imbuing property intensities, only a fraction(.9) of the preexisting item property value counted toward the Imbuing success chance.

Currently at 120 Imbuing as a Gargoyle at the Queens Forge, that last item property to get to 500% has about a 1% chance of success(feel free to correct that stat)

With the addition to your idea:
- Item A; an item with 200% preexisting item properties(2x100%) adding that last item property to the 500% limit would act as if it were only 480%, which would increase the chance some, however I'm not sure by how much.
- Item B; Whereas and item with 400% preexisting item properties(4x100%) adding that last item property to the 500% limit would act as if it were only 460%.

That modification to your idea encourages using Loot and Crafted items(along with Runics). This would cause loot and crafted items to not be necessary nore useless(other than unraveling), hopefully without being too uber. Maybe .95 should should be used instead of.9?

On a side note, I thought I remember that bonuses from exceptional craftsmanship didn't count some how. Is it that they don't count towards the success chance of following Imbuings? I'm not sure I fully understood that when it was mentioned.


My brain was skirting around this idea or one similar, though I hadn't set out to fully working it through.

I kind of liked the 'Imbue only 300%' for the fact that it would work with loot and crafted items(w/ Runics), but I don't think I liked it as being necessary. I think 400% might have been a little better because of the item property bonuses from exceptional craftsmanship.

I like the idea of only 450% max item property intensity for non-exceptional items and 500% max item property intensity for exceptional crafted items.

Your idea would also encourage loot and crafting, in the sence that it would make Imbuing easier at higher levels.

e.g. normally, adding the first 2 item properties would have a 100% sucess chance and that third item property would be at a 50% chance. Considering your idea, if I understand it correctly, would make the first 200% to not count towards the difficulty on adding the next 3 mods, causing the final item to be imbuable at a 50% chance on the 5th mod.

Part of the reason I didn't set about working a similar idea through is for the fear of making the max intensity too easy to reach, even after all the time, effort and cost of resources(including the cost of tendonitis!).

I know Imbuing is quite a bit formula intensive as it is. However, to modify your idea, if, instead of completely ignoring the pre-Imbuing property intensities, only a fraction(.9) of the preexisting item property value counted toward the Imbuing success chance.

Currently at 120 Imbuing as a Gargoyle at the Queens Forge, that last item property to get to 500% has about a 1% chance of success(feel free to correct that stat)

With the addition to your idea:
- Item A; an item with 200% preexisting item properties(2x100%) adding that last item property to the 500% limit would act as if it were only 480%, which would increase the chance some, however I'm not sure by how much.
- Item B; Whereas and item with 400% preexisting item properties(4x100%) adding that last item property to the 500% limit would act as if it were only 460%.

That modification to your idea encourages using Loot and Crafted items(along with Runics). This would cause loot and crafted items to not be necessary nore useless(other than unraveling), hopefully without being too uber. Maybe .95 should should be used instead of.9?

On a side note, I thought I remember that bonuses from exceptional craftsmanship didn't count some how. Is it that they don't count towards the success chance of following Imbuings? I'm not sure I fully understood that when it was mentioned.
isnt this thread called ...decision? so wilki already decided how imbuing works. why is it usefull to write a whole book about the 97th possible imbuing-system?


just wanted to add the cost to make this item would be huge on regualar shard
BUT I thought Imbuing was supposed to level the playing field? If uber imbued items cost "a huge amount" as you say, how do new players compete with veterans who have 100x times the resources of the new players?

Im just sayin....


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Runic weapons crafted out of iron/plain wood can be imbued. Should be alot easier to get some super weapon after SA. I doubt many people will start imbuing armor pieces (as the materials DO give alot of base resists) except for a spesific piece or two they need. Some crazyass jewels should be rather common afte SA as well.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BUT I thought Imbuing was supposed to level the playing field? If uber imbued items cost "a huge amount" as you say, how do new players compete with veterans who have 100x times the resources of the new players?

Im just sayin....
This might be a shocker to you - but quality costs. New players' will just have to settle for less powerful suits than vets. Upgrade the suit little by little as time goes by.


isnt this thread called ...decision? so wilki already decided how imbuing works. why is it usefull to write a whole book about the 97th possible imbuing-system?
Actually, I got the impression that the 'decision' was that they weren't going in the proposed direction. To me, that doesn't discount any other possible options. Besides, I was simply responging to a post by someone who had an idea similar to one I had.

Here's a question, how is it useful to ask why my post was useful?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
After reading your feedback, it has been decided that the proposed cap on imbued intensity is not the direction that we're going to go in.

So, there will be no limit on the amount imbued on an item, other than what is already in place, which is 5 properties for a total of 450% weighted intensity for any item except for exceptionally crafted items which get 500%.

That means you can now imbue a "blank" item up to the full potential of the item.

Thank you for your feedback.
Bravo devs!!! Good choice and way to keep things more simplistic!!! Bring on imbuing!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I only see a problem in that.......... imbuing is expensive in regards to max intensity modifiers because of the type of resources used up.

And the rate of failures is, obviously, very high at max intensities.

Now, those items built with the max number of modifiers maxed out, will be significantly expensive to make.

If they will last a very short time, this brings up a question, "WHO" will be able to sport these VERY powerfull but very expensive items to be made which will need to be replaced very often ?

My answer is, only those players in the game who are rich enough to support this expensive powerfullness........

Meaning, that the rich will remain uber powerfull and the poor will still struggle........

If the goal is to level the player base, the items MUST level it, not make the gap wider......
popps, if you don't PvP, why get yourself worked up over this?

Do you have a suit now that lets you go out and engage in the type of PvM you want? Are you able to hunt stuff now and stash a decent amount of gold in your bank every time? Are you pretty content with your suit and have a good supply of repair deeds and powder of fortification handy? Is there an arti or two out there that would pretty much complete your suit and you think you can make enough gold to buy them in a few months, or do you picture yourself going to Doom and maybe getting them as a drop?

If you answered yes to all of those questions, just keep playing and forget Imbuing is even in the game.

Seriously, if what you have now is "good enough," why make yourself miserable with envy and ruin your enjoyment of the game? Just keep your suit repaired and powdered and you'll save yourself the hassles, headaches, and expense of training up a new skill that's going to make throw-away items and more or less put the owners of such things into one of those little hamster wheels, running in an endless circle of always trying to find materials to begin crafting replacements for various parts of their suit.


After reading your feedback, it has been decided that the proposed cap on imbued intensity is not the direction that we're going to go in.

So, there will be no limit on the amount imbued on an item, other than what is already in place, which is 5 properties for a total of 450% weighted intensity for any item except for exceptionally crafted items which get 500%.

That means you can now imbue a "blank" item up to the full potential of the item.

Thank you for your feedback.
Bravo devs!!! Good choice and way to keep things more simplistic!!! Bring on imbuing!
I just wish they'd get rid of that 500% for exceptionally crafted bonus, then I wouldn't even have to log on my crafter for anything, just get my imbuer to do it all... :(

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Get rid of runics altogether and replace them with new rewards.

The rewards crafters get now are old and crusty and the system to get the rewards, abused to no end.

Imbuing is a good start.