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[Discussion] Rares becoming common with Stygian Abyss

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I didn't see this topic yet.

One puzzle quest gives out quite a few and you will be able to do this quest daily.

Moulding Board
Dough Bowl
Horned Totem Pole
Large Square Pillow
Large Diamond Pillow
Character Statue Statue Pedestal

It looks like they used a new graphic for Dragon's Blood so that remains rare.


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But we'll always have Paris...


Lore Keeper
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wish I could say the same...

And yes I know this is the risk we take as collectors...but it still bothers me when there isn't even a slight modification between the rare item and the soon to be common item.

Lady Lovely

Also made "Bushel" Craft-able :( Same as far as I can tell.:cursing:


Lore Master
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Which is the direction of "Moulding Board"?
and, Is it a turnable?


Lore Keeper
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Moulding board faces the same direction as the rare...far as I can tell, no different.


While I'm thrilled to finally be able to acquire some of these items for my own, deco purposes, I really do wish they were somehow different from the true rares. By making them indistinguishable from the originals, the devs are, in fact, just trashing pieces of UO history! I'm might be kinda weird, but with the truly old rares, there's a story behind their existence, like the talking statues, for example. Why can't the new items be tagged as replicas?


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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The only official story behind the talking statues is that they were not supposed to be acquired by players, as far as I know. The graphic being reused will always be a relatively high risk with server birth rares, along with the fact that most are heavily duped.


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To Laina

Thanks for your reply.
I seem to lose my "Moulding Board", too. *cry*


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Staining lets you dye books with specific hues. So, that might or might not affect some rare books out there.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I thought it was not possible to make the bushels and baskets in their natural hues, has that changed?

red sky

Stratics Veteran
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While I'm thrilled to finally be able to acquire some of these items for my own, deco purposes, I really do wish they were somehow different from the true rares. By making them indistinguishable from the originals, the devs are, in fact, just trashing pieces of UO history! I'm might be kinda weird, but with the truly old rares, there's a story behind their existence, like the talking statues, for example. Why can't the new items be tagged as replicas?
Aye, it's too bad that true rares have already been trashed. Not by the devs but perhaps by some of the very persons viewing this thread.

Lady Lovely

I thought it was not possible to make the bushels and baskets in their natural hues, has that changed?
It allowed me to, quite by accident I did it. I was working with something earlier and had clicked the button that says "don't use color" (or something like that) and the first couple of baskets I made came out natural color. I checked my old rare bushel and the new one and the old one look exactly the same, name is in yellow on both and each have the same stones. I wish they would change it somehow to make it still be special ...but this is how it always is with rares....:blushing:


There are also some bottles in clusters that can be acquired, I forget where I've seen them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The moulding board, dough bowl, bushel and 2 pillows have been renamed.

Please let me know what the exact name of the other rares are (skull totem and statue base) so I can make sure they are renamed differently as well. If you're suggesting new names, make sure to specify they are suggestions and not the current name of those items.


The moulding board, dough bowl, bushel and 2 pillows have been renamed.

Please let me know what the exact name of the other rares are (skull totem and statue base) so I can make sure they are renamed differently as well. If you're suggesting new names, make sure to specify they are suggestions and not the current name of those items.
Will just a name change be enough? Can a hue be changed on them so there is further distinction with them than the true/server rares? Can they have a different 'facing' than the aforementioned (or even the ability to be changed via deco tool)?

Be prepared Regine, we are.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
just changing the name will distinguish them, no? now being able to use the deco tool on them? that would be very sweet :thumbsup:


Lore Keeper
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That is great news in my opinion - I think the name change itself helps tons. Thanks Regine!!

Now we just need to work on the other items - connected bottles, flask stand, dirty frypan and I think a couple of other items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Now we just need to work on the other items - connected bottles, flask stand, dirty frypan and I think a couple of other items."

Those are stealable so I think they have the scaled Rarity mark on them.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The moulding board, dough bowl, bushel and 2 pillows have been renamed.

Please let me know what the exact name of the other rares are (skull totem and statue base) so I can make sure they are renamed differently as well. If you're suggesting new names, make sure to specify they are suggestions and not the current name of those items.
Thats awesome, and if we ever meet up remind me to buy you a beer. :)


Well i agree there should be a rares community, it is also nice to have some deco items. I think what the Devs are trying to do is "fix" duping. Since gold sales have come to a screeching halt, dupers have been duping other items. Do you know how many real LT sashes i have seen recently. Dont even get me started on Val hammers. I think they feel by giving these items out it will make dupers less likely to dupe them. What they need to do is fix the duping instead of pissing other people off. Its not fair to the people who have acquired these items fairly. If this is what they are doing i think its a sad excuse and an even sadder attempt to fix a huge problem in the game.


Lore Keeper
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I do understand that people want to have some of these items as deco. It is actually a large reason why I started collecting myself. I still hope they fix the other items to a re-hued or renamed graphic. While the "artifact rarity" label helps, the value of the true rare is still greatly diminished. The little pink bottle (artifact rarity 1) is a great example of how few people look twice at the true rare version of the item. Had it simply been re-hued at the time of release, the rare would have remained rare and people would have the graphic to use in the house as they pleased.

Again, I am very grateful to Regine for fixing those items she had control over - and rather quickly at that. Much appreciate the names offered by Devil's Own as well!


Grand Poobah
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i got an experimental gem from puzzle is normal?

is my first time im try puzzle

help me plz

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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i got an experimental gem from puzzle is normal?

is my first timer im try puzzle

help me plz
experimental gem is needed for the next series of puzzles in the big puzzle room!, in a hidden location not far from where you got that.....there is no NDA for this part so i can give a hint (among the undead lies a hollow wall between 2 sparklies)